*Compromise of 1850*

Created by Henry Clay

1. California is a free state
2. UT and NM will use popular sovereignty
3. Slave trade will end in D.C.
4. Fugitive Slave Law

*Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852*

A novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe

1. A hard working slave, Uncle Tom, was whipped to death by his cruel master.
2. A female slave, Eliza, chose to risk death rather than be separated from her young son
3. This novel sparked strong emotions against slavery by northerners.
4. Southerners were outraged by the book.

*Kansas/Nebraska Act 1854*

Planned by Stephen Douglas

1. Divided Nebraska territory into two new territories, Kansas and Nebraska
2. Northerners were outraged because it scrapped the Missouri Compromise
3. Settlers were able to vote on whether to permit slavery in the two territories (popular sovereignty).

*Bleeding Kansas 1856*

1. After the Kan/Neb Act, settlers moved into Kansas to support or oppose slavery.
2. Kansas had to opposing governments: Pro-slavery or Anti-slavery
3. Pro slavery group came into Lawrence, Kansas and killed 5 abolitionists
4. John Brown, an abolitionist came from the northeast with 5 sons and killed 5 pro-slavery settlers in their sleep at Pottawatomie Creek.
5. By late in 1856 more than 200 people had been killed

*Dred Scott Decision 1857*

Decided by Chief Justice Roger Taney

1. Dred Scott was a slave who wanted to sue for his freedom after his owner died.
2. Scott believed since his owner had previously taken him to a free state he should have been given freedom.
3. Dred Scott is a slave and has no right to sue. He loses and will remain a slave.
4. Slaves were considered property when the founding fathers created the constitution (big WIN for the south).

*Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1858*

Held by Abe Lincoln and Stephen Douglas

1. Lincoln (Republican) vs. Douglas (Democrat)
2. Lincoln wanted NEW states to be free.
3. Douglas thought the nation could go on half-slave and half-free
4. The debates helped make Lincoln a national figure

*John Brown’s Raid 1859*

Scheme by northerner, John Brown

1. J.B. planned to seize the federal arsenal where weapons are stored
2. J.B. wanted to use weapons to arm slaves in the south
3. All of Brown’s men were killed or captured during the raid.
4. J.B. was hanged and his brave attempts against slavery were admired by northerners.

*Lincoln’s Election 1860*

Scheme by northerner, John Brown

1. Rebublican: Lincoln Democrat: Douglas Democrat: Breckinridge
2. Lincoln wins

Key Terms to know: Reform, Abolitionist, Prohibition, Popular Sovereignty, Debate

Early to mid 1800’s Reform: Women’s rights, Public schooling, Religion, Medicine….

Early to mid 1800’s Inventions: Steamboat, Clipper, Railroads, Steel Plow, Barbed Wire…