Board of Education

Serving children, schools and young people



Year 3 Term 6 / Judaism / Enquiry question:
What is life like for a Jewish child living in Britain today?
Key objectives
Assessment criteria / To describe some of the rules and guidance used by believers and how that might be applied in working with others from different traditions.
To know what life is like for a Jewish child – praying at home, visiting the synagogue, school, weekends, food.
To know what the Sabbath is and how Jewish families celebrate it.
To know what Shabbat is and why celebrating it is important to Jewish families.
To know what Kosher is and why Jewish families follow these rules. To know where these rules originated from.
My life my religion – Judaism – great resource for learning about Jewish life.
(30- 45 mins) / Give the children a selection of pictures depicting Jewish life – what can they see? What do they think is going on each picture? Children to annotate them (bring them back at the end of the unit to annotate again with all the info they had learnt)
(30 - 45 mins) / Pose the enquiry question – what do you want to find out about life as a Jewish child.
Do you think their lives are similar to ours? I wonder what is different/similar? Why?
Children to create and generate questions to explore and research.
How are we going to find out the answers to these questions? Make a plan for the following weeks.
(3 hours) / Lessons to focus on:
  1. Shabbat – Task: Carry out a meal and make Challah bread, find out about what they can and can’t do on the Sabbath and why – how does this make you feel? Why do you think celebrating Shabbat is so important for Jewish families? Take photos and annotate.
  2. Visiting the Synagogue in the week and on the Sabbath – what do they do and why? Why are these things important to Jewish children? What does this tell you about the Jewish faith? Task: Picture of children in a Synagogue, children to annotate with speech and thought bubbles to show what they are thinking, saying and doing.
  3. Food – what are they allowed and not allowed to eat and why? What impact does this have on their lives? Task: Jewish menu / plan of kitchen – thought bubbles.
  4. Hobbies and activities for Jewish children – use the videos to find out about the lives of children. How do they feel about being Jewish? How do they feel about their lives? What things are most important to them? Pictures of Jewish children with speech/thought bubbles.

(up to 1 hour) / Children to annotate the original pictures again – what have they learnt? What do they still need to find out?
Record the new learning and question the children to see what they have found out.
(1 hour) / What is life like for a Jewish child living in Britain today?
If life different/same as ours, how, why?
Examples lessons / KOSHER FOODS
Kosher food lesson
To know what Kosher is and why Jewish families follow these rules. To know where these rules originated from. / Food – From previous lesson, focus on key questions children devised.
What are Jews allowed and not allowed to eat and why?
What impact does this have on their lives?
Engage –
If you went to McDonalds, what would you order to eat? Introduce to children that they would not be able to drink a milkshake with other foods on the menu.
Very basic video clip to introduce word ‘kosher.’ From this children will need to carry out further research.
Enquire –
What are Jews allowed and not allowed to eat and why? What impact does this have on their lives?
In pairs/small groups - Research using a variety of books and on-line using laptops (Or print out info if laptops aren’t available) CT to find suitable materials for LA to use as material on-line quite difficult for them to access.

Woodland Juniors -
Pages 12 & 13 – reference for staff:
After 20-30 minutes, children to share their group findings.
Use Powerpoints to ensure pupils have all key facts before starting activities.
Express –
AT1 - Create a Jewish menu for a day/ plan of kitchen to show understanding of the rules Jews follow when preparing/eating meals.
AT2 - Thought bubble question. What impact do the Jewish food rules have on Jewish life?
Evaluate –
Peer evaluation - Children to share their menus/kitchen plans with each other. Are the meals kosher? Are the kitchens kosher?
How is life different for a Jewish child wheneating/preparing meals?
To know what Hanukah is and understand the importance of foods eaten during this festival. / Engage –
Present children with slide 1 of PP – images with questions to discuss. After image 1 and first set of questions, inform children the festival is Hanukkah. Go on to 2nd picture and questions.
Video clip suitable for CT knowledge -
Enquire –
Pupil clip – play and stop at various points to question children.
HAs ONLY - In pairs/small groups –Carry out additional research in books/laptops to find more foods eaten.
Express –
AT1 –Provide children with images of latkes and doughnuts. Explain in own words the significance of these foods at Hanukkah.
AT2 – Thought bubble. Hanukkah is considered to be one of the greatest miracles in Jewish history. How do you think a Jew feels during this festival and why? Explain your thoughts.
Evaluate –Share and discuss AT2 responses. Have children understood the significance of the miracle and foods that are eaten as part of the celebrations?