Parallel Journeys


Parallel Journeys

Chapter 1

Describe the Master Race according to Hitler

Describe those not in the Master Race

Describe the economic conditions of Germany after World War I

Who did Hitler blame for their condition?

Why did so many people believe in and follow Hitler?

Explain what the Hitler Youth was and how they were viewed by the people

How does Alfons feel about joining?

Chapter 2

Why were the Jewish people hated?

What was life like for Jews?

Describe Helen.

Name three reasons why Helen’s and Siegfried’s marriage almost didn’t happen.

Chapter 3

How does Alfons’s father feel about him being in the Hitler Youth Movement?

Why were kids attracted to the Hitler Youth?

Explain what the Third Reich.

How many people did he add to it?

What do most German people think about Hitler?

Chapter 4

Why didn’t other countries take in the refugees from Germany?

List some at least 7-10 of the atrocities that happened Kristallnacht: the night of broken glass.

What happened if parents didn’t want their kids to join the Hitler Youth?

What exactly does the term Kristallnacht mean? How did it get that name?

What was the significance of Kristallnacht?

If Germany didn’t want the Jews, why didn’t they just leave the country?

Chapter 5

What was the penalty for disobeying German authority?

What is going on with Poland?

What was the parents’ greatest complaint against the Hitler Youth? How was this problem solved?

What was Hitler’s reason for invading Poland? What was the real reason?

Do you everyone should have to serve their country in one way or another? Why or why not? Defend your stance.

Chapter 6

Why did Helen and Siegfried distance themselves from Doris?

What was the primary purpose of the camp in the Polish town of Oswiecim?

If you had to go into hiding today, what 5 five items would you take and why? Be specific and detailed!

What does the quote, “Truth can be stranger than fiction” mean? Do you agree with the statement

What two countries continued to accept Jews even when others would not? Why do you think

they continued to accept them?

“Peace is our dearest treasure.” – Adolf Hitler Explain the irony of this quote.

Why did Hitler not consider school to be important? What was more important?

Chapter 7

What announcement did Hitler make that shocked his generals? Why was this announcement shocking?

What did the Germans believe “The Final Solution” meant? What did it really mean? How was this “solution” carried out? Be specific and explain the process.

What evidence is provided in chapter 7 that indicates that Hitler was NOT a great military strategist?

Why did the Russian invasion plan fail?

Why did most German’s not understand the true meaning of “the final solution”? Support and defend your answer.

Chapter 8

A fortune teller told Helen a man named Max would bring great changes to her and Siegfried’s lives. Who was Max?

Two major events happened on December 7, 1941, one personal and one international. What were they?

December 7, 1941 has several significant reasons to be remembered in Helen’s life. What were they and why were they so important? How did that day change Helen’s life forever?

What were the stipulations (conditions) of the “Night and Fog Decree” (ch 8)?

How did the United States enter into World War II?

How did the Germans react to the news that the United States was entering WWII after the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

What was Eichmann’s plan for the “emigration” of the Jews? Who knew about this plan? What became of Eichmann after the war?

Chapter 9

What happened to German youths at age 14?

Why were many little German boys willing to give everything, even their lives to join?

What is the Luftwaffe? Why was it so important?

How did Alfons Heck feel about the German Luftwaffe? Describe his emotions and actions in detail.

Why was Hitler outraged during the winter of 1943?

What specifically happened to the Nazi Army in North Africa? Who was the Nazi general in charge?

Why did Alfons remained optimistic despite the fact that the Allies were beginning to make significant progress

What problems was Germany experiencing in the war during 1942 and 1943? How did these setbacks affect Alfons and other Hitler Youth?

Was total domination of the world a possibility for the Hitler regime? How was it possible or not? Why?

Chapter 10

What was the Judenrat? What was the official reason for the Judenrat? What was its real purpose?

What was the Gestapo? What was its primary purpose?

In What ways did the Nazis get the Jews to mistrust and hate one another?

In Holland began to disappear because of Hitler’s “Night and Fog Decree” and also because many went into hiding, with the help of the “underground.” What is the underground? How did they help the Jewish people living in Holland?

Could you leave a family member forever in hopes to save that person and/or yourself? Explain in detail.

Chapter 11

Why were many German children relocated from cities?

What jobs did the older children assume in Germany?

What happened during Rabbit’s test flight?

“By mid-1943, the German military had lost millions of soldiers to death or injury” (p. 87). What did Germany do to get more soldiers?

How did life change for men?

How did life change for women?

How did life change for children?

Teenagers became Flakhelfer. What kind of job was this? How did it affect them?

Why Alfons was granted a second chance? Do you think others were given the same opportunity? Why/why not?

Chapter 12

What were conditions like in the Warsaw Ghetto?

Name two ways to resist the Germans.

What was life like in hiding?

What did Helen and Siegfried do with their money?

What order did Alfons get in trouble for not obeying?

Why were German women horrified at the thought of working in a factory?

What was the name of the greatest land/sea operation in military history?

The Jews resisted the Nazis in two ways: by fighting back and by hiding. What are the pros and cons of each method of resistance? Which would you choose? Why?

This chapter is titled “Discovery and Deportation”. Why? What would be another title for this chapter and why would you title it that way? Be specific.

Chapter 13

What promotion did Alfons receive? Why was he chosen?

What reaction did some of the younger members have to the deaths of their comrades?

Which two important people did Alfons meet in chapter 13? What do you think was the purpose of this meeting?

Explain the last paragraph of this chapter. Why does Alfons say this, what does it mean, and what significance/impact do you think it has on the rest of the novel?

Chapter 14

What happened to women with children when the train finally reached its destination?

What was Helen’s dream? What upset her so?

What do the words Journey to Heaven mean?

Jews and non-Jewish Germans begin to rebel. Who is the biggest rebel group and why? Who has more to lose? Gain?

Chapter 15

What caused Alfons to cry in chapter 15?

Why do you think Alfons was so emotional over the loss of his animals and why? Support and defend your answer.

Alfons’ wish was finally realized in chapter 15. What is his wish? What happens?

Chapter 16

Why did the Germans destroy the crematoria?

What was the purpose of the delousing? Who really benefited from the procedure?

What were some of the survival habits prisoners developed and had trouble changing when they were liberated?

Why did the Red Cross react the way they did? What could they have done differently? Support and defend your answer.

Chapter 17

What were the consequences for deserters? Why were these orders not always followed?

Why does Alfons claim he was a member of the Luftwaffe, not the Hitler Youth Group?

Once again Alfons is spared, given a second chance, why? How do you know? Support and defend your answer.

In chapter 17 why were the two soldiers hung by ss field police?

Chapter 18

The war ended, so why was travel so difficult?

Although the war was over, anti-Semitism had not ended. Name two examples of anti-Semitism in chapter 18.

Mathematically speaking-use a concrete example to explain the approximate amount of Jews, gypsies, etc… killed in the holocaust.

Chapter 19

Who were the “rubble women?” What did they do?

Why were Alfons and the other Germans so reluctant to believe Hitler’s Final Solution?

Should people under the age of 18 been held responsible for their actions in WWII? Why or why not? Support with facts and details.

Chapter 20

Why was Jo Vis considered a true hero?

Why did Helen insist on taking Doris with her? Do you think she made the right decision for herself and for Doris?

Helen was reminded of von Goethe’s words stating, “May God not give me what I am unable to carry.” How does this statement not only apply to the Jews, but to everyone during WWII? Have several specific examples.

Chapter 21

How was Alfons’ school experience different after the war? How had the school changed?

Why was it important for Alfons to attend the trials at Nuremberg?

Who was Baldur von Schirach? Why was he of special importance to Alfons?

Chapter 22

What problems did Helen and Doris encounter when they settled in Chicago?

How did Helen’s life change later in chapter 22?

In these last 2 chapters compare and contrast Helen and Alfons, where they are in their lives, how they live, the thoughts they are having, etc….. Do these two people with two entirely different points of view and experiences from the war have more in common than perhaps you thought they might have? Why?

From the Epilogue, what is ironic about Waterford’s current relationship with fellow Jews? Explain in detail.

What is the effect created by this dramatic shift in tone from the beginning of the story to the end? The theme of the entire text can best be stated as ______. Why do you believe this to be true? Support and defend your answer!