MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON Tuesday 25th October 2016

14:30-17:00 Room 3164 Queen Margaret University Edinburgh

PRESENT: Barbara Neades (convenor), Debbie McCraw, David Warnock, Isabel Dosser, Bill Lawson (QMU), Wendy Watson, Jackie Nicol, Helen Macgregor, Kim Smith (NHS Borders), Kirstin Thomas (NHS Borders), Maria Cairns.

APOLOGIES: Ken Dick; Jessica MacLaren, Margaret Moran, Mike Parkinson, Janis Ross, Linda King, Alison Delworth, Alison Wood, Mhari McQuirk, Susan Abbot-Smith, Alison Lowrie.

1.  Welcome and Apologies

2.  Minutes of meeting held on 24th August 2016.

These were found to be an accurate record.

3.  Matters arising:

a)  MSG membership

The following have withdrawn from the Mentorship Steering Group:

Mark Freeman-Ferguson

Shona Montgomery

Janet Smith

Jan Turnbull

Jo Wilson

We welcome the following to the MSG:

Margaret Moran – replacing Shona as the new midwifery rep.

A new child nursing rep is required, however they are currently short staffed so this will be revisited in the New Year.

b)  MSG communications plan

David & Alison has set up Facebook & Twitter pages. The following actions will take place for the next batch of allocations:

• Flyers to be printed with mentor centre page link and added to posted placement allocations.

Action: Wendy to advise and liaise with placements team.

• Add mentor centre and social media links to staff signature for electronic emails.

• An announcements to be posted Moodle.

Action: David to post.

• An electronic link to be forwarded to charge nurses.

Action: all

c)  SOM programme planning & Update

NHS Borders SOM session - A discussion took place regarding NMC regulations for these sessions.

Jennie King has taking over from Heather Lyle as the NHS SOM Coordinator, and Barbara, David and Jennie are working to review planning delivery of the SOM Program.


David has contacted the 150+ ‘in progress SOMs’ to check what stage they are at and to see what forms need can get them completed.

Barbara, Jennie and David met to discuss a process which now in place which links SOMs back to placements.

David has sent out outcome 3 forms to all in progress SOMs who needed it.

David to take bookings for the workshops and send Jennie the SOM register 1 week before workshop.

Barbara will now be teaching the SOM workshops.

Everyone is now aware of who needs to be present at SOM workshops in terms of teaching staff, and plan of action developed.

Action: Kirsten and Janis to implement this.

d)  Liaison Lectures and mentorship

Agreed that liaison lecturers for HEI.

Link lectures should make contact with mentorship students to introduce themselves & offer support.

Jackie Nicol has offered support within NHS Borders community placements.

Action: Barbara to continue to liaise with Gill McCrossan regarding the role of liaison lecturers and mentorship.

e)  LTAP module update

The numbers are increasing towards 400. The module leader Fiona Carver is currently part-time at the moment, and has been module lead for 3 years so rotation may need to happen soon.

Action: Jackie Nicol and Isabel Dosser to continue to report back to the MSG.

f)  Mentorcentre update

David has now updated the mentor centre removing any older documents and has added the new 2016 planners & documents.

Action: MSG members have to let David know if they come across any older documents still present.

Action: Barbara to undertake training to be able to access the mentorcentre.

g)  Publication group

Currently ongoing.

Action: Barbara to get publication date and update the group.

Action: Isobel to share the PDF document to group.

h)  Mentorship revalidation group update

This may be placed on hold as clarification is required from the NMC regarding the revalidation.

Action: Barbara to continue to liaise with Anne Waugh and report back.

4.  Mentorship in Practice Module:

• May 16: results – 85 Passes, 1 Fail and 20 Withdrawn.

Action: David to send letter to all students and charge nurses.

Sep 16: progress – 29 in Borders Cohort, 27 in Comely Bank cohort and 64 in the Edinburgh Napier cohort spread across 3 groups.

Electronic submissions will be used to avoid students not matriculating which will keep records tidier.

Action: David to keep all cohorts up to date with students who have not matriculated, and David to keep chasing to get them matriculated.

• Jan 17: Tri- 2 module team

Proposed team: Wendy, Jackie, Bill, Alison, Linda, Gill,

Action: Wendy to confirm final team with David.

3 or 4 cohorts will run from Edinburgh Napier and 1 cohort will run from St John’s.

Action: David to chase up Liz regarding room bookings and put together a draft timetable for both EN and SJ.

Module Developments for the Mentorship Module

·  Marking rubric

A draft rubric was distributed among the group and feedback was provided.

Comments were encourage, and grade scales were discouraged.

The group decided having just a pass/ fail is the best option.

A bank of comments should be shared amongst the markers.

Mapping should be used to learning outcomes.

Action: Debbie to make alterations and send to group to get feedback.

• Slides from Fiona’s OAR’s need to be added to the mentor centre when complete.

• Debbie been tidying Moodle.

·  NMC Accredited Mentorship in Practice Module

If students wish to progress to outcome 6 they have to tell us so they can go to the boards with the others.

The proposal is to run once a year in January.

Debbie is currently chasing up the ones who are outstanding and has had 5 responses so far.

Action: issues relating to the accreditation module to be confirmed at the December meeting.

5.  Any other business

Action: Barbara to chase up and confirm teaching team for January module.

Action: David to send Wendy the most up to date waiting list for the calculation tool.

Action: Helen to chase up room bookings for St John’s cohort.

Action: David to contact admissions to ask which parts of the online form they need to complete as there is no need for references/ qualifications.

Action: David to add a guide to application process

6.  Date of next Meeting:

December 20th 12.00 – 14.00; Room 4.1 in doorway 6, medical school quad, teviot place in the nursing studies department.

MSG Christmas Lunch will follow the meeting. 14:00 Vittoria on the bridge has been booked. The festive menu can be found below:


Action: Barbara to confirm future MSG meeting dates for 2017.