Hamburg High School September 2015

English 10R, Room 246

Mrs. L. Raybold


Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to the beginning of a new school year! As we prepare for a productive year of learning and achievement, I would like to provide some important information about the goals and expectations in our class that will help each student to be successful.

Following is an overview of academic and behavioral expectations, classroom procedures, and course content. Please take time to review this information and then fill out, sign, and return the attached form as soon as possible so that I can be sure you have received it and can address any concerns you may have in a timely manner.

Part I: Course Overview


The tenth-grade English curriculum is designed to improve and refine students’ written and oral communication skills, as well as their reading and comprehension skills, in a manner that meets or exceeds the state academic standards.

Each student will be expected to read (orally and independently) both in and out of class, to listen and contribute to class discussions, to take notes on information presented in class, and to read and summarize materials presented in class. Students will be required to participate in large and small group discussions and to express their ideas through written and oral presentations. Students will be expected to use a dictionary and thesaurus to process words and increase vocabulary, and to write clear, focused, and grammatically correct paragraphs, essays, and reports. In addition, students will be introduced to and expected to utilize the various forms of print and electronic media/databases that are available in the library media center to aid in the preparation of special assignments such as research projects and portfolios.

Students will be evaluated after each major unit. All tests will be announced, and a review will precede the test. Quizzes, both announced and unannounced, will be given periodically to monitor understanding and attention to course concepts.

Class participation points will be awarded for participation in classroom discussions and “on our feet” activities, and for volunteering for class readings. Extra-credit work may be offered but will not be substituted for required course work and must be completed before grades are averaged.

C. PRIMARY TEXT: The Language of Literature (McDougal, Littell)

SECONDARY TEXTS: Improving Vocabulary

Animal Farm by George Orwell

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Othello by William Shakespeare

Night by Elie Wiesel

MOVIES: Lord of the Flies


Oprah Interview with Elie Wiesel

D. REQUIRED MATERIALS: Binder w/ dividers for in-class note-taking and storage of


Loose-leaf paper (clean edges only!) for daily assignments

Pens (blue or black ink only), Pencils (bring extras!), Post-Its

Colored Pens for editing/annotating

Hi-Liters for close reading exercises

Part II: Behavioral Expectations and Interventions


1.  Show respect for yourself and others at all times.

*Listen when others are speaking (one person speaks at a time).

*Raise your hand.

*Stay in your seat.

*Keep room and desks neat.

*No teasing, swearing, or put-downs.

*Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

2.  Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings.

*Enter and leave the room in an orderly manner.

*Use the lavatory and water fountain between classes.

*Sharpen your pencil before class begins.

*Have homework ready at the beginning of class.

3.  Do your homework.

*Bring required materials to class.

*Follow directions and procedures.

*Begin assigned work promptly.

B.  DISCIPLINE PLAN: If a student acts inappropriately, the following interventions** will

be implemented:

1. First Offense: Warning

2. Second Offense: Parent Notification (phone call or email)

3. Third Offense: Behavioral Referral (may lead to school detention or


[**Code of Conduct violations will be handled according to the HHS Code of

Conduct. Severe infractions may result in immediate behavioral referral.]

Part III: General Classroom Procedures


*Students are expected to review and follow the Hamburg High School Code of Conduct as printed in their agendas.


*Students will be expected to be in their assigned seats at the bell and to remain in their seats unless instructed otherwise.


*Work should be completed in blue/black ink or pencil. Formal essays must be typed or neatly handwritten in ink.

*Papers to be submitted for a grade should be neat, legible, have no folds/creases/wrinkles, and have clean edges (notebooks with perforated pages are ideal). Take pride in your work!

*All student work should include the following heading:

Name Class Period

Date Assignment Title


*Unless there is an emergency, students are expected to remain in class for the entire period. If you do need to leave the room for any reason, you must have a pass.


*If arriving late to class, you will need to have a pass from the office or another staff member in order for the lateness to be excused. Three unexcused tardies will result in school detention.


*Students may check their phones before class begins and after it ends. Otherwise

phones should not be out during class time. MP3 Players/Ear buds should not be

out/worn during class unless students have been given permission to use them.


*All work will be given a point value equivalent to its importance to the course. At the end of each marking period students’ grades will be calculated by dividing the total number of points they earned by the total number of possible points to reach a percentage. The minimum passing average is 65%.


*Students are responsible for all class work and homework assignments. Missed work due to absences may be made up only if the absence is excused and the student sees the teacher the day he/she returns to arrange for make-up work. In the case of an extended illness, parents also have the option of calling the main office to request that work be left there for pick-up after 3:00PM.

*Students who are not prepared with homework will be assigned to the Homework Assistance Program (HAP) where they will have the chance to make up work at a penalty of 10%. If students choose to skip the HAP but still make up their work, the penalty will be 50%. Students who skip the HAP will also be referred to their vice principal for skipping the detention. Late work will be accepted only up to the next day after it is due.


*We will share the results of quizzes/tests/projects through in-class review and grades will be posted on the student/parent portal.

*Please feel free to contact me at any time about any concerns you may have by phoning the school and leaving a message for me (646-3300). If you prefer, please contact me via email at (caps not necessary). Conferences can be arranged at our mutual convenience.

This information has been reviewed in class with students. Please review it carefully, fill out, and sign the bottom portion of this letter, and return it to me as soon as possible. Thank-you and I look forward to working with you and your student this year!


Lori A. Raybold


Student’s name______Period#______

Name of Parent/Guardian______

Home phone number and best time to call______

Work or cell phone number and best time to call______

Important information about this student______


Student’s signature______

Parent’s/Guardian’s signature______