
SAFDA Board Meeting:

Meeting opened: 6:30pm


•Present: Em Victory, Matt Heard, Rex Johnson, Tom Barbala, Annalee Alexander, Jade Tremaine, Alana Colbert, RobWighton, Conor Fletcher, Sam O’Connell.

Next meeting:


Paid Position:

-Possible paid position for SA, AFDA may be willing to contribute to paying for a paid position in SA.

-The person would go on AFDA’s pay roll – this would avoid extra admin.

-Focus of the position would be to get into schools, and involve youth further with more gala days.

-If the position is set up well it could be greatly beneficial for SA Ultimate as a whole.

-If the member can get grants that essentially cover their position it will be finically viable.

-We can look at increasing fees in order to cover the cost of the position.

-Victoria – first few years they a person in the position who had Ultimate experience but they have now employed someone who does not have ultimate experience but does have youth development experience.

  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: Sam to contact Woodsy in regards to update on AFDA contributing to paid position in SA.

Sub Committees:

-Looking at trying to get more people involved with the community outside of the board, people who have specific skill sets that can be utilised without them being on the board.

-Grants, child safety, policy writing

-Child safety needs to be prioritised

-Need to give people specific things to do – potentially having project groups that are lead by a member on the board. We don’t want people to feel as though they are making a long-term commitment.

  • ACTIONABLE ITEM:Child safety group to be formed – Sam to put a call out to SA Ultimate to see who can help with the writing of the policy.

PO/Box/Mailing address:

-Look at having a more central address that is not someone’s home address, this is important for security reasons and makes SA Ultimate looks professional.

-Will cost $184

-ACTIONABLE ITEM: Annalee to look into a PO box further.

AFDA Conference:

-There were four different themes at the conference: youth, women, admin, coaching.


  • Wanting to get coaching programs online, they want to move away from having in person accreditation for coaches and having it so they can become accredited online.
  • Move away from the idea of having an actual qualification, from a skills perspective it allows people to build skills and be better coaches for it.
  • Coaches need to be able to cater to the different coaching experiences people want, this allows people to be involved in training


  • AFDA want 50/50 gender ratio by 2020.
  • SAFDA need to get behind this in order for it to be attainable.
  • Em Vic happy to do a presentation in regards to what she has taken away so that clubs can get involved.
  • 50/50 players, need to have an excellent experience when playing, how much they enjoyed it, how much the contributed.
  • Need to increase the opportunities for non-national players and make people feel included.
  • What can SAFDA do?
  • Commit to the plan, put more effort into ultimate in schools and uni.
  • Treating women’s Div 1 as an actual div.
  • Need to put more value on women and celebrate them more within the community, create more visibility.
  • Mixed:
  • Rosters need to be equal for men and women if we are going to achieve working towards the 50/50 gender split.
  • Div 3 men’s is getting in the way as it means that Div 1 games have been pushed out to 9pm, which is too late.

ACTIONABLE ITEM: everyone to contact one person who could potentially be women’s development officer.

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Annalee to contact to Emma regarding inter club workshop on women’s development.

Change from Cash to accruals:

Budget Update:

-We are going to make a greater profit from State League than initially expected.

-CSL was only paying 50% of EBF last league which meant we actually made a profit, unknown if we will be able to have the 50% EBF this league.

  • ACTIONABLE ITEM:Lani to talk to Declan and Bonser about the budget.
  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: Conor to contact Tim about the EBF as he set up the budget for the last league.


Financial Position Update:

-In the past SAFDA has looked at the cash position, looking at introducing an Accrual method of accounting, this will make it easier to compare and look at what the actual expenditure will be.

-Lani has spoken to Declan about it and he agrees that it would be a good way forward.

-In the future if the new treasurer did not understand the Accrual method it could be easily changed back.

-This will impact the way things are reported.

-Lani motioned to have the use of Accrual accounting approved, seconded by Rex Johnson. All agree to useof the new method. Motion passed to use the Accrual method.

Asset Register:

-Still unsure where 2 marquees are.

-ACTIONABLE ITEM: Alana to contact people re location of marquees. Ailsa may have one of them, Declan potentially the other.


-We still need to need to sell the position – what is in it for them? It will help coaches to build their resumes, build up experience in clubs etc.

-ACTIONABLE ITEM: Everyone to approach potential coaches for the campaign.

Northern Social League:

-Unisa have expressed an interest in running the league.

-All approve UniSA to run the NUSL at the start of next year.

SAFDA Trailer:

-Looking at selling the trailer, it is not being used frequently therefore not a necessary expense.

-How much would be able to sell it for?

-It is currently be used to store stuff, would we have an issue with storage if it was sold?


-Numbers have increased past budget no longer feasible.

-$440 for venue

-ACTIONABLE: What is the profit/loss for SAFDAs

-Sit decision to be made on Friday

  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: Jade to contact The Adelaide Zoo and The Highway for 18th Nov

U24 Volunteers:


-Put out EOI for U24 volunteers, SAFDA will contribute $300 per person for flights.

  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: Rob to make EOI for u24

Coaching course:

-When will the next coaching accreditation course be?

-Currently limited number of accredited coaches,

  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: Set up coaching program, Annalee to liaise with Rex to plan the next coaching course.

Strategic planning:

-SAFDA need to look into strategic planning, review our current objectives and what we need to work on as a state

-Set actual goals that can become drivers in the community – need to continually increase participation and membership numbers.

  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: everyone to write out goals before the next meeting – set of gaols for yourselves

Meeting closed 8:40pm

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Sam to contact Woodsy in regards to update on AFDA contributing to paid position in SA.

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Child safety group to be formed – Sam to put a call out to SA Ultimate to see who can help with the writing of the policy.

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Annalee to look into a PO box further.

ACTIONABLE ITEM: everyone to contact one person who could potentially be women’s development officer.

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Annalee to contact to Emma regarding inter club workshop on women’s development.

ACTIONABLE ITEM:Lani to talk to Declan and Bonser about the budget.

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Conor to contact Tim about the EBF as he set up the budget for the last league.

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Alana to contact people re location of marquees. Ailsa may have one of them, Declan potentially the other.

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Everyone to approach potential coaches for the campaign.

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Jade to contact The Adelaide Zoo and The Highway for 18th Nov

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Rob to make EOI for u24

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Set up coaching program, Annalee to liaise with Rex to plan the next coaching course

ACTIONABLE ITEM: everyone to write out goals before the next meeting – set of gaols for yourselves