Field Education Course Grading Worksheet

SW 421, 422


Student Name:Last: First: Final %Final Grade

Semester: Fall Spring Summer Year:

Course #: 421 422

1)Total # of rating categories completed (do not count N/A’s)

x 5

“A” = Total possible raw score on evaluative categories = A

2)(A) X 1.25 = (B)

“A” x 1.25= “B”Maximum raw score (evaluation + field seminar)

3)Insert the total number of each of the five rating categories below their respective heading. Multiply the corresponding value of each section (top row in table below) by the number in each category.

Add together the five numbers in the bottom row. The sum of these numbers = “C” (total earned evaluation points)

Insufficient Competence
2.5 / Beginning/
Emerging Competence
4.0 / Basic/
4.2 / Advanced Competence
4.5 / Exemplary Competence
5.0 / Total earned evaluation points
+ / X
+ / X
+ / X
+ / X
= / C

1) X = D (total raw student score)

C Integrated Seminar

Multiplier (below)

Integrated Field Seminar Score & Grade Multiplier

Field Seminar
Total percentage points earned / Multiplier
90-100 / 1.25
80-89.9 / 1.20
70-79.9 / 1.15
60-69.9 / 1.10
50-59.9 / 1.05
0–49.9 / 1.0

2)÷ =


3)(E) - % (missing or rejected required field documents) = (F)

(Note: Missing, late or unacceptableLearning Plans, Self-Evaluations, and Verification of Field Hours will result in a percentage reduction per missed document as follows)

  • Learning Plan – 3%
  • Mid-Term Self-Evaluation – 3%
  • Final Self-Evaluation – 3%
  • Field Hour Verification Form – 3%

Late documents will result in a 1.5% percentage point reduction per document.

Missing or late documents as follows:

Correspond “F” to grading scale below to determine student grade. (Scores falling in-between grade cut-offs will be rounded to the closest whole percentage point.)

A / 95 and above
A- / 90-94
B+ / 84-89
B / 78-83
B- / 72-77
C+ / 68-71
C / 64-67
C- / 60-63
D / 55-59
F / <55

Grading Scale