Prevent Funded Projects

Grant Allocation 2009/10- £193,292

Small Grants

Organisation / Grant Value / Project / Status / Project Outline
Aayatin Foundation for Relief and Development (AFFORD) / £5,000 / Youth Prevention Awareness Raising Through Community Sports/Promotion of Community Cohesions / IN PROGRESS / A programme of activities for vulnerable Somali young students, school leavers and dropouts, which will include football, mentoring sessions and training workshops. Participants will be given the opportunity to examine their grievances and extreme ideological views, convene awareness raising sessions and provide referral pathway programmes.
Al Amal Society / £4,900 / Messages of Hope / IN PROGRESS / A series of booklets are being produced by this organisation. These will focus on Islamic values and morals which promote social cohesion and encourage counter radicalisation in Lambeth and London. 2000 copies will be distributed to mosques and community centres.
Norwood Community Group / £5,000 / Building Bridges / IN PROGRESS / A Multi faceted after school program targeting young people and providing opportunities to participate in sports and social development activities.
Somali Employment & Educational Development (SEED) / £5,000 / One step further / NOT STARTED / Community Leadership course for up to 12 delegates from the Somali community in Lambeth to expand and better equip key people with skills and support needed to lead the prevention of extremist influences within their community. Course content will include presentation, listening, negotiation, types of leadership, structures and decision making processes of key agencies, affecting and managing change and working with the media.

Small Grants Contd/

Organisation / Grant Value / Project / Status / Project Outline
South London Islamic Centre (Streatham Mosque) / £5000 / Inside Out / NOT STARTED / Delivery of a 6 week mentoring programme on Saturdays to support vulnerable youths (target 12) at school and college, that may be involved in activities which harm their ethical and moral life decisions. The programme will include English classes and Islamic History Awareness.
Springfield Community Flat / £5,000 / Together We Can / COMPLETED / A programme of events which included sporting and educational activities for young Muslim males aged 13 – 20 years to enable them to discover positive ways of surviving without the need to become involved in extremist terrorist groups.
WomanBeing Concern / £4,400 / Violent Crime is Real in Lambeth Community / IN PROGRESS / A series of workshops (4 in total) are being held with Muslim women. The feedback from the sessions will be used to formulate reports from their discussions around extremist behaviour in the borough and plan ways of tackling this issue.
Eritrean Muslim Community Association / £5,000 / Imam Online Network / IN PROGRESS / A comprehensive Imam Network website which will include information about all mosques within Lambeth, Imam profiles and discussion forums. This will give Imam within the borough an opportunity to exchange information about their centres and also address critical issues collectively.

Large Grants – Up to £25k

Organisation / Grant Value / Project / Status / Project Outline
Al Amal Society / £24,900 / Amal Magazin Hope / In Progress / Production and publication of a magazine, which is principally aimed at the Muslim and Arabic speaking community to promote opportunity including employment education and training and raise awareness of Prevent and other issues affecting the wider Muslim community.
First Step South / £11,430 / Net Safe Project / In Progress / Basic computer training sessions for Muslim mothers to enable them to develop an understandingof computer technology, so they are equipped to supervise and control the use of their children’s PC activities and prevent them from visiting extreme websites and radicalisation.
Fresh Media Productions / £10,000 / Islam & The Media / In Progress / A digital filming course for 10-12 young people, which will enable participants to make a short 3 minute film that tells a story about the impact the media has on the life of a Muslim, its influence and how to bring about change.
Eritrean Muslim Community Association
Eritrean Muslim Community Association / £24,950 / Let’s Tackle it Together’ Project
Let’s Tackle it Together’ Project / In Progress
In Progress / A programme of activities for young male and female Muslims which will include confidence building skills training sessions, organised visits to the Foreign Office, House of Parliament and New Scotland Yard.
Consultation sessions will be held to give participants the opportunity to convey their views on a range of issues, ranging from the realities of daily life (e.g., problems around unemployment, drugs and crime) to issues of domestic and foreign policy.
As part of the training, participants will receive an introductory overview of the British Political processes. The key objectives being:
  • To promote active citizenship, focusing on ways in which young Muslimsshould and can get involved
  • Inviting members of relevant bodies such as the Children and Youth Parliament as well as MPACUK (Muslim Public Affairs UK)
  • To link with EMCA’s volunteering project funded by V-involved

Salama Community Association / £24,566 / Muslim Women Project / In Progress / A programme of workshops and discussions with Muslim women to develop greater awareness of the risks posed by violent extremism and how they can positively work together to prevent their children and other family members from getting involved.

The information in this document is not to be more widely disseminated without consulting the Safer Lambeth Partnership Lead first.