Instructions for DMDC electronic file transmission on the PARIS Project

Paris Data Submission

Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) provides computer services for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) specifically for the PARIS project.

Electronic file transmission

Electronic file transmission is similar to FTP. The Social Security Administration has purchased the software and the appropriate licenses for State agencies to ease the file transfers between SSA and the various states. The -Connect Direct product-electronic file transmission will encrypt the data during the file transfer if the Secure+ software is implemented. Secure+ is a built in part of -Connect Direct-electronic file transmission, but it must be licensed and set up to be able to encrypt the data. If secure+ isn't available, then a VPN (Virtual Private Network)can be used to encrypt the data and then sent with -Connect direct-electronic file transmission. We suggest that you contact your systems personnel to discuss this transmission since all States use -C:D-electronic file transmission to sent State employee wage data to SSA on a monthly basis.

Initially, each State that intends to submit to PARIS must file the appropriate form attached so that DMDC has the correct electronic file transmission information on file. This only is required at the time of the first submission to PARIS. Once the form is received and approved by DMDC, each state is encouraged to set-up testing with DMDC. Regarding the -C:D-electronic file transmission form, for clarification, in the -C:D-electronic file transmission User ID slot you'll see THREE User IDs (x3760, x4367, and CC36). Please set up all three so any of these accounts can send your files. These forms are to be sent to Portia Gilliam.

When Member States are notified by PARIS headquarters in an e-mail that quarterly submissions of data are due, each Member State needs to submit an e-mail if they choose not to submit in a particularly quarter. Also, after they submit the data to -C:D-electronic file transmission, each participating State needs to submit an e-mail. All e-mails are to be sent to Portia Gilliam.

Using Other Than Connect Direct Transmission

If you choose another mode of transmission outside of C:D, please contact Portia Gilliam who can discuss alternatives with you.

Record Formats

There are the Interstate, VA, and Federal input and output record formats. Please note you submit only ONE data file (STATE_INPUT. DOC). This State file is used for all matches. The VA input (VET_INPUT. DOC) shows the VA submission data elements and the code listings.

In the Interstate match, instead of appending the matching state record to the submitting state record at position 511, the matching state record is a new record starting at position 1. Every record has a 510 LRECL. The states use the State Name field at positions 55-69 to determine the state identity of any given record. In the VA match, the VA information is appended to the first 129 bytes of the state information.

Please insure that your files have unique SSNs. Our program will retain the first record, but will drop all subsequent records containing a duplicate SSN.

PARIS File Schedule

PARIS matches will take place in February, May, August and November of each year. At a minimum, each participating state is expected to participate in the AUGUST interstate match. Each State may participate in as many of the program matches offered. PARIS Members will receive an e-mail at the beginning of the month when the submission is due (i.e. a due date notice will be sent out at the beginning of August when the August submission is due).

DMDC Personnel Information

Portia Gilliam


Hiram Cooke CIV DMDC

System Administrator

IT Operations

831.583.2400 X4374

6040 Seaside California


FAX number for DMDC: 831-583-2339

We look forward to working with you!