Ski Hawks Ottawa

Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Fox and Feather Pub and Grill

Ottawa, ON

Members Present:Jeff Boucher;

Michael Cestnyk;

James Dicks;

Bob Einarsson;

Adèle Farough and Mimi;

David Farough and Wisdom;

Mary Johannsen;

Paul Johannsen;

Bruce Meredith;

Lindsey Miller;

Carolyn Mitrow;

Marius Parent;

Ron Prince;

Bernie Simpson

Proxies:Murielle Arseneau;

Gilbert BlaisParent;

Stéphane Eyer;

Kim Leahy

No. / Item / Action
1.0 / Call to Order / CarolynMitrow
The meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m.
2.0 / Credentials Report
There were 14 members present and 4 proxies, for a total of 18 eligible voters. It was determined that quorum was met.
3.0 / Approval of Agenda / All
The approval of the agenda was moved by Bernie Simpson and seconded by Ron Prince. The motion was carried.
4.0 / Approval of Minutes of Previous Year`s AGM (June 10, 2015) / All
It was moved by Bruce Meredith and seconded by Marius Parent that the 2015 AGM minutes be approved and posted on the web site. Motion carried.
5.0 / Reports
5.1 / President’s report (Carolyn Mitrow’s report)
I truly enjoy writing my President’s message each year because it is an opportunity for me to look back at the year and our ski season, and reflect on all of the highlights. This year was one of several highlights.
The registration process has always been time consuming and last year when one of our members, Alexa Johnson, stepped up and suggested that we get with the times and go web-based for our registration process, the Board jumped at the idea and decided to give it a try. We did research other options with the help of Marius Parent and Bob Einarsson but landed on trying the methodology. Alexa designed the form and helped us make changes and learn the process, and overall, we agreed that it was worth the growing pains. Alexa is now talking to her company about making their technology more usable for the visuallyimpaired so we are keeping our fingers crossed that we will see improvements.
Our guide training session was also changed this year. We went from a two hour evening format in early January to a half day format in December. Two sessions were offered: one for new guides, and one for returning guides. The feedback received for this day of training was highly positive and the Board has decided to go with the recommendation to lengthen the format and make it an all-day session. For safety reasons, all guides must undergo a training session with one of our trainers.
In addition to the longer training format, CADS also introduced the new CADS Manual this year and all guides have received either a hard copy or an electronic copy. I must thank the Community Foundation of Ottawa for providing us with the funds to be able to make the purchases and our own Bruce Meredith for being the key writer of the chapter on the visuallyimpaired.
Ski Hawks had a very welcomed influx of new guides this year. This made Mary’s job much easier, and Murielle was all smiles as we had several new drivers to get our skiers to the slopes. Next year may be a challenge as one of our skiers has moved to Kanata and one of our Kanata guides and drivers, Stephane, is off to Australia with his wife, for 3 years. We will miss him dearly but he promises that he will come back again.
I was very impressed with the number of guides who took the time this year to get certified as ski instructors with the Canadian Ski Instructor Alliance, and we had several guides gain CADS certification. The leaders of each CADS program in the Division have already met to plan the training for next year and what is good for us is that I was able to negotiate training that wouldn’t conflict with our main program dates. This will allow our guides to participate in the training that they need to become more certified.
Another highlight of the year was the participation from our program members at the CADS Festival in Kimberley, B.C. I have to say that I have finally decided that it is time I went and it is primarily due to the enthusiasm of our members who come back with such high praise of the event. I encourage everyone to think about attending at some point in the future. The new venue for next year has not been officially announced, but I hear that it may be Sun Peaks.
The final highlight that I want to mention, that is always the highlight of every year, is the team that supports me. My Board of Directors is very strong and very devoted to the Club and its members. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Murielle Arseneau, James Dicks, Bob Einarsson, Adèle Farough, Mary Johannsen, and Bruce Meredith for all of the work that you have put into the Club and for never saying no to a task. I am truly blessed with this Board! I must also say thank you to David Farough who continues to accept the role as our representative on the Division Board. He has fulfilled many roles with this Club including President and he also never says no.
I hope that everyone has a great summer. Enjoy and stay in shape for the 2017 ski season.
Respectfully submitted June 8, 2016
Carolyn Mitrow
5.2 / Treasurer’s Report (Bruce Meredith’s report)
What follows is the Treasurer’s report. Please note that the “Racing” expenses should reflect “Ski Festivals”. The accountant inadvertently put in the wrong description. In our accounting records it is properly recorded as "Ski Festivals”. The total is $429 but we issued cheques for $500. The last cheque for $71.43 belongs to Vickie Mierins and hasn’t been cashed to date. Bruce missed setting this up as an “Accounts Payable” as of April 30th but suspects that Vickie has decided not to cash the cheque and as a result won’t affect the 2016-2017 expenses if this happens. If she does then we will have to increase our usual budgeted $500 amount to $571.

No. / Item / Action
5.0 / 5.3 / Technical Report (Mary Johannsen’s Report)
In December we held our first all day training for volunteer guides. It was a very good format with great attendance. Everybody received a new CADS manual. Safety questionnaires were completed by all.
January: 4 evening programs, 2 ski improvements
February: 2 evening programs, 2 evenings cancelled due to Fortune closing and 1 due to weather conditions.
March: 3 evening programs, 1 outing to Mont Avila/ StSauveur, 1 fun day at Fortune.
We had a very successful program this year. There was one accident on our Fun Day that resulted in a skier breaking her leg. We had 149 skier evenings (based on the # of skiers attending each night x the number of evenings out), 5skiers went to Mont Avila and 11 attended our Fun Day. Total skier days 165. There were 320 guide evenings, 5 went to Mont Avila and 20 attended our Fun Day.
I recommend continuing with the full day training in December.
Once again a huge thanks to everybody for contributing to a wonderful year for the club.
Respectfully submitted by
Mary Johannsen
Technical Director
8 June 2016
5.4 / Admin and Social Report (Murielle Arseneau’s report)
This year brought many changes to Ski Hawks. The introduction of on-line registration through made the process easier for everyone. It also provided accurate information concerning rides. Guides were able to let us know exactly the area where they could provide transportation for skiers. The introduction of the Weekly Skier Notification form was a very big hit with skiers. Most skiers used the electronic form to let me know of their attendance every week. The form was sent by email to the Ski Hawks email and a copy to my personal email. Skiers also had the option of sending an email directly to me if that was their preference. Both methods were used prior to the Sunday deadline and worked well. We had 22 active skiers and found rides for 15 of them every week. With the registration being done on-line we did not organize a barbecue at the beginning of the season, which was the venue where we started the registration process each year. Also the telephone hotline was cancelled since skiers are now using email or the electronic form to notify me of their attendance.
The ski season started on the first Wednesday of January and it was a fantastic evening. The temperatures were nice and warm even in the evening and the snow conditions were great. At the beginning of February with the help of Kim Leahy, an email was sent to the guides to announce the two weekend activities and the last ski evening during the Ontario March break. Guides were asked to let us know of their availability for those events. A list was compiled from their responses which helped the coordination for those events.
The Ski Hawks fun day took place on Sunday March 6 at Camp Fortune. It was a great day. It was attended by 11 skiers and 20 guides. On March 13, a group participated in the CADS-NCD trip to Mt-Avila/Mt-St-Sauveur; again a great activity for all. Thanks to Kim Leahy for her hard work in the coordination of those activities. The last ski evening was on March 16. It was raining lightly but still a small group of skiers did ski regardless of the rain.
The end of year ski party took place at the Fox and Feather Pub and Grill on April 6. This event had a turn-out of over 40 people despite the snow storm during the day. Awards and trophies were presented during the evening.
All members of Ski Hawks have a great willingness to help make this club a better experience for everyone. I want to recognize all volunteers that provide rides every week for skiers. Everyone’s commitment to Ski Hawks makes this organization stronger.
Murielle Arseneau – Social Director
5.5 / Report of Member at Large (James Dicks’ report)
I am pleased to offer my fourth report as Member at Large for the 2015-2016 ski seasons.
In Fall 2015 I assisted our real web builders David Farough and Steve Giornoin updating the Ski Hawks pages on the new CADS – NCD web site. Thanks to all the Board members who inputted to the new content. It looks great and will get better over time.
Tradition changed this year so at the Registration social dinner in November I networked, greeted new members, renewed acquaintances with returnees, and offered any assistance to other Board members registering people with the new electronic registration system. No famous Paul’s homemadehamburgers and not the few hot dogs.
I worked with various Board members throughout the ski season to promote the CADS 2016 festival. Seven SHO members attended. Some told me that it was the best festival ever. All had a great time. It was my second festival and I look forward to next year.
I worked with Mary and Carolyn to update the Safety Questionnaire. I offered insights at plenary, appreciating Carolyn’s creative ways to deliver the Questionnaire (e.g. in groups). Guides have indicated that they appreciate this questionnaire as it reminds them of important safety considerations when guiding skiers and boarders. They also appreciated the new approach to the pre-season training day in December conducted by Bruce, Carolyn, Mary and others.
The Kobuz Cup score sheets that I developed a few years ago were utilized again this season. Thanks to all who organized the Kobuz Cup.
I assisted Carolyn and other Board members on revisions to the SHO Operations Manual.. Thanks to all Board members for your input and support to keep this document up to date, especially those involved with changes to delete the hot line and implement the new training process
I would like to thank the dedicated members of the Board and SHO who offered their advice on the above items. I benefited greatly from all the input and look forward to the continued support.
Lastly, as a means to enhance my knowledge of and provide contributions to the CADS organization, I remained actively involved as a member on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Association for Disabled Skiing – National Capital Division. I undertook a variety of tasks at the Division to benefit both CADS – NCD and SHO.
Respectfully submitted on June 8. 2016.
James Dicks
Member at Large, SHO
5.6 / Report of Member at Large (Bob Einarsson’s report)
Bob is working on a weekly progress reporting system where each skier will have a progress reporting sheet for each week. He has done some research with various clubs and has submitted this to Carolyn.
Marius and Chris Griffin are working on a picture identification system, in which guides will see photos of the skiers they are to guide. We will begin to operationalize these ideas at the Plenary Session.
It was moved by AdèleFarough and seconded by Bob Einarsson that the above reports be accepted as tabled. Motion carried.
6.0 / Appointment of Accountant / Bruce Meredith / All
Bruce Meredith reported that BrentWirtanen who has acted as our accountant, is having health issues and is considering reducing his workload. At present, it is not known whether or not he will keep Ski Hawks Ottawa as a client. We expect to know by the end of the summer. Ideally, we would need a Certified Professional Accountant.
It was moved by Bruce Meredith and seconded by David Farough that we conditionally appoint Brent Wirtanen of Accurate Accounting and Bookkeeping, pending his decision about keeping us as a client. Motion carried.
7.0 / Amendments to By-laws
There are no proposed amendments to the by-laws at this time.
8.0 / Approval of Actions of Board of Directors.
It was moved by Bernie Simpson and seconded by Lindsey Miller, that the actions of the Board of Directors be approved. Motion carried.
9.0 / Elections and Appointment of President
There are seven positions up for election: President; Secretary; Treasurer; Technical Director; Social Director and 2 Directors at Large. Everyone on the Board, except Bruce Meredith and James Dicks, has agreed to stand again. Also, we have two other people interested: Michael Cestnyk and Nicole VanOosten. Everyone who showed interest is acclaimed. The board re-elected Carolyn Mitrow as President, as per the by-laws.
10.0 / Appointment of the New Executive
The new executive was appointed at this AGM.
Treasurer: Nicole VanOosten (to be mentored by Bruce Meredith);
Technical Director: MaryJohannsen (to be shadowed by Michael Cestnyk);
Director at Large: Bob Einarsson;
Director at Large: Michael Cestnyk;
Social Director: Murielle Arseneau;
Secretary: Adèle Farough
11.0 / Destruction of Ballots and Proxies
Ron Prince destroyed the proxies.
12.0 / New Business
Paul Johanssenproposed a fixed photo board that would not change every week. Too many changes make things complicated. Marius Parent has agreed to do this. The point is that Mary Johanssendoes not have time to do this herself. Other ideas are welcome.
Ron Prince advised that he will no longer participate in Club activities for personal reasons. He would still like to maintain his ties to the Club, however. The Club thanks Ron for his many years of service.
13.0 / Adjournment / Carolyn Mitrow
The meeting was adjourned at 7:43pm.