PROFESSOR: Dawn Johnson / PHONE NUMBER: 941-474-7702
OFFICE LOCATION: Room 341 Lemon Bay HS / E-MAIL:
OFFICE HOURS: Before or After School / SEMESTER: SPRING 2014


Topics in this class include the real number system, circular functions, trigonometric functions, inverse relations and functions, trigonometric graphs, solutions of triangles and trigonometric equations, polar coordinates, and complex numbers. This course contains all of the features of trigonometry found in MAC 1147, with additional emphasis on applications. A graphing calculator is required. (May be taken concurrently with MAC 1140.) If completed with a grade of “C” or better, this course serves to demonstrate competence for the general education mathematics requirement. Credit is not given for both MAC 1114 and MAC 1147.


MAC 1105 or MAC1106 with a minimum grade of “C”, or appropriate CLM Score




• The trigonometric functions, their properties and graphs

• Inverse trigonometric functions, their properties and graphs

• Trigonometric identities

• Conditional trigonometric equations

• Solutions of triangles

• Vector algebra

• Parametric equations

• Polar coordinates

• Applications


General Education Competencies:

General education courses must meet at least four out of the five following outcomes. All other courses will meet one or more of these outcomes.

Communication (COM): To communicate effectively using standard English (written or oral).

Critical Thinking (CT): To demonstrate skills necessary for analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Technology/Information Management (TIM): To demonstrate the skills and use the technology necessary to collect, verify, document, and organize information from a variety of sources.

Global Socio-cultural Responsibility (GSR): To identify, describe, and apply responsibilities, core civic beliefs, and values present in a diverse society.

Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning (QR): To identify and apply mathematical and scientific principles and methods.

Additional Course Competencies:

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following additional competencies:

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Evaluate trigonometric functions for special angles given in degrees and radians without a calculator.
Evaluate trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions related to an angle in degrees or radians by using a graphing calculator.
Analyze trigonometric functions and identify properties such as domain, range, amplitude, period, phase shift, and vertical shifts when appropriate. / TIM
Graph trigonometric functions and their inverses both analytically and using a graphing utility.
Evaluate inverse trigonometric functions involving numeric values and algebraic expressions analytically.
Prove trigonometric identities.
Solve trigonometric equations. / QR
Select and apply appropriate fundamental trigonometric identities, including double angle formulas to solve trigonometric equations and to prove trigonometric identities.
Solve right triangles using definitions of the trigonometric functions and solve oblique triangles using the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines.
Perform basic vector operations including the dot product.
Sketch a curve that is represented by a set of parametric equations.
Graph polar equations.
Convert points and equations between polar and rectangular forms
Apply trigonometry to solve simulated real world problems. / CT

Programs for Students with Disabilities

Edison State College, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the college’s guiding principles, offers students with documented disabilities programs to equalize access to the educational process. Students needing to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or who suspect that their academic performance is affected by a disability should contact the Office of Adaptive Services at the nearest campus. The office locations and telephone numbers for the Office of Adaptive Services at each campus can be found at

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  • MyMathLabPlus (MMLP):
  • All students are required to use access to MMLP. A code purchased by Charlotte County Schools will be given to you at the beginning of the semester. You will use this code in the MMLP registration process.
  • Online assignments are found on the MMLP website:
  • At the beginning of the semester, students will receive an email in their Edison email account that contains their Username (User ID) for MMLP.
  • Students who have a password from a prior semester will be able to login using their old credentials. Students who do not have an established password or who have forgotten their password should go to the website, select the “Forgot Your Password” link, enter their Edison username as the User ID, and then select request password reset. An email with a link for resetting the password will be sent from o the student’s Edison email account.
  • Students will complete all on-line homework assignments posted in MMLP; see Section XI: Class Schedule.
  • Students should print a copy of the assignment and work out all problems with pencil and paper. Work should be neatly organized and should show steps in the solution process rather than just answers. Homework should be stored in a notebook dedicated to the course. That notebook should be brought to class each day.
  • The student should complete each assignment by its due date. No extensions will be given on homework unless there was a technical issue with the MyMathLabPlus website. In that case, email the professor right away concerning the issue and upon verification from the website, an extension may be given.
  • QUIZZES: MyMathLabPlus (MMLP)
  • Allquizzeswill be completed in MMLP; see Section XI: Class Schedule.
  • No extensions or make-ups will be allowed on any quizzes. No exceptions.
  • Class participation is expected, but it is not required as part of the grade.
  • TESTS: In Class
  • Students are expected to take 4 in-class tests as scheduled; see Section XI: Class Schedule. All tests must be completed during the allotted test time; no additional time will be given.
  • FINAL EXAM: In Class
  • All students will complete an in-class Final Exam as scheduled.
  • The Final Exam in this class will be a comprehensive Department Final Exam.
    Make-up Tests may be given, but only in extreme circumstances, when the instructor has been contacted prior to the administration of the test and documentation of the reason for the absence has been presented to the instructor’s satisfaction. An email or phone call to the instructor prior to the test should include phone numbers where the student can be reached. To qualify for a makeup, the student must have contacted the professor prior to the test and provided documentation of the reason for the absence. The make-up test must be taken the 1st day the student returns to school and arrangements with instructor must be made prior to make-up. Only 1 make-up test per semester will be allowed.
  • CELL PHONE POLICY: Cell phones should never be heard ringing in the classroom.Out of respect for your fellow students and for the instructor, turn them off before coming to class. Do not send or read text messages during class. Any student who uses his/her cell phone during class may be asked to leave the class.
  • RESPECT: Students are expected to treat each other and the professor with the utmost respect; they are expected to arrive to class on time, stay on task, and remain until class is dismissed. Obstructionordisruption of teaching, obscene or profane language, etc. will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY:While study groups are encouraged, unless otherwise announced by your instructor, all work turned in for a grade should be done independently. Any submission by a student of someone else’s work as his or her own or the use of any prohibited aids during testing constitutes cheating. This includes unauthorized use of a solutions manual, mathematical software or website. The student will earn a zero for that assignment and will be referred to the Dean’s Office. A second instance of academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for the course. It is each student’s responsibility to become familiar with the student code of conduct (found in the Edison State College catalog) for policies regarding academic integrity and classroom behavior.


Class attendance is expected for successful completion of this course.


This course grade is calculated by total points.

Homeworks – 25 total, drop 5 lowest

20homeworks at 10 points each – 200 points

Quizzes – 6 total, drop 1 lowest

5 quizzes at 50 points each – 250 points

Tests – 4 total, none dropped

4 tests at 100 points each – 400 points

Final Exam – 300 points

Total Course Points – 1150 points

Numerical ranges for letter grades determined by 100 x (points earned/1150) are as follows:

90 - 100 = A

80 - 89 = B

70 - 79 = C

60 - 69 = D

Below 60 = F

(Note: The “incomplete” grade [“I”] should be given only when unusual circumstances warrant. An “incomplete” is not a substitute for a “D,” “F,” or “W.” Refer to the policy on “incomplete grades.)

  • Sullivan, Michael, and Michael Sullivan. Algebra & Trigonometry: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities,6e. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2013. (Hard copy or electronic copy in MyMathLabPlus)
  • MyMathLabPlus (sold separately or shrink-wrapped with the textbook)
  • A TI-83 Plus or TI-84 graphing calculator, or equivalent, is required. The use of calculators with computer algebra systems (for example, TI-89’s and TI-92’s) is not permitted on tests or quizzes.

A copy of the textbook is on reserve in the Library.


The following is a tentative schedule of required topics. All topics listed will be covered, but dates on which they are covered may change based on student needs and pedagogical concerns. Since this is only a tentative schedule, it is in your best interests to attend class regularly. You will be verbally notified and/or notified through your Edison email of any changes to the following calendar.

Week of / M / T / W / Th / F
1/6 – 1/10 / 7.1 / 7.1 / 7.2 / 7.2
1/13 – 1/17 / 7.3 / 7.3 / 7.4 / 7.4 / Lab
1/20 – 1/24 / NO SCHOOL / Unit Circle / Unit Circle / Unit Circle / Lab/ Online
Quiz 7.1-7.4
1/27 – 1/31 / 7.5 / Review / Test 1 / 7.6 / 7.6
2/3 – 2/7 / 7.7 / 7.7 / Lab / 7.8 / 7.8
2/10 – 2/14 / Lab/Online Quiz 7.5-7.8 / 8.1 / 8.1 / 8.2 / 8.2
2/17 – 2/21 / NO SCHOOL / NO SCHOOL / 8.3 / 8.3/ Review / Lab/ Online Quiz 8.1-8.3
2/24 – 2/28 / Test 2 / 8.4 / 8.4 / 8.5 / Lab
3/3 – 3/7 / 8.5 / 8.6 / 8.6 / Lab/ Online Quiz 8.4-8.6 / Lab
3/10 – 3/14 / SPRING BREAK
3/17 – 3/21 / 8.7 / 8.7 / 8.8 / 8.8 / NO SCHOOL
3/24 – 3/28 / 9.1 / 9.1 / 9.2 / 9.2 / Lab/ Online Quiz 8.7-9.2
3/31 – 4/4 / NO SCHOOL / 9.3 / 9.3 / Lab / Test 3
4/7 – 4/11 / 10.1 / 10.1 / 10.2 / 10.2 / Lab
4/14 – 4/18 / 10.4 / 10.4/ 10.5 / 10.5 / Lab/ Online Quiz 10.1-10.5 / NO SCHOOL
4/21 – 4/25 / 11.7 / 11.7 / Lab / Review / Test 4
4/28 – 5/2 / Exam Review / Exam Review / Lab / Final Exam
5/5 – 5/09 / Precalculus topics covered during class time during this week.
5/12 – 5/16
5/19 – 5/23 / CCPS Final Exams
  • For additional help with this course, the student may:
  • Send a message to the professor: Send an email to . The student can expect a response from the Professor within 24-48 hours.
  • Meet with the Professor during posted office hours.
  • Seek On-Campus Assistance: Each Campus, as well as the Hendry/Glades Center, has at least one place where students can go for assistance with mathematics. All of the following are available to each student, regardless of the location of his/her math class.
  • On the Lee Campus, assistance for students in MAT1033 and higher is available at both the MathCenter and the TutoringCenter.
  • Students may also take advantage of the services offered on the other campuses. Please check the website for hours of operation: Academic Success Center Website
  • Request a tutor from theEdison State College Tutoring Center
  • All of these services are available to the student at no additional cost.

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