Clear Lake Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting

February 10, 2015

The regular monthly meeting of the Clear Lake Public Library Board of Trustees was held at the Clear Lake Public Library, 200 N. 4th St., Clear Lake, IA on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 5:15 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Board President Jana Severtson. The following members were present: Diane Glynn, Scott Johnson, Bennett Smith, Pat Weigel, and Betsy Cherry. Library Director Jill Pannkuk was also present. Tom Arndorfer was absent.

A motion was made by Bennett and seconded by Betsy to approve the January minutes. The motion carried. A motion was made by Betsy and seconded by Scott to approve all expense items for the period of Jan/Feb 2015. The motion carried.

Librarian’s Report

Ebook and Zinio magazine circulation increased this month. The Friends will be holding an Open House for Jill on Feb. 17 from 4-6 pm. Foods for fines is being held in February. On Feb. 23 there will be a Dr. Seuss party from 5-7 pm. The noon book discussion group met on Tuesday, Feb. 10 with four people attending. Next month’s book to be discussed is The Aviator’s Wife by Melanie Benjamin. Martha is working on the Friend’s newsletter

Old Business

  1. Policy review—Jill has compared our Personnel Policies with the city’s and has updated them to match. Article 6: Vacations 6.2 was changed to read “Vacation time may be taken consecutively or individually and can be used in minimum increments of one day. Requests should be made two weeks prior to utilizing available time off.” Article 7: Funeral Leave 7.2 changes included “Spouse-four days; Children-four days; Parents-four days.” Article 8: Sick Leave 8.1 was changed to “All full-time permanent employees shall accumulate sick leave at the rate of two days per month to a maximum of 100 working days.” It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Pat to accept the updates to the policies. Motion passed.
  2. Flooring in the Children’s Department—The flooring will be installed this weekend. The children’s library will be closed for two days during the installation.
  3. Space Planning Project—Jill met with George Lawson and Dennis Sharp to review the plans. The Board will tour the area at the end of the board meeting.
  4. Boiler update –The boiler is repaired and working.
  5. Hand Dryers--The hand dryers have been installed
  6. The new server has been installed.

New Business

1.  Assistant Director Position—The position has been posted on the State Library of Iowa and ARSL websites. First review of applications begins on Feb. 17.

2.  Bookkeeper Position—The bookkeeper position has not been filled. Jill will continue to do the bookkeeping for now.

There being no further business, it was moved by Betsy and seconded by Bennett to adjourn at 6:02 p.m. The motion carried.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 5:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Dianne Glynn, Secretary

Alliant Energy / 2,388.74
City of CL / 20.78
CL Telephone / 255.73
Aramark / 16.57
Baker & Taylor / 726.98
Blazek Electric / 300.00
D&D Cleaning / 1,300.00
Demco / 370.64
Fareway / 38.69
Fiala / 25.00
Hobby Lobby / 38.98
Hunt Electric / 118.98
Iowa Division of Labor / 80.00
Johnson Sanitary Products / 155.07
Junior Library Guild / 381.00
Lake Plumbing and Heating / 106.00
Larson Mercentile / 23.45
Marco / 64.77
Midwest Tape / 557.47
Mirror Reporter / 110.00
Office Elements / 253.22
Petty Cash / 220.71
Star Tribune / 51.35
Target / 246.25
Subtotal / 7,850.38
Salaries / 21,232.78
FICA / 1,870.97
TOTAL / 30,954.13