Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a;Mt 4:12-17, 23-25

Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44

Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13;Mk 6:45-52

Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc, 17;

Lk 4:14-22a

Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16

Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30

Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10;Acts 10:34-38; Mt 3:13-17


Sunday:In Memory of Theresa Sardelich

Requested by Beverly & Gary Vicory

In Memory of Dominga Rodrigues & Angela Ceja

Requested by Daniel Graza


Barbara Cramer, Dennis & Cathy Dark, Brian Garcia, Joe Gray, Debbie J., Roy Jackson, Roy Jackson, Sr., Ellen Lindauer, Ruben Lopez, Martin Salce Macias, Amy Martin, Morris Martinez, Vera Musto, Edward Ortega, Barbara Rose, Michael Sakata, Mary Elizabeth Sinkey, Jennie Tomasi, Albert Torres, Diane Valentin, Shirley & Gene Wizer, Eileen Zuccaro


Estella Abdel, Ely Abella, Carmen Aceves, Amparo Alvarado, Jessie Aranda, Leticia Avalos, Imelda Barron, Lisa Benson, Betty Bober, Connie Bonilla, Evelyn Borba, Mariana Carmona, Sandra Cazares, Gabriel Chavez, Cecilia Chambers, Yolanda Cdo isneros, Eric Crawford, Johnny Darden, Benedicta Davis, Chuck Davis, Florence DeBernardi, Jose Delgado, Lexi DeLost, Louie DiBernardi, Evelyn Elmer, Hilary Freed, Luis Miguel Gonzalez, Marshall Graves, Norma Guerrero, Jeanine Hamilton, Lura Hammontree, Sonya Hernaes, Mary Kathryn Hernandez, Maria Herrera, Amy Hickox-Nadash, Carolyn Hobbs, Loretta Hocking, Minnie Jimenez, Charlott Krause,Miranda Luna, Marina Maddox, Dorothy Manich, Doris McDermott, Ray Merlino, Felicitas Miller, Calleigh Morrow, Marla Musser, Anthony Myers, Shquitelle Norris, Armando Padillo, John Pile,Valerie Pile, Florence Reeder, Irene Rodriguez, LoriAnn Rodriguez, Elisa Romandia, Alberto Ruiz, Emily Sanchez, Helen Scharosch, Debbie Shijo, Octavia Simien, Shayne Smith, Joanne Smolich, Allison Southards, Ed Suarez, Julie Sutton, Bryan Stow, Ron Sykes, Judy Tafoya, Mary Tafoya, Linda Troxel, Susan Valdez, Dennis Martin Virdue, Jason Visger, Andrew Western, Carolee Western, Clare Western, Samia Zumout


Lehman Benson II, Lisa Chairez, Sonia Damiano, Jacqueline & Joel Daste, Juan Gonzalez, Marie Henderson, Emily Killion, James Austin Klass, Stan Krause, Iris Lane, Javier & Belen Lopez, Cesar Maurtua, Martha Marina Montenegro, Constance Moseley, Carter Oosterhouse, Victor Perez, Francine Mary Petzold, Beth Pichinino, Leila Rain, Sacramento Silva, T. J. Smith, Giselle Torres, Adrian Western, Alena Yamagiwa, Prayer Support for all the Men & Women in Comunita Cenacola


Nicholas Acosta, Felix Acuna, John L. Darden, David Espinoza, Samantha Ewing, Douglas Fava, Sandra Cristina Flores, Michael and Robert Godina, Gabriel Granados, Marvin Green III, Joe Hernandez, Russell Hocking, Francisco Lazoya, Brandon Lopez, Michael López, Jonathan Luna, Marco Manuel Mares, Kegan Merlino, Christopher Morrow, Lloyd Myers, Carlos & Juan Enrique Owings, Vincent Quesada IV, Christopher Roach, Christopher Rodriguez, Jabyne Trujillo, Stacey Dobrev


For those wishing communion brought to their homes, please call the church office at 452-6866

Reflection on the Readings

The Big Story

Epiphany of the Lord

Father Phil Bloom

Message: Like the Magi we need to discover the big story - the one that makes sense of our lives and the universe we are part of.

Last Sunday I mentioned the importance of knowing our "story," that is, how the events of our lives fit in with the bigger story, God's story. We saw the example of the flight into Egypt and how what happened to the Holy Family relates to the history of Israel. Matthew makes the connection explicit, "Out of Egypt I called my son."

Today we see some men from the east - non-Israelites - whose lives connect with the story of Israel. These men study the stars and find meaning in them. They know about the cosmic story - the story of the universe.

The cosmic story has two versions. The first says that the stars control us, that we are simply products of a cosmic process and, therefore, the stars determine our lives. The second view perceives a power behind the cosmic process. The Magi start out with the first theory: they study the night sky and try to figure out how the stars influence things here on earth. But when they come to Jerusalem and Bethlehem, things change. The Magi acknowledge a power greater than the stars, the cosmos. After they meet the Christ child, they have a direct form of guidance. These men, great astronomers of their day, become part of the story of Israel.

These two big theories or "stories" about the universe continue today. One one side you have people saying the cosmos is like an acorn: it starts small but develops into something vast and complex and that humans are one more part of that complexity. On the other side are people who say, "Yes, the universe began small like an acorn and evolved into something large and varied." But this side asks where the acorn came from and posits that it dropped from some kind of "oak." Everything that exists has codes, a kind of DNA, that points back to the original Oak. (I hope you see that in this comparison the "oak" is the supreme being, God.)

Some people think that one view is primitive and the other, modern. But they are wrong. Both views have existed since humans started thinking about it. The earliest Greek

philosophers (call the "pre-socratic") had the "acorn alone" view. After them came Plato and Aristotle who challenged the "acorn alone" view. They developed an "acorn and oak" view that addresses more questions that the earlier view.

The Magi made a similar journey. They went from focusing on cosmic forces to meeting the God behind them. The Magi discovered the great story of Israel - and it made sense out of what they were experiencing in their lives.

Like the Magi we need to discover the big story - the one that makes sense of our lives and the universe we are part of. It is true, what Isaiah says, "darkness covers the earth and thick clouds cover the people." But when we turn to the Lord as the Magi did, we discover something else, "upon you the Lord shines, and over you appears his glory." Amen.*


Senior Citizens there will not be a meeting on January due to the Marian Room repairs. Next meeting on February 5th. See you there.


The Holy Name Society will meet for breakfast/meeting onSunday, January 12, at7:45 A.M. in the school cafeteria.


Would you like to make a difference and join the thousands of people gathered to stand up for the unborn? Then join us for the Walk for Life this January 25th to show your support. The Immaculate Conception Respect Life committee is organizing a bus trip to the Walk for Life and we will be selling tickets after every mass on Dec. 14th and 15th. The cost for the tickets will be $25. First come, first served. More details to follow in the next bulletin. If you have further questions please contact Ana Keyworth at916.213.4959


The Mother-Daughter programs explore God’s special gift of human fertility and the beauty and wonder of God’s plan for growing up and becoming a woman. The Teen (13 – 16) and Tween (10 – 12) programs cover similar subject matter while differing in depth and scope. For more information about program locations, time and content or register Visit


Is God calling you? The Dominican Contemplative Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery in Menlo Park will host a discernment weekend for women ages 18-40 who are discerning their vocation in life. The weekend starts from Friday eveningJan. 10thto Sunday noon, January 12, 2014. The sessions will include daily Mass, Adoration, chanted Divine Office, and conferences given by the Dominican nuns and friars. To register please contact the Vocation Directress at(650) 322-1801 ext. 19or . For more details visit us at:


8th grade students wanting to attend CR must take Placement test: Saturday, January 18, 2014 8AM-NoonRegister your student by Thursday, January 16, 2014The test has no cost. You can register by calling 916-400-3478


for Incoming Freshmen –Saturday, January 18, 2014

Students interested in attending CB in the 2014-15 school year are required to take the placement exam onSaturday, January 18. Online applications are due onJanuary 15, 2014. Students must check in by8:45 a.m.and will be finished at approximately12:30 p.m. Please contact the admissions office for more information at(916) 733-3690or visit the CB website at


Don't you and your spouse deserve a beautiful, romantic weekend away together? Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next two local Weekend dates are:Feb 14-16, 2014in Sacramento, CA andMar 7-9, 2014in Modesto, CA . Weekends are fillingquickly.Early registration is highly recommended. For more info visit our website at:

orcontact John & Angelica Angarita at .

CHOOSE LIFE 2014 – JANUARY 22, 2014

All middle-school & high-school youth, teachers, parents and ministers are invited to attend thisexciting event. Find out what does being “Pro-Life” vs. “Pro-Choice” really mean, learn how can youtalk about abortion with friends and family and gain skills to make a difference at your schools andparishes. Choose Life 2014 is happening on January 22, 2014 at the Cathedral of the Blessed

Sacrament starting at 7:00pm. A live large –screen ultrasound will be shown! For more informationplease contact Steve Patton at (916) 733-0133 or .

CHOOSE LIFE 2014 – JANUARY 22, 2014

All middle-school & high-school youth, teachers, parents and ministers are invited to attend thisexciting event. Find out what does being “Pro-Life” vs. “Pro-Choice” really mean, learn how can youtalk about abortion with friends and family and gain skills to make a difference at your schools andparishes. Choose Life 2014 is happening on January 22, 2014 at the Cathedral of the Blessed

Sacrament starting at 7:00pm. A live large –screen ultrasound will be shown! For more informationplease contact Steve Patton at (916) 733-0133 or .


All Junior High and High School Youth and Youth Groups are invited to ELEVATE their hearts, minds,and souls during an hour of worship, message and adoration at the Cathedral of the Blessed

Sacrament in Sacramento. The first diocesan sponsored ELEVATE event is on January 31, 2014starting at 7pm. For more information visit There is no cost for this event.


Argentina Pilgrimage, in the footsteps of Pope Francis. Join Fr. Patrick Lee and companions on this great Pilgrimage. See where Pope Francis grew up, the country that instilled his values and what led him to become the Holy Father, and Bishop of Rome. Scheduled for May 2014 (specific dates to be determined). Contact Fr. Patrick Lee at(916) 524-3849or Rita Munoz at(916) 429-7609


If what you did yesterday still looks big to you,

surely you have not done much today.
