Alabama Community College System Office

Social Committee

Charge and Guidelines


The Social Committee (Committee) is charged with identifying, organizing, and providing events and activities that enhance the social environment of the workplace and foster an engaged staff. These events and activities will promote fellowship among employees, provide entertaining and casual ways for cultivating relationships among coworkers, and encourage teambuilding between employees who might normally not have the opportunity to work together. The Committee will accomplish its responsibilities through the development of its own ideas, through consultation with the Executive Council, and through the use of employee feedback.


The Committee will be comprised of one representative from each of these areas: Academic and Student Affairs, Adult Education, Executive Services and System Development and Strategic Advancement, Fiscal, Human Resources, Information Technology, Office of the General Counsel, and Workforce. The area administrator will recommend an employee from his/her area for membership on the Committee. The Chancellor reserves the right to make the final membership decisions and will appoint one member to serve as the Committee Chair. Committee members and the Chair serve for a term of one calendar year, January through December, and members will not consecutively serve more than two terms unless approved by the Chancellor.

Should a vacancy occur, the appropriate administrator will recommend to the Chancellor a replacement representative who will serve for the remainder of the term. Should any member have more than one unexcused absence from meetings or fail to perform more than one assigned responsibility within the term, the Chancellor may request that the appropriate administrator recommend a replacement who will serve on the Committee for the remainder of the term. The Committee’s membership listing and contact information will be posted on the Human Resources page of the ACCS office website.

Chair Responsibilities

The Chair is responsible for providing effective leadership to the Committee and serving as the official representative of the Committee, and therefore all employees. The Chair is responsible for calling meetings, finalizing the agendas, conducting the meetings properly, planning and organizing Committee activities, and ensuring the charge of the Committee is being fulfilled. The Chair will notify the Recorder of the meeting dates and agenda items and ensure that all Committee members are adhering to their responsibilities.

It is the responsibility of the Chair to communicate to the Executive Council all Committee progress, recommendations, proposals, and any actions being sought that will involve budget implications. As requested, the Chair will attend Executive Council meetings or provide feedback to the Chancellor concerning the Committee’s progress, actions, requests, and recommendations. At the conclusion of each calendar year, the Chair will work with the members to compile an annual report which will provide a synopsis of the Committee’s work from the previous year including activities, accomplishments, status updates for on-going projects, and recommendations for the up-coming year, etc. The annual report will be provided to the Executive Council. The Chair is responsible for maintaining a permanent file for preserving the Committee’s annual reports.

Recorder Responsibilities

A Committee member must be nominated, seconded, and approved by majority vote of the Committee members to serve as the official Recorder. The Recorder is responsible for reserving meeting room locations and for notifying Committee members of all meeting dates, times, and locations. The Recorder is responsible for taking and distributing the minutes of each Committee meeting. The Recorder must ensure that minutes include at least the following information: date, time, and location of the meeting; names of the attendees; a review of the key points of discussion; documentation of any actions taken or proposed, decisions reached, or assignments distributed; and the signature of the recorder.

The Recorder must submit the minutes in a timely manner and no more than 10 business days following the actual meeting. Minutes may be distributed electronically and must be provided to all Committee members and to the members of the Executive Council. The Recorder is responsible for maintaining a permanent file for preserving the Committee’s minutes.

The Committee must also identify an alternate Recorder to serve in the absence of the official Recorder. The alternate Recorder is responsible for carrying out the full responsibilities of the official Recorder in his/her absence.

Member Responsibilities

Each Committee member is responsible for attending all meetings and working as a productive member of the team to accomplish the Committee’s charge. Members are required to act in a cooperative and professional manner. Members are required to communicate with the Committee Chair if they cannot attend a meeting or carry out assigned responsibilities.

Members of the Committee are appointed to represent the interests and needs of the entire department. They are expected to conduct themselves without undue reference or preference to a particular division.

Temporary Ex-officio Responsibilities

The Committee or the Chancellor may invite experts or persons with specialized knowledge or skills to attend meetings or to provide advice to further the Committee’s work. These ex-officio members provide temporary assistance and are not permanent or voting Committee members.

Committee Meeting Requirements & Guidelines

The Committee is required to meet at least bi-monthly and may meet more frequently at the discretion of the members or the Chancellor. The Chair will preside over each meeting and agenda items for each meeting will be based on suggestions from any Committee member or the Chancellor.

Any employee may provide suggestions or comments for the Committee’s consideration by contacting any Committee member.