WARREN, N J 07059


Minutes of April 4, 2012 meeting

The meeting was called to order at 8:05 PM

Present Commissioners: J. Henschel (Presiding Officer), P. Lobo, K. Task, H. Black, L. Mandell, A. Winter
Absent Commissioners: S. Graham, P. Villani, Liaison M. Marion

Guests: Chris Kastrud, Township Engineer

The minutes of March 20, 2012 were approved. Jack Henschel abstained.

Flag salute

STATEMENT by Presiding Officer: Adequate notice of this meeting was given

by posting a copy on the Township Bulletin Board and sending a copy to the Township Clerk, Echoes Sentinel and Courier News as required by the Open Public Meetings Act. All Commissioners are duly appointed volunteers working for the Township of Warren. We plan to adjourn by 10 PM.

Next meeting will be April 17, 2012 at the

Municipal building meeting room at 8:00 PM

If you are not able to attend the meeting, please call

the Secretary at 908-369-0682 as soon as possible.

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April 4, 2012 minutes continued


I.  From: Eastern States Environmental Associates Inc.


-  This letter is to inform that the applicant is submitting an application for general permit authorization with remediation of contaminated soils in a WTA

Applicant: Castle Gate Estates at Watchung

Loc: 29 Dubois Road Property

Block 79, Lot 6.01

II. Minutes from other boards or commissions:

None at this meeting.

III. Other Correspondence:

The Commissioners received ordinance supplements and information from the State of NJ on shade tree approved status.


Jack Henschel and Karen Task discussed the ANJEC road show that they attended on March 12, which was an introduction about the process of environmental commissions. This was a joint meeting with other towns.

Laura Mandell provided information from the Green Team about the Green Fair on May 12, 2012 at the Wagner Farm Arboretum.

Phil Lobo spoke about the ERI, and that the WEC has received an extension due to being a volunteer group. They discussed the sections and the availability of information and data, specifically that pertaining to Warren Township. Some Township ERIs are much less comprehensive than Warren’s. The WEC is trying to make the ERI useful and relevant to the Planning Board, the governing body. Chris Kastrud spoke about the maps associated with the ERIs. He stated that some are done and he will have an update the next week. He has a listing of maps. Many were done in the past by Zoning, Historic Sites and Trails Committees. Sewer service maps would be useful for residents. Maps are key reference tools and would be updated every few years. The Commissioners discussed a need for a public meeting to view maps and make comments, as this is part of the ANJEC grant requirements.

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April 4, 2012 minutes continued

He also spoke about easements being required on all wetlands areas. There was an ordinance that went through originally from WEC. They spoke about perhaps an intern or high school student updating the conservation easement information in the summer. Laura Mandell was going to look into this.

Old Business:

The Commissioners discussed the membership of the Commission and its relationship with the Planning Board.

New Business:

None at this meeting.


Case #12-04 184 Property Owner, LLC

184 Liberty Corner Rd.

Site Plan


Meeting date: April 11, 2012

Due date: April 6, 2012

The Warren Environmental Commission discussed this at their April 4, 2012 meeting. They discussed that they would not support the project without further information and justification. They need justification for the parking lot and that they would like to know plans for impervious surface. It is important to keep the vegetation intact.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:54PM

Respectfully submitted,

Katrina De la Cruz, Secretary

“Conservation is Harmony between man & land”