Data Protection Policy

1.0 Introduction

The County Wicklow Volunteer Centre Ltd (CWVC) is an independent organisation committed to the promotion, development and support of volunteer participation in the local area.

As part of our function we collect information on both individuals and groups. This policy is designed to ensure that the CWVC complies with the Data Protection Acts 1998-2003. The purpose of the Data Protection Acts, 1998 - 2003 (“the Act”), is to ensure that data of a personal or sensitive nature which is retained by an organization is obtained and processed fairly within a secure environment, for the purposes specified at the time.

2.0 Definitions

Personal data - means data relating to a living individual who is or can be identified either from the data or from the data in conjunction with other information that is in, or is likely to come into, the possession of the data controller. This can be a very wide definition depending on the circumstances. Personal data may include name, address, email, mobile number, photographs, family details etc.

Sensitive personal data - refers to personal data regarding the data subject’s

- racial or ethnic origin, political opinions or religious or philosophical beliefs;

- membership of a trade union;

- physical or mental health or condition or sexual life;

- admission or alleged admission of any offence or any related proceedings.

Individual – means any person whose personal details are held by CWVC

Group - means any organization about which or for which CWVC holds information.

3.0 Compliance

In compliance with the provisions of the Act, CWVC guarantees that we will:

·  Obtain and process information fairly

·  Keep it only for one, or more, specified explicit and lawful purposes

·  Use and disclose it only in ways compatible with these purposes

·  Keep it safe and secure

·  Keep it accurate, complete and up-to-date

·  Ensure that it is adequate, relevant and not excessive

·  Retain it for no longer than is necessary for the purpose or purposes for which it is intended

·  Give a copy of personal data to an individual, on request

3.1 Registration forms

All registration forms and personal information furnished to CWVC by volunteers, groups or personnel will be kept only for lawful purposes. The company will use the data relating to you, which is collected in these forms, for the purpose for which it has been collected. Data shall not be disclosed for any reason incompatible with the purpose for which it is kept.

4.0 Retention of Data

Data shall be retained until the individual or group terminates its association with CWVC or we for any reason terminate contact with the individual or group.

Furthermore, CWVC not only intends to comply with its obligations under the Act, but also wishes to assure all persons about whom it retains personal data, that this data will be processed in compliance with the Act and will be stored in a secure, confidential and appropriate manner. The data will only be stored whilst relevant and will not be disclosed to any person unless required by law. All due security measures will be taken by the company to ensure safe-guarding of the information as per the terms of the Act, i.e.,

·  Manual files containing data relating to you are retained securely.

·  Computers and databases are password protected.

·  Computer based data is backed- up monthly, the back- up held off site.

5.0 Access to Information

Under the Act, you may write to CWVC at the address below and request a copy of the information, which we hold providing entitlement can be satisfied. Should inaccuracies exist, a request may be made to amend or erase same.

The Manager,

County Wicklow Volunteer Centre,

Unit 2,

Carlisle House,

Adelaide Road,


County Wicklow

6.0 Review of Policy

This policy will be reviewed regularly in light of any legislative or other relevant indicators. If there is no good reason for retaining personal information, then that information will be routinely deleted. Information will never be kept "just in case" a use can be found for it in the future.

Version 2.0 (To be reviewed) 15/02/2010