Dear Parents

Well done to all those children who took part in the cycling training last week – they were praised for their excellent behaviour which is always lovely to hear. Year 6 had a brilliant week with all who went having a fantastic time at Whitlingham and those who stayed having a great time in school, working on their cookery project. Such a lot of fun things happening.

Important message! Phone lines at OCJS

In last Thursday’s electrical storms our phone line was struck by lightning, meaning that on Friday we had no phone line in or out of school. The engineer helped to make sure that we had an out-going line working by the end of the day but at close of play on Friday we still had no in-coming line. The engineers will be working to get a new line installed on Monday. If you need to contact school during Monday please email and we will get back to you. We have an out-going line in order to contact parents in case of emergency. Apologies for this small natural disaster! I am sure we’ll be up and running and back to normal shortly.

Stars of the Week!

Congratulations to the Stars of the Week, who were presented with their certificates in Celebration Assembly before half term. A wonderful array of different reason for being brilliant!

Rhiannon Andrews – 6E

Jack Morris – 6E

Chloe Smith – 6E

Jackson Dale - 6G

Harriet Locke – 6G

Chelsea Cosgrove – 6S

Tristan Drean-Rielly – 6S

Abigale Scantlebury – 6S

Joseph Zagni – 6S

Thomas Baker – 6S

Yung Loh – 4E

Sophie Callow – 4E

Sam Brandish - 4W

Jasmine Bee – 4W

Ethan Ssemwanga – 3C

Max English- 3C

Kane Quantrill – 3H

Ella Bisby – 3H

We have extra stars this week as we added in the year 6 group who didn’t go to Whitlingham. Instead they stayed at school to do a cookery project with Mrs Morgan and Mrs Wilby. They worked brilliantly and cooked a fantastic meal therefore deserving star status!

Golden Book

This week the following pupils have had Wow moments to be proud of, impressing their teachers and amazing their peers with special moments of brilliance. Well done!

Megan Field

Golden Homework Award

Very well done to the following pupils who have received 10 golden homework stickers for excellent pieces of homework.

Sam Sillett

Rachel Lee

Well done to the fantastic cyclists

this week who all completed

their cycling courses.

The cycling trainer was very impressed with their behaviour and skill on their bikes! (Thank you also to the parents who volunteered to help – it is very much appreciated.)

Cycling Year 6

Harriet Locke

Lucy Moscrop

Dylan Miller

Ellie Chapman

Willow Kingston-Miles

Lottie Sanderson

Alyssa Hoogesteger

Oliver Drury

Lola Thompson

Brandon Acton

Fred Viner

Annalise Mallett

Cycling Year 5

Sophia Harrigan

Emily Dewing

Ellie Coe

Abbie Chapman

Amiee-Rose Davies

Cycling Year 4

Sienna Price

Harry Arbon

Emily Mallett

Tom Dann

Harry Thompson

Anna Langeskov

Kyran Reid

Amelia Allen

Joseph Sanderson

Ashleigh Bunn

Luke Copping

Bradley Copping

Katie Williams

Amber Topley

Hayley Allen

Ava De Copper Wride

Ivy Henderson

Freya Chapman

Tanisha Raviraj

Yung Loh

Madeline Bunter

Keira Edwards

Jessica Park

Caitlin Carruthers

Lauren Aldous

Attendance Cup – won by 4E with an attendance of

98.85% Well done!

Mrs Wright’s Maths App of the


Pocket Tangrams (Absolutist

Ltd) A puzzle combining

different shapes together to

make a larger shape.

Year 6 Whitlingham Trip

Last week Year 6 went to Whitlingham for their 3 day outward bounds activity trip. They all had a fantastic time paddle boarding, kayaking, raft building etc. The rain on Monday didn’t bother them at all and they came back to school every afternoon with huge smiles on their faces. Behaviour was absolutely brilliant and once again the teachers were proud to take the children out and about. An excellent trip. Thank you to Mrs Wright, Miss Gedge, Miss Knowles and Mrs Mac for taking the children to Whitlingham.

Friends of Old Catton Junior School

Over the past few years Cathy Fiddy and Jess Whitaker have been doing a brilliant job of helping us to raise some money for school. We are now on the lookout for more friends to join their merry band and move our friends group forward. If you are interested in becoming a friend of Old Catton, getting more involved with events at school, have new ideas to bring along and some time that you may be able to spare to help at school events, please contact me, Cathy or Jess and let us know you’re interested.

Summer Fete!

I am looking for some willing volunteers to run a face painting stall for the Summer Fete on Friday 15th July. Ideally you will be able to offer some fun designs that the children would enjoy and come equipped with your own face paints. If you are interested please come and let me know!

Non-School Uniform Day

On Friday 24th June we had a non-school uniform day and asked the children to bring in a tombola prize for the Summer Fete. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed. We had lovely gifts brought in. It will make a fantastic difference to our stalls.

Dates for your Diary – Summer Term 2016

·  Wednesday 29th June - Children’s University Graduation Ceremony at Open - Bank Plain 2-5pm coach pick up and drop off back to school or parents to collect and take home after the event. Miss Cooper to send home information in a separate letter.

·  Thursday 30th June – Year 6 Fashion Show, 10:00am – 11:00am

·  Monday 4th July, Tuesday 5th July, Wednesday 6th July – City Sports at UEA.

·  Tuesday 5th July and Wednesday 6th July – Year 3/4 trip to Walsingham.

·  Tuesday 5th July - Reverend Parsons to take Assembly.

·  Monday 11th July – Sports Day – all day and parents, grandparents and family are invited to all or part of the day. Sports Day lunch! Pre order if you would like one.

·  (Tuesday 12th July - Sports Day if we need to cancel due to rain.)

·  Monday 11th July – Assertive Mentoring Meetings 3:30pm-8:00pm

·  Wednesday 13th July – Assertive Mentoring Meetings 3:30pm-5:30pm

·  Thursday 14th July – Assertive Mentoring Meetings 3:30pm-5:30pm

*Please note that these meetings will be a chance to collect your child’s report and discuss their progress this year with their class teacher.

·  Friday 15th July – Old Catton Junior School Summer BBQ and fun evening!

·  Monday 18th July – Year 6 end of year show, 7pm.

·  Tuesday 19th July – Celebration Assembly 9:00am.

·  Wednesday 20th July – last day of the Summer Term.

I will do my very best to make sure that these key dates do not change as I know how much notice you need in order to make sure that you can attend. While some dates will undoubtedly be added these key dates should not change.


Each week we send a Talk Homework activity and ‘Wow’ Words home and we would be very grateful for your support.

We are trying to help all our children develop excellent speaking and listening skills, which in turn will help them with their writing. “If a child can’t say a sentence then they can’t write it either!”

Please spend at least 10 minutes talking with your child about the questions below;

On Thursday it is the Year 6 Fashion Show. Year 6 have to make an outfit entirely from plastic bags. This week I want you to talk to your families about the fashions that they used to wear when they were young. What was fashionable when your parents or grandparents were young? What is fashionable now? What styles do you like to wear? What would you not be seen dead in?! Can anyone find some great photos of their parents wearing fashions from decades past? Maybe you could share these with your class!

(in vogue, popular, (bang) up to date, up to the minute, modern, all the rage, modish, trendsetting stylish, smart, chic,)

In Big Talk, we use ‘WOW’ Words to improve our vocabulary and ‘big up’ our sentences to make them more interesting! Our ‘WOW’ Word this week is;



Please encourage your child to use this word, in the right context, as much as possible.

·  The ‘Talk Homework’ and ‘WOW’ words will be set every Monday in the newsletter; children will then share their ‘Talk’ with their class on a Friday afternoon.

·  We will encourage the children to use the WOW word throughout the week.

Thank you for your support in helping your child.

Please do not hesitate to come into school and speak to me or another member of staff if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs K Connelly

The Nebula Partnership