Minutes of Regular Meeting 2017-04

Ault Town Board of Trustees

April 12, 2017 7:00 p.m.

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Trustees: Brenda Sterner

Rob Piotrowski

Scott Riley

Tim Falk

Dallas Schleining

Dan Hines


ALSO PRESENT: Town Clerk Sharon Sullivan

PW Supervisor Grant Ruff

Town Attorney Greg Bell

Police Chief Rich Strang

Town Engineer Steve Butherus

AUDIENCE: Dan Ackerman, Dennis Messner, Ronnie Ackerman, Tomm Owens, Mary Heberlee, Ron Carroll, Laurie Pickett, Zach Cesar, Joel Peterson, Lanny Clary, Jesse Brenek, Erin Norton, Chad Norton

REGULAR MEETING 2017-04 April 12, 2017

MEETING PROCEDURE: Comments from the Public are welcome at two different times during the course of the meeting: 1) Comments on items not scheduled on the Agenda will be heard under Public comments. 2) Comments on all scheduled Agenda items will be heard immediately following the presentation by Staff or the Petitioner. Please wait until you are recognized by the Mayor and keep comments as brief as possible. The Town Board of Trustees will act on an Agenda item after comments from the Staff and the Public has been heard.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor White at 7:00 p.m.


II.  ROLL CALL: All members were present.

III.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA: A MOTION WAS MADE BY TRUSTEE SCHLEINING and seconded by Trustee Riley to approve the agenda with the revision as posted and presented. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

IV.  CONSIDERATION OF MINUTE APPROVAL: Regular Meeting 2017-03, March 8, 2017: A MOTION WAS MADE BY TRUSTEE RILEY and seconded by Trustee Schleining to approve RM 2017-03 as written. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.


Finance- The final loan and grant money for the WWTP has come in. So far this year we have spent more to date than during this same period last year.

Library- There were 1,919 visits, 162 computer uses, 6,244 books checked out, 2,430 books loaned to other libraries and 736 borrowed from other libraries in the month of March. The HPLD applicant review went smoothly and 6 candidates were chosen to be voted in.

Parks and Cemetery- The grass in the new section of the Cemetery is brown. Grant Ruff will get pricing for new tables and shelters for East Park and Skate Park.

Water and Sewer- The Biolec system is up and running at the WWTP, but it needs backup power. A new meter pit was installed at 501 1st Avenue.

Streets- There are 3 participants for the shared concrete program. There is some street damage at 1st Avenue and Graefe. There are areas in the Conestoga Subdivision where the pavement is sinking. Dan Hines attended the Weld County Coalition Meeting. There will be an open house at Town Hall on April 20th regarding the construction for Hwy. 85.

Police- There were 461 calls for service in February, 100 summonses were written, with 91 in Ault. There were 132 hours spent in Pierce.

Beautification- Discussion was held on the Liberty Park tree carving. There is a consideration of the Statute of Liberty. Stewart Mobile Home Park is considering landscaping around the Town sign; Trustee Sterner suggested the Town consider landscaping around the other 3 signs.

Planning Commission- No report.

Staff Reports- The draft audit has been received and is being reviewed.

VI.  APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: March 8 to April 12, 2017: A MOTION WAS MADE BY TRUSTEE Piotrowski and seconded by Trustee Hines to approve the Accounts Payable as written. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.


1). Public Hearing regarding the Petition for Annexation of Freedom Acres #1, #2 and #3, submitted by Dean and Ronald Ackerman Jr., an approximately 59 acre parcel generally described as the North Half of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 66 West of the 6th PM.

·  Open Public Hearing. The public hearing was opened at 7:23 p.m.

·  Receive report from Staff. Attorney Bell reported the application received is eligible for annexation. The Town is not determining the land use or site plan at this time.

·  Applicant presents his position. Dean Ackerman stated that there is little opportunity to have a business at a home place, and this will serve that need. There will be nine lots. The irrigation wells to the north of the property will serve each lot. The access will be off of CR 37. Homeowners are to maintain the access road. The plan is to have septic systems and use Town water.

·  Ask to hear from anyone who supports the issue. N/A

·  Ask to hear from anyone who opposes the issue. Jesse Bannick of Stark Farms questioned if there will be a 200 foot building envelope, and stated there is a 30 foot easement for the Cross Cut Lateral. He asked if the wells being used are the ones located on the Stark Farm Subdivision, which they are. He also questioned if the HOA will manage at Town standards. Justin Marshall of 628 N. 3rd Avenue asked how the drainage will be handled. This will be addressed in the subdivision process.

·  Close the Public Hearing. The public hearing was closed at 7:31 p.m.

·  Ask for discussion amongst the Town Board of Trustees. There was discussion on what the advantage to the Town will be. The subdivision will be required to attach to the Town sanitation system when it is within 400 feet of the property.

2). Resolution 2017-07 Setting Forth Facts and Determinations regarding Freedom Acres #1, #2 and #3. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TRUSTEE SCHLEINING and seconded by Trustee Hines to approve Resolution 2017-07, setting forth fact and determination regarding Freedom Acres #1, #2 and #3. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

3). First reading of Ordinance 498 Annexing property known as Freedom Acres #1, #2 and #3. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TRUSTEE RILEY and seconded by Trustee Schleining to approve the first reading of Ordinance 498, annexing property known as Freedom Acres #1, #2 and #3. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

4). First reading of Ordinance 499 for the Initial Zoning of property known as Freedom Acres #1, #2 and #3. This property is assigned an “A” Agricultural zoning. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TRUSTEE SCHLEINING and seconded by Trustee Piotrowski to approve the first reading of Ordinance 499, the initial zoning of Freedom Acres #1, #2 and #3. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

5). Resolution 2017-08 Ratifying the Appointment of Nominees to the High Plains Library District Board. There were 19 interviews, all were impressive. Mary Heberlee is the candidate for Region 5, which is for Ault. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TRUSTEE PIOTROWSKI and seconded by Trustee Schleining to approve Resolution 2017-08, ratifying the appointment of certain nominees of the Board of Trustees of the High Plains Library District. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

6). Baessler Homes request for setback variance for 490 Cimarron Drive. Baessler Homes was not able to get letters for the property owners to the rear of the property. This is a request for a 3’1” variance. The drainage swale will not be affected. Steve Butherus stated this will not cause any issues to the drainage. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TRUSTEE SCHLEINING and seconded by Trustee Hines to approve the variance request pending approval letters from the remaining bordering homeowners. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

7). All Around Roustabout request for temporary offices and water and sewer hookup. This is a variance request to allow temporary office units to be placed for a short term until an addition to the building is complete. There will be three 12’ x 60’ units totaling a space of 36’ x 60’. A temporary compound water and sewer tap will be allowed. The units will be placed 40’ from the existing building. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TRUSTEE SCHLEINING and seconded by Trustee Piotrowski for approval of the temporary buildings to be reviewed annually. Water will be continued on the existing agreement with C & H for 30 days, and water and sewer are to be re-negotiated by staff. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

VIII.  PUBLIC COMMENTS: The purpose of the Public Comments Section of the Agenda is for members of the public to speak to Town Council on any subject not scheduled on the Regular Agenda. In order to accomplish scheduled agenda items, comments should be limited to a five minute time period. Town Council shall make no decision or action, except to schedule the matter for Council discussion at a later date. THOSE ADDRESSING COUNCIL ARE REQUESTED TO COME TO THE PODIUM AND TO STATE THEIR NAME TO THE BOARD

No public comments.



1). Engineering proposal for Water Pump Station upgrade. This will include an emergency generator, auto transfer switch and Programmable Logic Controller with Human Machine Interface. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TRUSTEE SCHLEINING and seconded by Trustee Riley to approve the engineering bid with Northern Engineering for the Water Pump Station upgrade not to exceed $9,600.00. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

2). Approval of a Translator Fee of $30 per hour. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TRUSTEE PIOTROWSKI and seconded by Trustee Hines to approve the translator fee of $30. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at

8:12 p.m.


/s/ Gary White, Jr., Mayor

/s/ Sharon Sullivan, Town Clerk