Welcome to the WSCU Student Government Association Elections!

The forms enclosed in this packet must be completed and turned into the SGA office no later than

5:00 pm on April 26th, 2013

Introduction to Appointments Packet

Dear Candidate,

I first would like to thank you for your interest in running for an Elected or Appointed position on Student Government Association for the 2013-2014 school year. Western State Colorado University is undergoing many changes and it is important that students are represented by strong student leaders. WSCU SGA thrives on improving the Associated Student Body and the Gunnison community, but change and improvement can only be done through you!

You should read this entire packet to familiarize yourself with all the specific election and campaign rules. If you have any questions about a specific position before you apply, please feel free to stop by our office and talk with a current representative for further details about that position, or look at our by-laws that can be found on our website.

Included in this packet you will find a list of important dates to remember, the campaign guidelines, your candidate contract, and a form for the Top of The World.

Both past and current Student Governments feel that you will find great satisfaction if elected to a position. While the tasks may not always be easy and are often time consuming, the remarkably rewarding accomplishments outweigh the difficulties.

We hope that your interest is still piqued and you will continue to be attracted to having an effect on the changes and improvements that happen on this campus.

Please be aware that no packets will be accepted after 5:00 pm on April 26th, 2013.

If you have any further questions, we are more than happy to assist you!

You may contact:

Haleigh Hanifen Aurora Lindholm

(303) 903-9884 (720) 206-4923

Again, thank you for your interest in the

Western State Colorado University Student Government Association


Haleigh Hanifen

2012-2013 SGA President

Important Dates for Spring 2013 Elections and Appointments

April 5th - Election Packet Due for ELECTED POSITIONS

April 8th - April 19th - Elections Open

April 19th – Election Results Announced

April 26th – APPOINTED Position packet due by 5:00 pm

April 5th –Candidate Meeting at 5:00 pm in the SGA Office

Application Criteria

ü  Must be a full time student in good standing with the registrar’s office. Student cannot be on academic probation.

ü  Please include at least one reference and their contact information (Academic advisors and professors are often willing).

ü  Please include a typed resume as well as the Supplemental Questions

Candidate Contract

I, ______(please print) agree that by signing the bottom of this contract, I have read and agree to abide by the conditions specified in this appointment packet.

ü  Once this contract is turned in, and I have met the qualifications I will be officially be considered for the position I am applying for.

ü  With this contract, I consent for the SGA President to submit my information to the Office of the Registrar for confirmation of academic standing.

***Be advised that if this contract is not filled out correctly or accurately and turned into the SGA Office by 5:00 pm on April 26th, 2013, that you will not be considered for employment***

Name: ______MI:______Last: ______

Student ID # ______Phone # ______

Class Standing (circle one) FR SO JR SR

Hours Enrolled (current term): ______

Desired Position (check ONE position)

___ Treasurer ___ Wilderness Pursuits Ambassador

___ Secretary ___ Athletic Ambassador

___ Council for Creative ___ Intramurals Director

Expression Director ___ Inter Club Council Director

___ Program Council Director ___ Club Sports Ambassador

I understand that I must turn in this contract to the SGA Office no later than 5:00 pm on April 26th, 2013 or my name will not appear on the ballot. I also certify that the information provided is accurate and that the information will be verified by the Office of the Registrar.

Signature ______Date ______


(please type)

1.  Why do you wish to be appointed to Western State Colorado University Student Government Association?

2.  What skills do you believe you possess that will contribute to the functionality of SGA?

3.  Please describe what you envision day-to-day activities, duties, and responsibilities of the position you are applying for.

4.  What involvement do you have on campus?

5.  Do you have any areas of concern with SGA? If yes, how would you help to improve these areas?