Marina Real Juan Carlos I, Valencia /

Valencia Mini 6.50 Regata de las Islas

Sunday, 21st September, 2014


Boat name:
Sail number:
Skipper / Licence
Post Code / Town
Telephone / E-Mail

The entry fee (320.00 €) should be paid into the Bankia Bank, Valencia, account number IBAN ES642038 6161 17 3000092857, swift CAHMESMXXX, account in the name of Marina Valencia Sailing Club. and indicating the name of the participant and AIR 2014.

Marina Real Juan Carlos I, Valencia /

Valencia Mini 6.50 Regata de las Islas



Skipper of boat / Sail number


That I have read the article 11 of the Notice of Race and that my boat is seaworthy and conforms to the requirements of security in that article and that the crew of the boat are fit and in condition to take part in the race. At the same time, through this document, I accept that the organizers of the race have no responsibility for any event or accident that occurs at sea as a result of my participation in the race.


Name: Date:

Identity or Passport number

Your attention is drawn to the Fundamental Rule nº 4, DECISION TO RACE, of part 1 of the RRS, which states:

“The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone”

The MARINA VALENCIA SAILING CLUB informs that all the personal data of the skipper and crew in this document will be saved in a file of the race. This file will only be used in the organization of the race and any sporting, cultural, social, promotional and/or publicity activities of the organizers during the event. Any personal data will be kept exclusively for this purpose. This present agreement does not contradict your rights to modify, cancel or remove any or all of your personal data, contacting in writing, enclosing a copy of you passport or identity card, with the MARINA VALENCIA SAILING CLUB, c.i.f. G-98218027, address Marina Real Juan Carlos I, Oficina Marina s/n, 46024, VALENCIA, which is responsible for this file..

M.V.S.C.Sección de CrucerosPágina 1