Course description:

The course is divided into two parts. The first section examines the theory and practice of educational planning. The second part examines the policy -making process and how new ideas are ultimately generated into workable public policies. The course is intended to foster a deep, wide thinking about educational planning as field of study.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course students will be able to;

  1. Examine current and basic theories, approaches of educational planning.
  2. Analyze major educational policy issues as they impact at the local level as appropriate for examination by educational administrators.
  3. Identify contexts and conceptual frameworks for considering and analyzing educational policy.

Course outline

Theory and practice of educational Planning

  • Study of the historical development of education planning
  • Strategic planning in education
  • History of strategic planning
  • Strategic planning process
  • Models of strategic planning
  • Educational planning approaches: Manpower approach; Cost benefit approach; Social demand approach
  • The internal and external efficiency of educational system
  • Measuring access to, disparity and participation in education
  • Basic skills in supervision
  • Supervisory techniques
  • Instructional supervision in practice
  • School inspection in Uganda
  • Planning teachers training, recruitment and utilization
  • Teaching staff requirements and improving the utilization of teachers
  • Institutional Planning: school buildings, equipment and projecting school enrollment

The policy -making process in educational institutions

  • Changing demographics
  • Educational needs of different school populations
  • Political dynamics of educational policy process
  • Values and ethical considerations in educational policy
  • Public and interest group interests and opinions
  • Policy and resource issues
  • Trends in educational effectiveness.
  • Educational policy processes and stages
  • Identification and analysis of significant current and future policy questions drawing on the above frameworks and applied to policy considerations for the education of all student populations.
  • The nature of Educational Policies: define theory of policy making. Policy from formation to implementation.
  • Theories and models of education policy making
  • Purposes of Educational policies
  • Justification of Educational policies
  • The implementation and enforcement of Education policy implementation
  • Problems and challenges of educational planning and policy making in Uganda: Past, present and future.

Reading List/Reference Materials

Better Schools. (1993) Resources materials for school Heads. ModuleSchool Inspection Development for Educational Managers. Commonwealth Secretariat

Birkland T.A (2001). An introduction to the Policy Process. Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making. M.E.Sharpe. Armok, New York, LondonEngland.

Chandrasekaran, P. (1997). Educational Planning and management Sterling Publishers Private Limited

Evans David R. (ed.) (1994). Education Policy formation in Africa: A comparative study of five countries. Technical Paper No. 12. Office of Analysis, Research, and Technical Support, Bureau for Africa. Washington, D.C.: USAID.

Education Standard Agency Handbook for School Inspectors

Forajolla, S.B., (1993). Educational planning for development New York: the Macmillan Press

Haddad, Wadi, D. & Demsky, T. (1994). The dynamics of education policymaking. EDI

Haddad, Wadi D. (1995). Education policy-planning process: an applied framework. Fundamentals of Educational Planning, No. 51. Paris: UNESCO: International Institute for Educational Planning.

Lindblom, C. E. & Woodhouse, E. J. (1993). The policy making process. Third Edition. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

Goldhammer R. Anderson R. H. and Krajewski (1980). Clinical Supervision: special methods for the supervision of teachers. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston

Gorton, R. (1983) School Administration and Supervision

Government of Uganda (1992). Government White Paper on education

Musaazi, J.C.S. (2006). Educational planning: principles, tools and applications in the developing world Kampala Makerere university printery.

Passi F.O. (1991) Legislation and Education in Uganda. School of Education. MakerereUniversity.

Singh, H.M., (1997).Fundamentals of educational management New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House PVT Ltd.

Steiner, G. (1979). Strategic planning. What every manager should know. New York: The Free Press.

Psacharopoulos G (1990). Why Education Policies Can Fail. An Overview of Selected African