Status of Application / Source of Funds
New Application / NGA
Renewal / GOCC
DSWD Previously Issued / LGU
Certificate No: ______/ NGO
Date of Issuance: ______/ PO
Date of Expiration: ______/ Private Individual
Others ______

Identifying Information:

  1. Name of DayCareCenter: ______
  2. Address:______
  3. Date Established: ______
  4. Name of Day Care Worker: __________Age: ______
  5. Educational Attainment:______Status of Appointment: ______
  6. Name of C/MSWDO ECCD Focal Person(DCS Supervisor/Administrator) ______
  7. Telephone/Mobile/Fax Number/s:______
  8. E-mail Address and Website:______
  9. Registration & License No: ______Date Issued: ______Expiry Date:______(if applicable)


  1. Methods for Assessment. The following will be used during the assessment:

a.Document Review – is needed for items marked “DR” (including I/DR, O/DR, I/O/DR) under the Methods column of the tool. Check the corresponding DR item that is present but leave the corresponding item blank if it is not available. Hence, all items with DR should be noted as these are the documents needed to be prepared.

b.Observation – is needed only for the items marked O (including O/I, O/DR, and I/O/DR) under the Methods column of the tool. Others require an ocular inspection of the facilities and surrounding areas of the center which can be done before or after the session.

c.Interview – is to be conducted only for items marked I (including I/DR, I/O, I/O/DR) under the Methods column of the tool. You will need to interview several stakeholders as stated in the various forms. Check those items that are available but leave the corresponding item blank if they are not indicated.

d.Perform the document review, observation and interview separately. Do not examine documents while observing. Do not interview the service provider while observing.

e.Interview shall be done to the Day Care Worker, members or representative of the Parent Committee (for public programs) or its equivalent for private programs and NGAs/GOCCs, and to the member or representative of the Barangay Early Childhood Care and Development Coordinating Council (BECCDEC) or Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) or Program Management Team or Board of Trustees/Directors (for private programs and NGAs/GOCCs).

  1. Accreditation Tool. There will be separate tool for the Centers being managed by the Local Government Units (LGUs), Social Welfare and Development Agencies (SWDAs) and Peoples’ Organizations (POs) and the centers under the National Government Agencies (NGAs) and Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs). Each tool however, is divided into two parts. First part focuses on the Day Care Centers while the second part focuses on the Day Care Workers.
  2. Standards and Indicators for the Day Care Centers are divided into the following categories:
  3. Please take note of the level of indicators to wit:
  • 3 STARS /Level 1– these are MANDATORY compliance (minimum) which should be complied with since absence of one would compromise the effectiveness of the service implementation. Certificate of Accreditation will state that the center has a SATISFACTORY rating.
  • 4 STARS /Level 2– are optimal but compliance would increase the quality of service implementation to a higher level. Certificate of Accreditation will state that the center has a VERY SATISFACTORY rating.
  • 5 STARS / Level 3– are highest standards that, if complied, will make the facility a CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE and its Certificate of Accreditation will state that the center has an OUTSTANDING rating.
  1. Standards and Indicators for the Day Care Workers, on the other hand, are also divided into the following categories:
  1. Please take note of the level of indicators to wit:
  • Level 1– these are MANDATORY compliance (minimum) which should be complied with since absence of one would compromise the effectiveness of the service implementation. Certificate of Accreditation will state that the Worker is COMPETENT.
  • Level 2 – are optimal but compliance would increase the quality of service implementation to a higher level. Certificate of Accreditation will state that the Worker is VERY COMPETENT.
  • Level 3 – are highest standards that, if complied, will make the facility a CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE and its Certificate of Accreditation will state that the Worker is HIGHLY COMPETENT.
  1. The P/M/CSWDO will conduct the first visit to assess the preparedness of the DCC/DCW for accreditation. They will also be responsible in the provision of technical assistance and other assistance needed by the DCC/DCW for the accreditation. Thereafter, they will inform their respective DSWD Field Office for the latter to schedule the accreditation visit.
  2. If on the first visit of accreditation of the Field Office Accreditor the day care center and day care worker fail to meet the minimum standards, they will be given six months to comply with all the requirements needed in the work areas where they have failed.
  1. The Accreditation Process
  1. The C/MSWDO or Program Administrator for SWDAs and POs, will help the Day Care Worker prepare for the accreditation.
  2. The Day Care Worker and the C/MSWDO or Program Administrator shall coordinate with all the stakeholders concerned i.e. Parents Committee (or its equivalent for the Private, SWDAs and POs) BECCDCC or BCPC or Sangguniang Barangay (SB) at least two weeks before the actual visit of the Accreditor. They will be informed of the following:
  3. purpose of visit;
  4. that the DCW will be observed during actual session;
  5. that they will be interviewed by the Accreditors;
  6. that they will have to prepare and make available pertinent documents during the actual visit.
  7. During the visit, the accreditor must arrive ahead of the children to familiarize one’s self in the setting of the center and the start with the document review.
  8. The accreditor must sit where he/she can see everything that is happening during the session and must avoid starting conversation with the children while the session is ongoing.
  9. Scoring:
  10. Since this is ladderized accreditation, the level of accreditation will be determined with the total score provided at the end of the accreditation tool.
  11. However, in case where certain items do not apply, indicate N/A and add the total N/A to the corresponding work areas per level. Use of N/A only applies to those indicators which score is 1 point AND has an indication of “if applicable.”
  12. Level of accreditation relies on the total of score achieved.

Number of Items per Area and Level of Accreditation to be given to the Day Care Center.

Work Areas / SCORING
1 point / 2 points / 3 points
Advancement of Children’s Growth and Development / 34 / 6 / 8
Partnership with Families, Communities, and Local Government / 6 / 3 / 7
Human Resource Development / 12 / 9 / 8
Program Management / 11 / 7 / 3
Physical Environment and Safety / 37 / 7 / 5
Total / 100 / 32 / 31
  1. To achieve the Level 1 Accreditation, the 1 point should have a minimum score of 95.
  2. To achieve the Level 2 Accreditation, the 2 points should have a minimum score of 30 plus the minimum score of 1 point which is 95 (95 + 30).
  3. To achieve the Level 3 Accreditation, the 3 points should have a minimum score of 27 plus the minimum score of 1 point which is 95 and the minimum score of 2 points which is 30 (95 + 30 + 27).


On items for User’s Fee, Employment Status of Day Care Worker, Honorarium and the Screening of Centers, the DCC can achieve the higher score without necessarily getting the 1 point.

Number of Items per Work Area and Level of Accreditation to be given to the Day Care Worker

Work Areas / COMPETENT
(3 yrs. accreditation) / VERY COMPETENT
(4 yrs. accreditation) / HIGHLY COMPETENT
(5 yrs. accreditation)
Score / Score / Score
Advancement of Children’s Growth and Development / 46 / 5 / 4
Partnership with Families, Communities, and Local Government / 11 / 3 / 3
Human Resource Development / 15 / 2 / 6
Program Management / 11 / 4 / 2
Physical Environment and Safety / 3
Total / 86 / 14 / 15
  1. To become Competent in the Accreditation, the 1 point should have a minimum score of 85.
  2. To become Very Competent in the Accreditation, the 2 points should have a minimum score of 13 plus the minimum score of 1 point which is 85 (85 + 13).
  3. To become Highly Competent in the Accreditation, the 3 points should have a minimum score of 14 plus the minimum score of 1 point which is 86 and the minimum score of 2 points which is 14 (85 + 13 + 14).

On item for Educational Attainment, the DCW can achieve the higher score without necessarily getting the 1 point.

  1. The accreditor must be very careful in the scoring to determine the accreditation level. If the DCC and/or DCW fail to meet the minimum standards, they will be given six months to comply all the other requirements needed in the work areas where they have failed.
  1. Standards and Indicators for the Local Government Units, Social Welfare Development Agencies and People’s Organizations:
  1. Part I. Day Care Centers

Work Areas / Level/ Score / Methods / Compliance / Specific Findings/Remarks
Area A. Advancement of Children’s Growth and Development – The advancement of children’s growth and development is the primary objective of day care service and service providers. Service providers have the responsibility to facilitate children’s progress in all domains of development.
  1. Assessment of Children

  1. Methods and Instruments

  1. ECCD Checklist
  2. Different methods and instruments
  1. Intake form
  2. Growth monitoring chart
  3. Recordings of observations
  4. Compilation of children’s work samples
/ 1 point / DR
1 point 1 point
2 points / DR
3 points / DR
  1. Recording on assessment of competencies that require one-on-one tasks.
/ 1 point / DR
  1. Health and Nutrition

  1. Nutrition and Feeding Practices

  1. Complementary Feeding

  1. Ensure that foods being served to children are nutritious
/ 1 point / I/O
  1. Drinking water is safe
/ 1 point / DR
  1. Food served are brought at the Center by the member of Parents Committee
/ 2 points / I/O
  1. Food served are cooked and prepared by the member of Parents Committee in the Center
/ 3 points / I/O
  1. Considers special diets and food allergy of children
/ 3 points / I/O
  1. Food Handling

  1. Ensure that clean utensils are used in preparing and serving food.
/ 1 point / O
  1. Availability of food covers, utensils, area for food storage to avoid insects, dust and other elements.
/ 1 point / O
  1. Serves freshly prepared food.
/ 3 points / O
  1. Health and Sanitation Practices

  1. Maintains a copy of the following for each child as part of the child’s individual health records:

  1. Pertinent health history (e.g. previous illness, allergies)
/ 1 point / DR
  1. Log of medications administered, injury reports and other health observations
  2. Parents’ permission to administer vitamins and prescribed medicines
  3. Physician’s written instructions.
/ 1 point / DR / (if applicable)
  1. Child Injury Prevention and Reporting

  1. A first aid kit is available at all times (in class or on any fieldtrip)
/ 1 point / O
  1. Stores all medications, sharp objects and other hazardous objects in a secure place and out of reach of children.
/ 1 point / O
  1. Personal Hygiene and Cleaning
  1. Ensures that the following are washed with soap or disinfectant at least daily:
  2. Toilets and toilet seats
  3. Sink and sink faucets
  4. Mops/rags used for cleaning
  5. Washcloths and towels
/ 1 point / O/I
  1. Keeps floor clean or when applicable, wash with soap and water or disinfectant at least daily.
/ 1 point / O
  1. Keeps surrounding areas (outdoor) clean.
/ 1 point / O
  1. Instructs children to (or inspects if children)

  1. Wear clean clothes everyday
/ 1 point / O
  1. Wash their hands before and after eating and after using the toilets
/ 1 point / O
  1. Have trimmed hand and toe nails.
/ 1 point / O
  1. Brush or clean their teeth after eating
/ 1 point / O
  1. Requires and uses labeled washcloth or towel for each child.
/ 2 points / O
  1. Ensures that all children are wearing comfortable footwear in going to the Center everyday.
/ 1 point / O
  1. Complementary Services

Has on file a certified true copy of the child’s birth certificate upon admission OR if child is not yet registered, the signed Home-Center agreement includes parents’ promise to submit it three months after admission. / 1 point / DR
  1. Curriculum

  1. Learning Materials, Facilities and Equipment

  1. Utilizes materials that are:

  1. Safe, durable or non-hazardous/non-toxic
/ 1 point / O
  1. Made of local or reusable resources abundant in community
/ 1 point / O
  1. Utilizes a variety of learning materials that include:

  1. Storybooks or picture books made by the service provider, parents or children
/ 1 point / O
  1. Musical instruments (indigenous or non-indigenous) or other facilities for music and movements (CDs and player and cassettes)
/ 1 point / O
  1. Art materials from indigenous or locally available sources or reusable items (e.g. empty boxes, plastic bottles)
/ 1 point / O
  1. Drawing tools, scissors and paste
/ 1 point / O
  1. Materials and toys for play
/ 1 point / O
  1. Provision of unstructured materials (e.g. sand, water, clay or play dough) and appropriate tools.
/ 2 points / O
  1. Utilizes other audio visual facilities for children (e.g. DVDs, players, recorders, and television)
/ 3 points / O
  1. Utilizes the facilities/materials in the library or resource center for the children’s use
/ 3 points / O
  1. Guidance and Interactions

  1. Indirect Guidance: Structuring the Indoor Space

  1. Learning/Activity Areas.
  1. Provides the following learning activities:
  1. Story and picture books
  2. Table games, table blocks and other manipulative materials
  3. Arts and crafts
  4. News sharing
/ 1 point / O
  1. Provides space/area for at least one for the following learning activities:
  1. Science and discovery
  2. Music and movement
/ 2 points / O
  1. Provides space/area for at least one for listening to music or stories
/ 3 points / O
  1. Storage and Space Units
  1. Defines learning/activity areas by using any of the following:
  1. Placing dividers, storage units, floor mats or assigning markers like colors, shapes, numbers, other symbols
  2. Labeling the areas
  3. Or using outside space as learning/activity area as long as security measures is in place.
/ 1 point / O
  1. Provides storage space and units:
  1. For children’s belongings, preferably near the entrance
  1. For indoor and outdoor materials used daily:
  1. Readily accessible and available to children.
  2. Placed in the learning/activity area where these are used.
/ 1 point / O
  1. Display space:
  1. Uses wall space to display children’s works and other printed materials.
  2. Displays children’s works and other printed materials at children’s eye level.
/ 1 point / O
  1. Walls are with murals painted by the children.
/ 3 points / O
  1. Layout:
  1. Assigns areas for low-level activities together or near each other (i.e. drawing); assigns areas for high level activities together or far from each other (i.e. calisthenics).
  2. Uses space with best light for activities requiring close eye work (i.e. drawing, puzzles).
  3. Arrange materials, facilities equipment in a way that:
  1. Allow safe use by children
  2. Enable DCWs to supervise all children at all times
  3. Facilitate smooth flow of movement of people.
  1. Changes learning/activity area or adds new ones depending on children’s needs.
/ 1 point / O
  1. Uses outside area as activity area if indoor area is limited as long as security measure is in place.
/ 1 point / O / (if applicable)
  1. Indirect Guidance: Daily Schedule and Routines

  1. Daily schedules of activity periods and routines are posted in a highly visible area.
  2. Large group or sedentary activities for children are limited.
  3. Self-help tasks such as toileting, eating and dressing are practiced.
/ 1 point / O/DR
  1. Every full day program shall have an outdoor play or access to an equivalent and suitable play area within a reasonable distance of the facility, and the play area must be supervised, safe and sanitary.
/ 2 points / O
Area B. Partnership with Families, Communities and Local Government – Partnership with families, community and local government indicates that a high quality ECCD program is a result of the shared responsibility among parents and members of the families, service providers, community members and organizations, and the local government unit.
  1. The Service Provision

  1. Parents’ Committee or Supervisor

  1. Coordinates with resource persons/trainers for the conduct of parent education on three topics or issues i.e. alternative discipline, responsible parenthood, modules on ERPAT and PES, depending on the parents’ needs.
/ 2 points / DR/I
  1. Manages a complementary feeding program for the children at the center.

  1. Follows a monthly menu plan prepared or approved by a nutritionist or a barangay nutrition scholar (BNS).
/ 3 points / DR/I/O
  1. Provides written menu information to parents every month.
/ 2 points / DR/I/O
  1. Keeps on file all menu information provided to parents.
/ 3 points / DR/I/O
  1. A. Community Involvement

  1. The Parents’ Committee/ representative

  1. Attends at least 75% of BECCDCC/BCPC/Sangguniang Bayan (SB) meetings/sessions to update regarding the program.
/ 3 points / DR/I
  1. Prepares annual action plan in support of the Day Care Service.
/ 1 point / DR
  1. Implements one planned project
/ 1 point / DR/I
  1. Holds meeting at least once a month
/ 1 point / DR
  1. Provides user’s fee every month, which has been consulted and agreed by the parents (either through cash, volunteer service or in kind).
/ 1 point / DR / Case in point that it can have no score
  1. Day Care Service is fully supported by the LGU, hence, DCWs are not allowed to impose user’s fee.
/ 3 points / DR / Only this instead of the e
  1. Maintains financial records of funds generated by the committee.
/ 1 point / DR
  1. Submits a copy of the financial records to the BECCDCC/BCPC or SB.
/ 1 point / DR
  1. The Community Leaders (Governors, Mayors, Barangay Officials)

  1. Extend ample moral support to the Day Care Service.

  1. Allocate an adequate budget for the service.
/ 3 points / DR/I
  1. Ensure timely procurement of needed materials
/ 3 points / DR/I/O
  1. Ensure continuity of service of experienced Day Care Worker regardless of political affiliation.
/ 3 points / DR/I
  1. Show/Manifest ownership of the project
/ 2 points / DR/I
Area C: Human Resource Development – refers to the recruitment and hiring; training and development; competencies and continuing education of the service providers; supervision and conditions of employment that are part of the management and administration of the ECCD program.