The Digestive System

Terminology Chapter 12


1. chime 6. peristalsis

2. deciduous 7. sphincter

3. defecation 8. uvula

4. gavage 9. pharynx

5. jejunum 10. lipase

C.Term to Definition

1. tooth decay caused by acid-forming microorganisms

2. inflammatory infectious lesions in or on the oral cavity occurring as a primary or a

secondary viral infection caused by herpes simplex

3 a disease of the liver, which is chronic and degenerative causing injury to the hepatocytes

(the functional cells of the liver)

4. telescoping of a portion of proximal intestine into distal intestine usually in the ileocecal

region causing an obstruction

5. insertion of a needle or trochar into the peritoneal cavity to remove ascitic fluid with the person in a sitting position

6. study of the stomach contents to determine the acid content and to detect the presence of blood, bacteria, bile, and abnormal cells

7. oral administration of a radiopaque contrast medium, barium sulfate, which flows through the GI system

8. increased motility of the small or large intestinal wall resulting in abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, anorexia, and the trapping of gas throughout the intestines

9. stands for endoscopic retrograde which is cholangiopancreatography

10. a precancerous lesion occurring anywhere in the mouth

D.Matching Pathological Conditions

1. d 6. g

2. h 7. e

3. a 8. f

4. b 9. j

5. I 10. c

E.Definition to Term

1. intestinal obstruction 6. polyps (colorectal)

2. diverticulosis 7. colorectal cancer

3. herpetic stomatitis 8. diverticular disease

4. anal fistula 9. esophageal varices

5. Crohn’s disease 10. congenital megacolon

F.Word Search

G.Matching Abbreviations

1. o 11. i

2. r 12. n

3. s 13. U

4. t 14. p

5. v 15. q

6. m 16. j

7. y 17. H

8. f 18. e

9. d 19. b

10. c 20. a


1. lips 6. uvula

2. cheeks 7. ongue

3. hard palate 8. teeth

4. rugae 9. gums or gingivae

5. soft palate 10. oropharynx


1. achlorhydria 6. achalasia

2. icterus 7. canker sores

3. emesis 8. steatorrhea

4. ascites 9. hemorrhoid

5. nausea 10. ileus

J.True or False

1. True

2. False; cheil/o = lips

3. True

4. False; col/o = colon

5. False; rrhaphy = suturing

6. True

7. False; lysis = destruction or detachment

8. False; gastr/o = stomach

9. True

10. True


1. d

2. c

3. d

4. a

5. c