ENA Forensic Committee

Multidisciplinary Working Group

Indiana Chapter [Final]

Minutes 7 August 2014



Attendees:Barb Bachmeier (IU Health-Methodist-Indianapolis), Cathy Clark (St. Elizabeth’s-Lafayette), Sarah Hines (Eskenazi), Laura Berry (ICADV), Mary Durell (ICJI), Laura Chavez (ISDH), Michelle Corrao (Prevail-Noblesville), Michelle Resendez (St-Franciscan Alliance-NWI)

  1. Meeting minutes from May 2014 – No changes
  1. No additional agenda items
  1. Indiana Legislative Updates
  1. Laura Berry updated on legislative actions for next year. The

currentstatute of limitations on sex offenses is under review. Legislators are looking at the funding given to INCASA in the past and how they can change the budget to distribute the funds. Since INCASA has ceased operations and was the recipient of those funds there is a need to change the distribution flow so the agencies can continue to operate.

  1. Laura Berry will be sending out a questionnaire to ICADV members

to elicit input on what items members feel need to be considered by the legislators for 2015. The questionnaire will come out in fall of 2014.

  1. Possible issues with new Incapacitated Law – Mary Durell followed on

on this issue that was raised several months ago. The resource Mary referred to raising issues on this law is from the National Protocol. Laura Berry asked if anyone from the Public Defender’s Office was at the legislator’s hearing when bill discussed. No one present from office to object to bill.

5. Indiana Court of Appeal Case – Tuggle v. State of Indiana - no violation of Tuggle’s Fourth Amendment rights, the bag of clothing was properly seized, and the DNA test results were properly admitted into evidence at trial. This case is pertinent to nurses who work in the ED that bag clothing of trauma patients. Opinion is posted on the IN ENA forensic page.

  1. Revision of Indiana Evidence Collection Kit – the revision is close to

completion. Details of collection are printed on the envelopes and detailed instructions are included in the kit. This will replace the Indiana Guidelines for the Medical and Forensic Examination of Adult and Adolescent Sexual Assault Patients (2011). Cathy Clark/Michelle Resendez asked if additional drying of swabs was necessary if swabs now came with caps for the purpose of air drying the swabs. Barb will send a query out to Michelle Ditton, Megan Brown and Michael Medler for the answer.

  1. Reimbursement for exams
  1. Fort Wayne has no issues
  1. NWI – Michelle Resendez reported that the Corporate Business

Officers for St. Franciscan Alliance are still working out the details on billing procedures. They are receiving some reimbursement from Illinois but not near what it costs to provide the medical forensic care. Michelle will engage the CNO of the organization to see if they can help implement the billing procedures.

  1. Forensic Education
  1. ENA – The national conference will be in Indianapolis this year from

October 7-11th at the Indianapolis convention center. IAFN is a sponsor will have a booth at the conference. Forensic Nurses from Indiana that volunteered to help staff the booth. There will be a get together of forensic nurses during the convention.

  1. IPV course – offered through IU Health-Methodist – 10 weeks, every

Wednesday from 1800-2200 starting September 10th – November 19th.

  1. Indiana Chapter of IAFN will be hosting their annual conference on

November 14th, 2014 at Ft. Ben Harrison.

  1. Regionalization of Areas
  1. NWI – New site in Schereville free-standing clinic. Renovations are in

Progress. A Lake county prosecutor is on the board. Medical forensic exams for pediatrics through adults. Center is collaborating with Fair Haven to have advocates support the patients who come to the center for the exams. The focus of care provided will be sexual assault patients.

  1. Tippecanoe County – currently only facilities are St. Elizabeth’s and

IU Health-Arnett in the county. IU Health Arnett is researching the feasibility of opening a center.

10. Moving beyond SANE programs

a. No other new programs providing forensic nurses care beyond sexual assaults other than New Albany ED.

  1. Update on ICIAFN fall conference – Claudia Bayliff, JD will be the

keynote speaker. She will be speaking on the Language of Consent. The planning committee is actively working on sponsors and vendors for the conference to help with the cost of the conference.

  1. Forensic Nurses in the News –Sarah Hines abstract submission to the

International Congress of Women’s Health Issues was accepted for oral presentation. The presentation is titled “Work with what you got! Forming a multi-disciplinary group to make a positive impact on your community.” The conference is November 12-14th, 2014 in South Capetown, Africa.

  1. State Wide SART –Barb and Holly meet with Suzanne O’Malley, IPAC,

regarding reconvening of the State-Wide SART. She has agreed to look into reconvening the team. Barb will contact Suzanne to determine a possible date.

  1. Input from participants
  1. Laura Berry discussed the upcoming ICADV conference October 28th-

29th, 2014. The theme of the conference is “Homicide Reduction.” Dr. Dean Hawley, forensic pathologist, from IU School of Medicine will be presenting 3 sessions regarding strangulation and evidence collection.

  1. Michelle Corrao informed the participants that the Hamilton County

SART team attended a meeting in Louisville, Kentucky sponsored by OVC. The focus was on SANE/SART scenarios. Michelle also mentioned she would like to be a participant on the State-Wide SART.

  1. Michelle Resendez has located a pediatric SANE training in Michigan

and will be sending 5 nurses to be trained to perform medical forensic exams on pediatric patients.

  1. 1 October 2014 at 1000- Next IN ENA Multi-disciplinary forensic

committeeworking group conference. The meetings will now be every other month as the education planning committee will need to meet to plan a SANE – adult/adolescent course.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbra Bachmeier NP-C, MSN

Forensic Nurse Examiner


Forensic Committee Chair