Science Department

William Finnegan, Teacher

Physical, Biological, Environmental Science

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As your child’s Science teacher this year, I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself and give you some insight as to what the year will bring.

First, a little about myself. I have been working at the Pennsauken High School for several years now teaching Physical Science, Biology, and Environmental Science. As a graduate of Pennsauken schools and a life-long resident of the district, I have a great deal of pride in the town and schools. I graduated from Ursinus College with a degree in Biology however, for about 15 years I worked in the field of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). For this reason, you should not be surprised to hear your child talk about the medical aspects of science as that is my background and interest. You will also find that I am very involved in the extra-curricular lives of my students. In addition to being the Stage Crew Advisor, Student Government Advisor, SADD Advisor, and Assistant Director of the Marching Band, I participate in many of the school activities as a chaperone. I believe that the high school experience is important both in and out of the classroom and I encourage all my students to be involved in activities.

So what should you expect from me as your child’s teacher? The first point I like to make to my students is the daily importance science has in their lives. I realize that not every student will excel or even like science; however I try my hardest to find ways to make it interesting and relevant to them. In return, I expect certain things from my students. The first and most important rule I have is respect. As I will show respect to the students, I expect the same in return. I find that mutual respect in the classroom helps to generate an enjoyable and positive academic environment. Otherwise, I will follow the rules of the school as indicated in the student handbook and I think your child will report that I am fair and very approachable.

You will find that I provide numerous opportunities for students to succeed in my classes. Because I believe I give a very fair workload to students, I expect work to be turned in on time and complete. However, I also provide students with opportunities to supplement this workload.

Amnesty Day – twice each marking period, I will offer an opportunity for students to turn in missed work with some loss of points. The work must be complete and handed in at the beginning of class on that designated day. Students will be given only a 2-day warning of these days so I encourage them to complete the work before the announcement and have it ready for the designated day. No work is accepted late. Work handed in on Amnesty Day in Marking Period 1 counts as an 80, Marking Period 2 is a 70, Marking Period 3 is a 60, and Marking Period 4 is a 50.

Extra Credit – I offer students numerous opportunities for extra credit. In addition to various handouts, I accept at any time science-related articles from the newspaper or internet with a single-spaced page summary of the article. I will provide specifics of what the summary should include. I will also give extra credit for participation in various school activities.

After-school Help – I am available for help on any day after school. Although I will probably post certain open days for assistance, I am available at any time. Students are strongly encouraged to talk to me about any help they may need in my class, or in any other class as well. I am interested in your child’s total academic success so my door is truly open for them.

I welcome you to contact me with any questions or concerns throughout the year. I will periodically send home grade reports on your child’s progress (about the middle and end of each marking period). I usually offer students extra credit if they return the reports with a parent’s signature.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation and interest in the continued development and education of your son/daughter. Only together can we make a difference.


William Finnegan

Please feel free to call and leave me a message on my voice mail. I will return your call as soon as I can. Please leave a daytime and nighttime number where you can be reached. Otherwise, you can e-mail me. I check my e-mail several times a day and you may find this to be the most effective way to communicate with me.

(856) 662-8500 x2072

Please complete and return the form below. If you provide an e-mail address, I will be able to e-mail progress reports directly to you (in addition to handing them out to students). I am also in the process of setting up a website for my class. I believe the address will be but more information will be provided when it is complete.

Student Name / Class Period
Parent/Guardian 1 / Relationship
Day Phone / Evening Phone
E-Mail / Other
Parent/Guardian 2 / Relationship
Day Phone / Evening Phone
E-Mail / Other
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this letter as well as the Student Expectations form provided to my child.
Parent Signature