Article VIII. Eligibility

Section 1 To be eligible to participate in athletics, a student must : (High School)

a. Be excused and/or present in school 1/2 day ( report by 11:00 AM orleave after 11:00 AM for reason considered excused in the student hand book. (Note: An athlete that is continually late, late to class, excused, or unexcused will be handled by their individual coach.)

b. Adhere to the requirements of the Triad High School, the Ohio High School Athletic Association, and regulations as set forth by the head coach.

c. During the preceding 9 week grading period the student must have received passing grades in five one credit courses or the equivalent which count toward graduation. (This is an OHSAA requirement)

d. Have a GPA of 1.67 or better and have no more than one “F” on their grade card. A student may, one time during their career, apply for academic probation if they do not meet the these requirements (The exception being item “c” above). If academic probation is granted, the student will come for tutoring three days per week, either before or after school for 30 minutes and for the remainder of the grading period. The student will remain eligible during this probationary period.

d. If the student is declared ineligible at the end of the 9 week grading period, the student will be denied the privilege of participation in interscholastic contests for the next 9 week grading period.

They will do the following:

Participate in practice

ride the bus to games

Sit on the bench with the team at home and away in their street clothes.

e. Have written permission from his/her parents and undergo a thorough

physical examination by a licensed medical doctor. This must be done

before any conditioning, playing, or equipment maybe issued.

f. Obtain or show proof that he/she possesses or has been given the

opportunity to purchase an injury insurance policy or sign a waiver form. This must be done before any equipment may be issued.

g. When on any trip return with the team unless prior approval of the head coach is obtained to return with his/her parents.

h. Be responsible for all equipment issued to him/her and return it at

the end of the season. If the equipment is not returned and the student goes out for another sport he/she may not participate in that sport until the equipment is returned or financial restitution is made for the lost equipment.

i. Maintain a proper conduct as determined by the head coach and /or

the school.

j. To begin the fall season incoming freshman students eligibility will be

determined under the junior high standards of the O.H.S.S.A.

k. Make the squad where limitations are imposed.

l. Be ruled eligible for participation by the principal/athletic director.

Section II. Additional Requirements for Middle School

a. In addition to the requirements set forth in ArticleVI, section 1, a middle school student to be eligible to participate in athletics must:

1. Receive passing grades in 75% of those subjects on his/her schedule which met five days per week or its equivalent during the preceding

9 week grading period.

Article IX. Athletic Training Rules

Section I. Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Rules

Research has shown that the use of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol have harmful effects on social and intellectual development of children and on their mental, physical, and emotional health. Therefore, regulations concerning tobacco, drugs, and alcohol will be in effect for all athletes year round (365 days), 24 hours a day, while the student is enrolled at Triad in grades 7 through 12.

a. A student shall not possess, conceal, use, or show signs of use of narcotics, drugs, look-a-like drugs, or be in possession of drug paraphernalia. The drinking, purchasing, or possession of alcoholic beverages of any kind is prohibited. A sip is a drink.

b. The purchasing, possession, or use of tobacco products in any form is prohibited.

c. Selling or distributing tobacco, drugs, and/or alcohol is prohibited.


Section II. Violations of the drug, alcohol, and tobacco rules will be handled as follows:

a. First Violation: For the first violation the student athlete will be denied participation for 30% of the athletic contests for that sport, beginning with the next contest for that sport. The athlete must attend all practices and games with the team during the supension period. If the student is currently not participating in a sport, the penalties for the first violation will be enforced during that athlete’s next sport season. If there are less than 30% of the contests left in the season, the remaining percentage of the penalty will carry over to that athlete’s next sport season. The athlete must finish the season in which the 30% penalty is enforced or the penalty is null and void and will then be applied to that athlete’s next sport season. If the athlete’s sport plays both varsity and junior varsity contests on a given date or weekend those games shall count as one total contest. (i.e. An athlete may not consider the JV and varsity games as two contests.) For clarification 30% of the contests for each sports are listed below:

Sport30%Based on

Football3 games 10 games

Basketball6 games 20 games

Softball8 games 25 games

Baseball8 games 25 games

Volleyball7 matches 22 games

Wrestling6 points 20 points

Golf5 matches 16 matches

Track & Field4 meets 13 meets

Cross Country4 meets 13 meets

Soccer5 games 16 games

Note: The number of games is rounded to the next highest game

b. Second Violation: For the second violation the student athlete will be denied participation in athletics for one calendar year. All awards they may have earned in that sport are forfeited.

c. Third Violation: For the third violation the student athlete will be denied participation in athletics at Triad for the remainder of the athlete’s career. All athletic awards they may have earned are forfeited.

d. These penalties will be enforced if the student/athlete is caught, observed, or found to be in violation of a rule by a law enforcement officer, a coach, an administrator, a staff member, or by any certificated personnel of Triad Local Schools . This includes a student athlete who tests positive in a random drug test.

e. The student will be granted proper due process prior to any disciplinary action being taken.

f. Following verbal notification of any denial of participation or dismissal to the player and his/her parents , the action shall be reduced to writing explaining the violation, the penalty, and granting the parents and/or the player a hearing with the coach ,the athletic director and the principal involved. Notification for an appeal must come from the student athlete or his/her parents within 5 days following the denial of participation.

g. On any violation of the Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Rulesthe student will, within one week, schedule an appointment with a certified chemical dependency counselor or Alternative Tobacco Program (or at an agency certified by the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services) for a chemical dependency assessment and then follow the recommendation of the counselor. If treatment is recommended, it must be with an Ohio Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor. The student may be asked to submit to weekly urine testing for five weeks (upon recommendation from the CCDC) at the student’s expense. The Parent/guardian/custodian is responsible for all expenses associated with chemical dependency counseling. This is to be done before the student will be reinstated to participate in games under the above rules. All programs must be approved by the principal.

h. If the violation occurs at a school function, the student will also be disciplined under the rules and regulations of the Triad Student Handbook.

Section III. Parent/Guardian or self-referral policy:

An athlete who willingly comes forward or if a parent/guardian of an athlete makes a referral for their own child before "proof of violation" has been established (observed by school employee, chaperone, law enforcement agency, etc) or before having been questioned by school personnel about a possible violation and seeks assistance for having a drug, alcohol, and/or tobacco problem and agrees to participate in a drug, alcohol, and/or tobacco rehabilitation program approved by the Principal and follows the recommendations of the program, will not be penalized under our Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Rules. Continued participation in activity is contingent upon the athlete enrolling in an approved program within one week of the self-referral. A self-referral form will need to be completed and turned into the Athletic Director upon enrollment. However, an athlete may undergo this procedure only once in their athletic career. If an athlete is later found to have violated the Drug, Alcohol or Tobacco Rules again, it will be considered their second violation.

Section IV.Additional Regulations

a. No member of an athletic team, during a contest, will use profanity or resort to obscene gestures or insubordination toward anyone involved. (teammates , coaches, officials, etc.) All members should conduct themselves in a manner that will bring credit to the team, school, and community. Coaches will be responsible for disciplining the student.

b. Astudent may not be required to participate in any sport as a

prerequisite for participation in another sport.

c. In the case of unusual or extenuating circumstances, the final decision will be made by the high school or middle school principal.

d. Any student taking equipment, uniforms, or personal

property or damaging equipment or property belonging to this or

another school is subject to possible denial of participation with

the squad and/or suspension or expulsion from school. All property

must be returned or accounted for.

e. All students have the opportunity to participate in more than one

sport per season. The athlete who decides to participate in more than one

sport in the same season must declare to the Athletic Director a MAJOR SPORT and a MINOR SPORT prior to the first regularly scheduled contest of either sport. If a conflict should arise between two sports the MAJOR SPORT will take precedence.

f. A student may not quit a sport and begin participation in another sport or begin organized preparation for another sport until that season has concluded.

g. If an athlete gets suspended from orremoved from an athletic team once the team has been selected, they may not participate in another sport or begin organized preparation for the next sport season until the sport from which they were removed has concluded.

h. All members will abide by any additional rules as set forth by the

individual coaches of various sports. These rules will be in writing with a copy on file in the office of the principal, and athletic director.

i. School policy supersedes all athletic rules

Article X.General Policies

a. Students may not participate in athletics while under a doctor's care,

and advised by the doctor not to participate. A written note from the

attending physician certifying fitness must be presented when the student is physically fit.

b. Coaches shall use all measures to see that each pupil is properly

conditioned before entering him/her in a contest.

c. It is the coach's duty, when necessary, to require that a pupil see

his/her family doctor.

d. Undersized players should not be over-matched . Any question concerning physical ability should receive serious attention.

e. The scope of jurisdiction for coach’s policies is from the time the athlete starts conditioning to the awards program.

f. If an athlete is injured during participation in an open-gym, conditioning, game, or practice and is held out of such competition by a parent or doctor, the parent and or any doctor that held the athlete out must be the one to reinstate that athlete.

g. The individual coach maydetermine punishment in addition to

school policy of an athlete who has received detention, Thursday

night school, Saturday school, In School Suspension, or is Suspended.

The coach will notify the athletic director and the principal of any

additional punishment.

h. Vacation - Will be handled be by individual coaches.

i. Triad Local Schools will not sponsor inter-scholastic sports competition below the seventh grade level.

k. All coaches/advisors must meet state and local requirements in

relation to CPR, first aid, and prevention, treatment, and

rehabilitation of injuries.