President’s Staff Minutes 1-23-17

MCC President’s Staff Meeting


January 23, 2017

Present:Dr. Kerry Hart (President); Katie Barron (Director of Communications & Marketing); Kent Bauer (VP of Student Success); Susan Clough (VP of Administration & Finance); Jane Fries (Assistant to the President), Kathy Frisbie (VP of Instruction); Derek Grubb (Director of Institutional Effectiveness); Kari Linker (Director of Development); Kellie Overturf (Director, Wray Center)

Present by conference phone:Mary Andersen (Director, Limon Center); Jessica Fournier (Director, Bennett Center);Valerie Rhoades (Director, Burlington Center)


The meeting commenced at 10:35a.m. in Spruce 310.

1)President’s Staff performance appraisals: Dr. Hart announced thathe is moving up the timeline for conducting annual performance appraisals on his direct reports (President’s Staff) due to his retirement. Dr. Hart asked members of President’s Staff to send him progress reports on achieving their appraisal goals. He will complete the appraisals no later than the third week in February.

2)Budget/FTE: Dr. Hart expressed concern about declining FTE and the budget implications. President’s Staff was encouraged to keep the situation in mind when submitting FY 18 budget requests. The group also discussed a number of ideas about how to cut expenditures and increase FTE. As part of the discussion, President’s Staff decided to move the deadline for submitting class schedule information two weeks later to allow time for additional innovation inthe schedule. The new deadline for submitting information to Cathie Nix for the summer schedule is February 15, 2017. The deadline for submitting fall semester information is March 17, 2017.

3)Program marketing: Katie Barron will schedule a meeting to discuss the coordination of marketing efforts for individual programs. The meeting will include Katie, Kathy Frisbie, faculty, and Center Directors.

4)Web accessibility and master syllabi template: Kathy Frisbie gave a reminder of the importance of having facultyuse the new master syllabi template. This is crucial to ensure the college meets all HLC compliance requirements. The template is now web accessible. Future components will be added that addressguaranteed transfer information. The Instructional Taskforce will continue to discuss the template and disseminate information to the relevant parties. Kathy clarified that web accessibility guidelines apply to all MCC classes, including concurrent enrollment.

5)Faculty Qualifications: Dr. Hart reiterated that MCC must be in full compliance with HLC faculty qualifications by fall semester 2017. MCC has not requested an extension from HLC to meet the requirements. Dr. Hart noted that the master instructor/facilitator model may be used in some situations where the current instructor will not have the necessary master’s credits qualifications by the deadline. Center Directors and Associate Deans should obtain approval to use this approach from Kathy Frisbie on a case-by-case basis. Kathy is currently conducting an audit of faculty qualifications and plans to have this completed by March 1, 2017.

6)Foundation Update: Kari Linker gave a fundraising progress report. The Foundation is ahead of schedule in raising matching funds for COSI dollars. The year-end solicitation letter generated slightly less funds than last year’s appeal, but more donors contributed than in 2015. Several new scholarships funds have been started, thanks to donations from Bob and Janet Datteri, Cargill, Corky and Connie Tomky. Some existing scholarship endowments have also been increased or restructured. The new CACE sponsorship program has generated

30 sponsors and over $12,000 to fund CACE activities. Plans are on-track for the Gala. The $19,000 sponsorship goal has been met and Gala raffle tickets are selling fast. FMS Bank has underwritten the cost of the raffle prize.


  1. CACE will be holding a movie night on February 6, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in Bloedorn Lecture Hall featuring the college’s documentary, “Glenn Miller: The Birthplace of His Music.” Katie Barron will send out an email invitation to staff and documentary donors.
  2. Derek Grubbshared that the Higher Learning Commission panel is meeting the week of January 23, 2017 to make the final determinations on MCC’s Comprehensive Quality Review.
  3. Derek gave a reminder to Center Directors to review the lists of student names he sent them and submit any corrections/additions to the State Assigned Student Identification (SASID) numbers. These are needed for the Student Unit Record Data System (SURDS) report.
  4. Derek gave a reminder to send any suggested edits/updates to the Strategic Plan Scorecard measurements to him. He will work with Jane Fries to develop an agenda for the February 14, 2017 SPT meeting.
  5. Susan Clough announced that a conference phone will be set up for the presidential candidates’ open forums to be held in Founders Room January 26 and 27, 2017. She noted that if staff members are unable to attend one of the daytime forums, they can also participate in the “community” forum scheduled from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. on January 26 at the Country Steak Out.

8)Meeting Adjournment/Next Meeting: The meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m. The next meetingis scheduled forFebruary 13, 2017at10:30 Spruce 310.


Jane Fries

Assistant to the President

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