Region XIII Education Service Center

5701 Springdale Road, Austin, TX 78723

(512) 919-5351

Hermit Crab

Land hermit crabs, Coenobita clypeatus, are terrestrial crabs that carry their shells on their backs. They are native to the Caribbean region and are also known as the purple pincher, tree crab or soldier crab. Although called “hermit”crabs, they actually live in colonies. The large left claw is used for defense and climbing, while the smaller right claw is used in eating and drinking. Adult hermit crabs are terrestrial, but they start their life cycles in the ocean. The eggs are released at the shoreline and are carried out to sea, where the larvae remain for 4-6 molts. Juveniles then begin becoming more tolerant of air until they can live entirely on land as adults.

HOUSING: Hermit crabs should be maintained in an aquarium or plastic cage with gravel or sand as the substrate. Crabs are nocturnal, so do not put the cage in direct sunlight or a drafty area. Hermit crabs are good climbers so adding branches to the cage might cause the crab to become more active; they also like to hide in clay pots.

TEMPERATURE and HUMIDITY: The temperature in the cage should be between 65º-85ºF. Because hermit crabs are tropical, humidity is essential and can be maintained by daily misting.

WATER: Aged tap water or spring water should be provided in a non-metal, very shallow dish. The crabs need to be able to drink and bathe without the risk of drowning.

FEEDING: A commercial crab diet is provided by the SMC. The crabs may be given treats such as lettuce, apple, grapes or fresh vegetables. The food should be removed and replaced with fresh food before it begins to spoil or grow mold.

HANDLING: Try not to startle the crab when picking it up, and avoid the large, left claw. Crabs will allow themselves to be killed before giving up their shells, so never try to force the crab from its shell.

·  Anyone who handles the animal or its caging must wash their hands with soap and water.

·  Students should only work with the animals when supervised by an adult.