Autumn 2010

Clerking Matters

A Termly Briefing for Clerks in Knowsley

Contents Page No.
12. / LA Governor Appointments Panel
Agenda items for summer term
Clerks Forum
Election Procedures and appendices
Risk Assessing Governors
Governing Body Support material
Support for New Chairs of Governors
Governor Support Service Review
Executive Directors Report
Policy Adoption / 2

Team Contact Details

Victoria Meredith
(Business Manager) /  0151 443 3216

Carol King
Business Management Officer
[Governor Support] / 0151443 3263

Natalie Bonfield
Business Management Officer
[Governor Support] / 0151 443 3246

website –

LA Appointments Panel
If your school has a vacancy and you know of anyone interested in becoming a governor, application forms are available on the governor website or from the Governor Support Service. Contact details on welcome page. The next panel date is 6 December 2010
If you have any concerns regarding your governing bodies’ vacancies or attendance of Authority appointed governors please contact the Service.
Agenda items to be considered for the Autumn term 2010
(see also annual planner on Governornet)
•Review of committee membership, terms of reference and delegated powers *
•Review Performance Management Policy
•Review Headteacher Performance and set objectives for coming year*
•Annual review of pecuniary (business) interest register (at least annually, but be aware of the need to update with new appointments)*
•Review SAT, GCSE and other Results and Set Targets *
•Receive SIP report
•Agree absence target*
•Draw up admissions policy and finalise admission arrangements (voluntary aided schools)*
•Appointment of Link Governors (those with special responsibilities for monitoring
specific areas, including link governor for training and development)
•Appoint Performance Management Governors*
•Agree cycle of dates for year including committees
•Receive staff Pay Review Report and confirmation each teacher has received a pay statement
•Receive and Discuss School Annual Self Review with LA
•Review destination of school leavers
•Review schools charging policy e.g. summer visits*
•DraftSchool Development Plan
•Review SEF form and update as necessary
•Receive audit of school policies and procedures
*indicates a statutory requirement
Please remember this is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive.
Clerks’ Forum
Next date 11/11/10. Please book your place via the website.
Please ensure copies of full meeting minutes and Headteacher’s reports are sent in as soon as possible. These do not necessarily have to be signed and we would prefer copies to be sent electronically. The majority of clerks are still not sending these in despite termly reminders and an item on the Directors Report. Please ensure minutes for the lat 18 months are sent through before the end of term – this can help avoid having to email regarding policy adoption, membership changes can be checked against the database and can also inform discussions on content, layout etc of minutes etc at termly forums.
Election Procedures and Appendices
All documentation regarding elections has been updated and posted on the clerk’s corner of website. See also below – risk assessments.
Risk Assessing Governors
Material has been updated due to the delay in new vetting and barring procedures. eCRB checks are now required prior to appointment as with staff. Please use documentation on the Clerks Corner of the websitewith immediate effect. See also directors report item.
Governing Body Support Material
The latest support booklet from the Learn Together Partnership is ‘The governors’ role in safeguarding’. This will be launched in Knowsley on 4 November – see training bulletin for more details. Please encourage at least one member of your Governing Body to attend the session. There is an alternative date – 16 November 2010 bring held at St Helens to which governors can attend.
Support for New Chairs of Governors
A copy of the ‘Chairs Handbook’ from the National Governors Association will be distributed to new Chairs of Governors upon notification from Clerks. You should also remember to advise Edubase when there is a change of Chair to ensure communications are received correctly.
New Chairs can,and are strongly recommended to; attend the ‘Taking the Chair’ session being held in St Helens this term. The session is led by Stella Owen who currently delivers our new governor induction sessions here in Knowsley. Chairs can also contact the Service at any time for additional support if required.
There is a dedicated page for Chairs and Vice-Chairs on the website.
The Service is continuing to add to the already comprehensive site, in particular there are regular updates on the news page. Can you please suggest governors check this on a regular basis. Please also encourage your governors to use the website wherever possible to make bookings for training sessions (you can book on their behalf) as it improves the booking procedures within the Service.
Governor Support Service Review
The bi-annual satisfaction survey was delayed in the summer term but will be circulated shortly for governors and clerksboth in paper form and also on the website. Can I please ask for your support in encouraging your governors to complete the survey by the deadline of 22nd October as it will help inform our future service. (The survey has been designed for individual returns rather than whole governing bodies).
Executive Directors Report
The autumn edition is currently being circulated to schools. Clerks should ensure the report is circulated with the full governing body meeting papers for discussion/action at the meeting. Please also check for any deadlines within the report to ensure these are met (it maybe that certain items will need to be offered to committees for discussion).
Policy adoption
Please advise as soon as possible of your schools date of adoption of the following policies
Data Security Policy
eSafety Strategy
Acceptable Use Policy
CCTV Policy
complaints procedure
Looked after children

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