Day / 07:00-08:15 / 08:30-12:00(Breaks 10:00-10:30 in Foyer) / 12:00-13:30 / 13:30-17:00 / 17:00-18:00 / 18:00-19:15 / 19:30-22:00
(Breaks 20:40-21:00 in Foyer) / 22:00-23:00
March 7 / Registration
St. Andrews Foyer / Welcome Reception
Grand Lagoon Deck / Dinner
TBA: Grand Lagoon Deck or
St. Andrews Ballroom V-VI / CONFERENCE OPENING
Conference Chair: DeAnna Oser
Co-Chair: Larry Cottone
1. Measurements at Unusual Sources
Co-Chair: Ray Merrill
Co-Chair: Jeff Ryan
St. Andrews Ballroom I-III / Social Hour
St. Andrews Ballroom IV
March 8 / Breakfast
St. Andrews Ballroom V-VI / 2. EPA Methods, Monitoring & Policy
Co-Chair: Peter Westlin
Co-Chair: Robin Segall
St. Andrews Ballroom I-III / Lunch
Grand Lagoon Deck
(12:15-13:30) / Ad Hoc Sessions / Social Hour
St. Andrews Ballroom IV / Dinner
St. Andrews Ballroom V-VI
(18:00-19:15) / 3. Instrumental Methods
Co-Chair: Bob Davis
Co-Chair: Bill Hefley
St. Andrews Ballroom I-III / Social Hour
St. Andrews Ballroom IV
QSTI Exams
(13:00-18:00) / 12. Poster Session
Co-Chair: Scott Swiggard
Co-Chair: Bob Mann
(same) / 12. Poster Session
Co-Chair: Scott Swiggard
Co-Chair: Bob Mann
09:00 - Spouses Meeting
Oleander /
EPA/State/Local Meeting
(14:30 – 17:00)Tuesday
March 9 / Breakfast
St. Andrews Ballroom V-VI / 4. Mercury Monitoring & Measurements
Co-Chair: Jim Serne
Co-Chair: Alexandra Siperstein
St. Andrews Ballroom I-III / Lunch
Grand Lagoon Deck / Ad Hoc Sessions / Social Hour
St. Andrews Ballroom IV / Dinner
St. Andrews Ballroom V-VI
(18:00-19:15) / 5. Quality Assurance
Co-Chair: Scott Evans
Co-Chair: Ron McLeod
St. Andrews Ballroom I-III / Social Hour
St. Andrews Ballroom IV
QSTI Exams(13:00-18:00)
Volleyball Tournament
(13:30-15:30) / Beer Tasting Event
Grand Lagoon Ballroom
Golf Tourney (12:00-17:00)
March 10 / Breakfast
St. Andrews Ballroom V-VI / 6. Particulate & Condensable PM
Co-Chair: Glenn England
Co-Chair: Roy Owens
St. Andrews Ballroom I-III / Lunch
St. Andrews Ballroom V-VI / Ad Hoc Sessions / 7. Methods Workshop
Co-Chair: Steve Eckard
Co-Chair: Jason DeWees
St. Andrews Ballroom I-III. / Conference Awards Banquet
St. Andrews Ballroom V-VI
(19:00-21:00) / Hall of Fame Roast(21:00-23:00)
St. Andrews Ballroom I-III
12. Poster Session (Break)
Co-Chair: Scott Swiggard
Co-Chair: Bob Mann
(same) / SES BOD Mtg
Oleander / Conference Steering Committee
Oleander / STAC Meeting
March 11 / Breakfast
St. Andrews Ballroom V-VI / 8. Air Toxics
Co-Chair: Steve Mandel
Co-Chair: Tom Baldwin
St. Andrews Ballroom I-III / Lunch
Grand Lagoon Deck / Ad Hoc Sessions / Social Hour
St. Andrews Ballroom IV / Dinner
Ostendorf Awards
St. Andrews Ballroom V-VI / 9. GHG, Non-Detects, What Next?
Co-Chair: Walt Gray
Co-Chair: John Sutton
St. Andrews Ballroom I-III / Social Hour
St. Andrews Ballroom IV
SES Annual Members Mtg
(13:30-15:00) / 2011 Conference Planning
St. Andrews Ballroom I-III
March 12 / Breakfast
St. Andrews Ballroom V-VI / 10.Accreditation/Certifications
Co-Chair: Mike Hartman
Co-Chair: Pablo Maiz
Chair: DeAnna Oser
St. Andrews Ballroom I-III / Lunch
St. Andrews Ballroom V-VI
Technical PresentationsSource Evaluation Society ActivitiesSpecial EventsTimes shown in red are exceptions from the normal schedule
*2011 Conference Planning Meeting will immediately follow the SES Annual Membership Meeting. If you would like to be a speaker or a Session Chair at the 2011 Conference, please come to the meeting!