Steering Committee Quarterly Meeting

June 16, 2015, 11am – 3pm with lunch

HMSC Guin Library, Barry Fisher Room 2030 SE Marine Science Drive, Newport, OR


1. Call to order & Introductions: Birgitte Ryslinge, Chair

Present: Bruce Rhodes, Tillamook SD, Kama Almasi, LCSD, Janice Eisele, NOW, Shamus Gamache, CLPUD, Dave Hansen, Oregon Sea Grant, Tracy Crews, OSG, Kyle Cole, OSU Pre-college programs, Rachael Bashor, Aquarium/Hub Staff, Ruth McDonald, LCSD/Hub Staff, Dawn Granger, Coos Bay SD, Kerry Morgan, Aquarium, Cait Goodwin, OSG/Hub Staff, Birgitte Ryslinge, OCCC

Introductions of steering committee members and Hub Staff (Beaver Hangout shared by Kyle- College student mentors online for younger students!) Rachael shared TI STEM, Dawn shared that she represents Hub at their RAC, Kerry shared the new exhibit took a STEM approach, rather than historical approach to shipwrecks, and includes the local winner of MATE Navigator class is part of it. Brigitte shared that the college foundation donated to the Taft High team going to Newfoundland and their experience at the Aquarium. Also shared plans for expansion and programs at OCCC in future will include STEM.

2. Approval of the Recorded Notes: 4/14/2015

It was moved and 2nd- to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.

3. Intended Outcomes Today: Dr. Ryslinge reviewed our intended outcomes for today.

a. Steering Committee briefed on Exec Committee work

b. Decision: July meeting or delegate duties to Exec Committee?

c. Understand closeout of this year’s grant and application timeline for next grant proposal

d. Understand 2015/16 Steering Committee membership

e. Adopt revised Roles and Responsibilities for Steering Committee members

1 Materials reviewed in advance of today’s meeting

 _Oregon Coast STEM Hub Interim Report, May 2015, available on the wikispace: http://ocstemhub-steeringcomm.wikispaces.com/Steering+Comm+Mtgs

 _Survey to gauge Steering Committee membership for next year http://goo.gl/forms/3GK8DHjXFz

4. Information & Discussion Items

a. Executive Committee report - Birgitte

Reviewed what we had decided at April meeting re: Executive Committee and shared the committee’s June report to the Steering Committee.

-Since the EC approved the summer budget Tracy explained that (See 6a Below)

-Also shared the EC’s revision to the Roles and Responsibilities document of the Executive Committee

-Discussed and recommended the Core Partners participation in steering committee and Conflict of Interest standards. Resulted in recommendation of revised Steering Committee Roles and Responsibilities.

-Summarized remaining items on EC report.

b. Vision and Mission check in - Janice

Janice summarized current vision, how it was first crafted, and work we have been doing on revision. Question will be do we want it revised by the whole group, or direct the EC to do the work and then bring it back.

Discussion about whether SC wants the whole group to wordsmith, or have the EC do it and bring it back to SC, and then if they want a meeting to approve, or to informally approve or vote by email.

c. Grant renewal

i. Philosophical directions-

Ruth discussed the collective impact philosophy and ideas for districts/partners to contribute to the hub rather than just receive funds ad services. Kerry, Ruth and Dawn will draft an email to partners and new partners clearly identifying commitments asked for next biennium.

ii. Timeline:

Tracy summarized the expected state timeline for renewal grant application, We will need to include revised mission and vision, revised staffing, strategic initiative, budget.

d. What’s needed for summer progress to continue – Do we need a meeting before the grant is submitted? Decisions around posting and recruiting an Exec. Director, grant, mission and vision. Shamus suggested that the EC and grant writing team just send out Mission, Vision and grant for feedback electronically.

e. Steering Committee composition for next year: 11 members wish to continue, need to recruit members from Business/Industry, Underrepresented groups.

5. Action Items

a. Decision: SC meet in July, OR empower Exec Committee to proceed as needed (below) for the next grant applications:

-Moved and 2nd and agreed: Non-executive committee steering committee members recommended that the EC works on the Mission, vision, grant app, and exec director details, send things out electronically to full Steering committee, will provide feedback to EC. If something should rise that requires ad hoc meeting, individuals interested will attend. Backbone staff will coordinate an ad hoc mtg. as needed.

b. Policy: Revised Roles and Responsibilities for Steering Committee members

Birgitte explained what the roles and responsibilities documents is communicating. The current document is a slightly revised

Kama Almasi moved to remove the prohibition of participation of organizations and agencies that host backbone staff not be steering committee members and adopt the current iteration of Steering Committee Member document. Kyle Cole second. Approved unanimously

Kama Almasi moved to elect Kerry Carlin-Morgan and Bruce Rhodes to the Steering Committee. Shamus second. Approved unanimously.

6. Updates

a. Closing out budget / summer activities – Tracy and Carol and LCSD Fiscal Team

Earlier, Tracy distributed the summer budget and explained the items that will be supported by the hub from July 1-Sept. 30th. Carole said that there are still some districts that have not yet submitted last invoices. We may be over spent by a few thousand dollars, but not likely.

Julie Baldwin shared some things we need to do better. We need to make some STEM Hub guidelines on expenditures for next year (reimbursements, travel, mileage, fixed costs). Needs to be in the Declaration of Cooperation. LCSD needs to look at the FTE Carole contributed to see if it was more than .20.

She also suggested that the Hub set a timeline for invoicing (30-45) or not reimbursed.

b. Interim Report:

Ruth shared the narrative report (on Wiki Space) and highlighted parts, lesson learned and next steps. Tracy shared the individual strategic initiative charts.

c. Subcommittee Reports

Agreed that with all the reporting we have already done, we have covered the subcommittee

7. Future Steering Committee Discussion



8. Announcement of future meetings

a. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Oregon Coast Regional STEM HUB Steering Committee is September 15, 2015, 11am-3pm at OCCC in Lincoln City. The date was later changed to Sept 22, 2015 - cg

9. Adjourn