World Civilization

Ch.6 Study Guide (30 pts.)

1.  ______was a philosopher came up with the Geocentric theory of the universe?

2.  The Geocentric theory of the universe states that the ______is at the center of the universe and all of the planets rotate around it.

3.  Nicolaus Copernicus is known for what theory of the universe?

4.  The heliocentric theory states that the ______is at the center of the universe and all of the planets rotate around it.

5.  Who was an Italian scientist who was forced by the Catholic Church to denounce Copernicus’ theory and placed on house arrest for the remainder of his life?

6.  ______is a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas?

7.  Who introduced a vaccine to prevent smallpox?

8.  What contribution is Francis Bacon is known during the Enlightenment to solve problems?

9.  ______was a new intellectual movement that stressed reason and thought and the power of individuals to solve problems.

10.  Isaac Newton is famous for breakthroughs dealing with the ______?

11.  What invention did Gabriel Fahrenheit help invent that measured temperature?

12.  Who developed the social contract theory? What is it?

13.  What are the three aspects of life that John Locke’s “natural rights” guarantees every person?

14.  Which enlightenment thinker promoted the ideas of freedom of expression and religious freedom?

15.  What did Mary Wollstonecraft’s essay The Vindication of the Rights of Women advocate?

16.  Which of the following Enlightenment thinkers developed a theory stating that government powers should be divided?

17.  Which of the following Enlightenment thinkers promoted criminal justice?

18.  What was the legacy of the Enlightenment?

19.  Who was the king of England during the American Revolution?

20.  Where were the first shots of the American Revolution fired?

21.  The Americans and French were able to win the Revolutionary War by surrounding Lord Cornwallis and forcing a surrender at the Battle of ______.

22.  Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

23.  What Act passed by Parliament stated that the colonist could ONLY trade with Great Britain and raised import taxes on items from other nations to the colonies?

24.  What were some of the main reasons why the colonists won the Revolutionary War?

25.  ______was the first document that provided a weak framework for the United States government?

26.  In 1787, 55 delegates from all 13 colonies met in Philadelphia to create the ______. (The base of American government).

27.  What are the main reasons why the articles of confederation were considered to be a weak framework for the U.S. Government?

28.  A setup in which each branch of government can check the other branches to ensure a balance of power is referred to as what?

29.  ______divides the power of government between the state and national governments.

30.  ______are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution that protect the most basic rights of U.S. citizens