Weekly Training Plan
To be completed by the mentor together with the trainee teacher
Week: / 6 / Date: / 19/10/15Name: / JB / Subject: / Design + Technology
1. Pupil Progress
What evidence do you have that you have impacted on pupil progress?(Please provide clear evidence for your judgement below. Consider your evidence bundle and pupil progress successes over the past week and present the outcomes below)
Not Applicable
What will you do to improve the progress of your pupils over the next week?
(You might want to consider specific groups eg. Pupil Premium, EAL, SEND, G & T in the judgements you are forming)
Not Applicable
2. Trainee Progress
What evidence do you have that you are meeting your current targets/ target grade?(You may wish to consider logging specific training activities/ evidence undertaken during the previous week. Also consider your evidence bundle and successes over the past week and present the outcomes below here including appropriate Teachers’ Standards references) / ‘Standards tracker’ updated YES / NO
19/10 Core: Evidence Based teaching TS1, TS2, TS3, TS5, TS6. Learning Communities seminar groups TS3. Pastry making practical TS3, TS4. Ada Lovelace day – STEM – TS3.
20/10 Julie Messenger – Practical Textiles day – development of resources TS3, TS8.
21/10 Core –Learning without limits TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7. ICT in the classroom and introduce TEL assignment /discuss active inquiry assignment. Assessment for learning PM.
22/10 School visit TS1, TS2, TS3, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8.
23/10 School visit TS1, TS2, TS3, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8.
Reading / Research carried out this week to support your training activities (use Harvard referencing)
Ginnis, Paul. The Teacher's Toolkit. Bancyfelin, Carmarthen, Wales: Crown House Pub., 2002. Print.
McGill, Ross Morrison. Outstanding Lessons. Print.
Bennett, T. (2011). Not quite a teacher. London: Continuum.
Read articles via feedly from websites: “TES”, “The Guardian” and “Free technology for Teachers”, Notable:
“This snobby country refuses to see practical as equal to academic” by Michele Hanson, via theguardian.co.uk. 19/10/2015
“Bright, poor students could lose out in pupil premium shake-up” by tes.co.uk. 23/10/2015
Making required progress / Cause for Concern
3. Targets
Agreed targets for the coming week(Targets should be SMART, fit for purpose, trainee and pupil progress driven and written using the language of the Standards and grade descriptors)I& should include 1 x pedagogical, 1 x Subject knowledge / TS
reference / Training activities to support progress towards targets
(How are you going to meet your targets?)
1. Create a ‘making portfolio’
2. Plan my lessons for the next two weeks
3. Start filling out the Active Inquiry proposal.
4. Start creating resources for my lessons, using the keyring idea / TS3
TS4 / I will be able to collate all the photos of my various makes over the reading week. This will allow me to show growth within my skill set.
Over half term I will have time to plan lessons in advance of two weeks to get to my PCM and Mentor to look over before I start.
Tutorials on Tuesday to go through my proposal and make sure it all makes sense.
Depending on my shipment from China this may be ready for my first week teaching, in the mean time I shall prep what I want on the keyrings but will wait to laminate.
4. Reflection
Reflection of week (Include progress, concerns, observations and activities planned – this may be presented elsewhere – please indicate where this can be found) / Monday’s lecture was great and made me feel more confident about the area I want to look at for my Active Inquiry; this may all change once I am in school though. I am feeling as if I would prefer more practical tips with how to be organised or deal with behaviour over the theory at this stage. What I would have found helpful this week is to have time to plan lessons and get peer advice on it. Also I learnt a lot about pastry today and felt as if I could try this again in my own time.
Tuesdays session was great, not only did I learn how to complete some basic seams but I also made a pencil case, which when following the instruction manual (with step by step samples) it wasn’t that hard to complete. I’m able to hand stitch quite well so I am able to visualise what the product will look like when completed.
Wednesday’s lecture was very engaging and we looked at different kinds of intelligence. I discovered via a quiz during the lecture that I have the growth mind set. Afterwards we were introduced to the second essay, it’s more exciting than the active inquiry. Which I was glad to see some more examples of, during our Learning Communities we had only ever been shown one example of the proposal and the essay itself. As it’s been a few years since I have academically written it was nice to see examples to reassure myself with the formatting etc.
Year 7 evaluation day (lessons), being ill isn’t helping my concentration but I got through. I felt that both lessons were OK, not great and a lot of areas for improvement. The first was the Y7 B group, they had made a Board Game from recycled shoe boxes. I handed out evaluation sheets but confused some of the girls as I wasn’t clear with what they had to fill out, I felt that they got confused by the ‘peer’ element of the sheets. It was evident who the stronger characters of the groups were as they wanted their games played first. A lot of the games were too complicated or their instructions weren’t clear enough, I used this opportunity to say how evaluation is important as it gives you the chance to bring up pros and cons of a finished product. I got to give out a couple of merits which was interesting to see how the girls nearly pounced on me to get them. This could be something I include within my active inquiry.
It was clear to see the differences between the A group and the B group. Group A wanted my advice and generally listened, B you had to work with. I found my arm raising waiting for quiet with the A group which must have been instinct but I didn’t try that with the B group so next time this is something to try out. With my lesson plan I would have included time to allow the girl’s time to cut out their homework (design the net of the bag). The A group were responsive to my lesson and I lost a track of time and suddenly realised I had to let them know where they were going on the next rotation; there was a cheer when I said it was Food.
Inset day and we were focusing on Safeguarding. There was a lot of information to take in from eSafety to FGM. With all of these activities I enjoyed the questioning at the end, it was nice to meet other people from other departments within the school. There’s a lot of things to look out for but once I start to know the girls more I will be more aware of any changes in their behaviour etc. One thing to take away from this is to report straight away to the necessary people when you’re concerned about anything.
Signed by Mentor
Signed by Trainee / JB
Date / 23/10/2015
(Copies to Trainee, Mentor, UEL Tutor)
Please ensure this is copied into Section 2 of your PDP