Practicum: Integrated Learning


SOWK 5606: Practicum I

SOWK 5607: Practicum II

revised Sept. 09

This packages includes, in the following order:

·  MSW Practicum Courses, SOWK 5606 / SOWK 5607 (description)

·  Assignment - Guidelines for the Paper Option

·  Assignment - Guidelines for the Reflective Journal Option

·  Assignment - Guidelines for the Research Option

·  Assignment - Guidelines for the Presentation Option

·  Steps to setting up a Practicum

·  MSW Application for Field Placement –blue

·  Guidelines for Selecting Your Placement and Learning Objectives

·  MSW Field Placement Agreement Form - green

·  MSW Field Placement Learning Contract – pink

·  Guidelines for preparing Field Placement Learning Contracts - white

·  Student Guidelines for Faculty Liaison Meetings – purple

·  Guidelines for Self Evaluation of Learning on Placement

·  MSW Field Seminars Generic Course Outline

·  Carleton University Liability Insurance Coverage

·  Paid Placement Information Release Form

·  Work/education Form

Glossary of terms

Practicum – the entire course which consists of the six components which are:

The learning contract

The placement

The assignment

The field seminar

The Faculty Liaison meetings

The final evaluation

The Field Supervisor – the agency-based instructor and supervisor

The Faculty Liaison – faculty assigned to work with the student and the field supervisor during this practicum. The same faculty usually leads the field seminar.

The Practicum Coordinator - faculty who coordinate either the graduate or undergraduate practicum.

Keep this package as you will need it throughout your practicum.

Practicum Courses in the MSW Program

SOWK 5606: Practicum I

Usually done on a four day a week basis and takes place over the winter term. A minimum of 476 hours is required, including six seminars. It is generally done concurrently with one core course.

This foundational practicum is required for students with an undergraduate degree in a discipline other than social work. The purpose of the practicum is to provide students with opportunities to develop, integrate and reinforce social work competence through supervised practice in an agency setting.

Students normally take SOWK 5606 following completion or concurrent registration of five courses: Direct Intervention (SOWK 5308), Social Administration and Policy (SOWK 5408), Community Work (SOWK 5608), Theories in Social Science and Social Work (SOWK 5501), History of Social Welfare and Social Work (SOWK 5502).

This course requires students to complete 452 hours in the placement in addition to 12 hours for field seminars and 12 hours for the major assignment. Preparatory activities do not count toward practicum hours.

In the placement, the student is normally supervised by an experienced, agency-based social worker who functions as the field supervisor. In addition to ongoing guidance and feedback, the field supervisor provides the student a minimum of two hours of supervision weekly. Students are also linked with a university based faculty member who acts as the faculty liaison. The liaison facilitates the field seminars that form part of the course, makes a minimum of two on site visits to placement agency and participates in the formal evaluations of the student’s achievement. Field seminars are generally held every two weeks, usually on campus.

SOWK 5607: Practicum II

Normally done on a five day a week basis (7 hours a day) and extends over the spring/summer terms. A minimum of 500 hours is required, including six field seminars. Practicum II requires students to complete 476 hours in the placement plus 12 hours for field seminars, and 12 hours for the major assignment. Preparatory activities do not count toward practicum hours.

This advanced Practicum is an option open to all students in the second year of the MSW program. The purpose of the course is to develop students’ existing social work knowledge and skills to an advanced and specialized level. The practicum promotes integration of theory and skills that students are learning in the classroom with their professional practice and social work identity.

Students normally take this two credit course during the spring term following completion of a BSW degree or Year 1 of the MSW degree, Advanced Theory for Social Welfare (SOWK 5306), or Advanced Theory for Social Practices (SOWK 5307), and Research and Evaluation in Social Work (SOWK 5405).

The student receives a minimum of two hours of designated educational instruction per week. Field seminars, which form part of the practicum hours, are facilitated by the student’s faculty liaison about every two weeks. The faculty liaison makes a minimum of two visits to the agency and participates in the evaluation of the student’s achievement in the practicum.


For students registering for the winter semester Practicum I, the practicum process generally begins in October, with placements finalized by December 1st.

For students registering for the spring semester practicum II, the practicum placement process begins in February and generally finalized by April 1st. Students interested in a fall practicum should contact the MSW practicum coordinator no later than April 1st and have placement arrangements finalized by August 1st.

Practicum Components

There are six components to 5606 (Practicum I) and 5607 (Practicum II). All six components of the field practicum must be completed satisfactorily in order for the student to successfully complete the practicum. The faculty liaison is responsible for submitting the final grade. The grade will be Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. The six components are as follows:

1. Learning Contract:

All students will be expected to begin developing their learning contract the term before the placement begins (MSW Field Placement Learning Contract]). It will outline learning objectives, tasks and how they will be evaluated and by whom. This contract is a “work-in-progress” and can be modified with agreement of the parties during the course of placement.

The student, in consultation with the supervisor and liaison, will finalize a learning agreement during the initial weeks in practicum.

Completing the contract helps the supervisor and student clarify respective responsibilities and expectations. The student and supervisor are encouraged to tailor the plan to the student’s interests and needs, and to design activities that provide the student with opportunities to learn and demonstrate competencies. The learning agreement is considered a working document that may be revised as the practicum proceeds.

2. Placement:

The placement consists of hands-on practice in a placement setting; a minimum of 452 hours in SOWK5606 and 476 hours in SOWK5607. It is expected that the student will receive a minimum of two hours supervision a week from the field supervisor. The field supervisor, the student and the faculty liaison will evaluate this component.

3. Assignment:

The assignment is expected to be additional to the usual work of the placement. For example, if a student's main work in placement is a piece of research, that project may not be used as the research assignment. Twelve hours are allocated for working on the assignment at home.

Students will choose one of the following assignment options:

i) Paper linking theory and practice, using examples from the practicum or from one detailed situation. The plan should be submitted by mid term. Usually graded by the field supervisor in consultation with the faculty liaison

ii) Reflective Journal (ongoing) to facilitate the learning process to be handed in a minimum number of five times to the field supervisor and/or the faculty liaison who will offer some feedback. May be graded by either or both the faculty liaison and field supervisor.

iii) Research component - Drawing on Angela Everitt et al(1992)[1]: "research minded practice is concerned with the analytical assessment of social needs and resources, and the development, implementation and evaluation of strategies to meet that need". Students will be expected to reflect critically on their own practice in a systematic and explicit way. This option is offered subject to faculty availability and must be organized before the start of the placement.

iv) Presentation - Toward the end of the placement, students will be expected to do an in-house presentation of a critical analysis of their experience in the organization.

Details of the option chosen must be part of the written learning contract. Grading is Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.

4. Field Seminars:

All students will be required to attend six seminars. The field seminars provide an opportunity for students to share their practicum experiences with other students. The emphasis will be on linking theory to practice, in particular looking at the application of the structural approach to specific practice settings. The emphasis in the seminars is on examining the concrete reality of practice and linking that to theoretical frameworks learned in the classroom.

The seminar provides an informal small group experience in which particular concerns arising from the practicum are shared among students. It is potentially a support group where ideas and struggles may be safely shared. Seminars also provide a forum in which students might practice social work skills. For example a student may wish to present case materials and role-play intervention approaches.

Furthermore, the seminars provide an opportunity for students to gain exposure to different fields of practice. This widens the experience of students and faculty and helps to foster an awareness of commonalities rooted in social work.

Themes for practicum seminars are largely student driven keeping in mind the integration of theory with the students' practice. Generally the field seminar is facilitated by the students’ faculty liaison. Attendance is required. A Satisfactory grade in the field seminar is required to get a grade of Satisfactory for the practicum.

5. Written Evaluation

Students will be required to do write a self-evaluation of their learning (including examples) at the end of the placement.

6. Faculty Liaison Meetings

At least two meetings (toward the beginning and middle) will be held between the field supervisor, the student and the faculty liaison. Students will be expected to prepare materials in advance for review and discussion. The objectives for the three way meetings are to promote the student’s learning, to review the student's overall performance in the practicum and to look at how the specific learning objectives outlined by the student are being met. This is an opportunity to focus on issues the student is struggling with, to engage in the teaching/learning process with the student and to deal with any other issues or concerns.

Assignment - Guidelines for the Paper Option

Due Date (unless otherwise specified in writing by the faculty liaison):

·  15 August for Spring Term

·  15 December for Fall Term

·  15 April for Winter Term

Description: A 15-20 page paper, properly footnoted, with bibliography. You will be expected to make connections between structural social work theory and your practice in the field placement, citing examples of both reading and every-day incidents in your practice, as well as from your previous experience. You may also refer to other theories, particularly those taught in your undergraduate program (if applicable) and those used by social workers in your practice setting. You are encouraged to take a critical approach in order to reach the objective of linking theory and practice.

Proposal: A written proposed outline of the paper must be given by the student to the faculty liaison and to the field supervisor ahead of the second liaison meeting. They must have enough time to read it so that it can be discussed at the meeting and any changes agreed upon.

Criteria for Evaluation: Ability to link theory and practice, analytic skills, use of examples, writing skills, creativity. Extra criteria may be added by agreement of all parties.

Evaluator: The paper will be read and commented upon by the field supervisor and the faculty liaison. The faculty liaison will give the final grade in consultation with the field supervisor.

Grade: The evaluation is on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. A Satisfactory grade for this assignment is required for the successful completion of the practicum.

Assignment - Guidelines for the Reflective Journal Option

Due Date (The last journal entry is due the week before your last day of placement or whichever is earlier. If earlier, the date should be on the written contract):

·  15 August for Spring Term

·  15 December for Fall Term

·  15 April for Winter Term

Objectives: This assignment is an opportunity for reflection and for regular written dialogue with your practice supervisor and/or faculty liaison. It is a particularly useful way of noting the process of your learning, linking theory and practice, and of the process of your work with clients and/or colleagues.

You will be expected to make connections between structural social work theory and your practice in the field placement, citing examples of both reading and every-day incidents in your practice, as well as from your previous experience. You may also refer to other theories, particularly those taught in your undergraduate program (if applicable) and those used by social workers in your practice setting. You are encouraged to take a critical approach.

Style: Do not limit yourself to full and proper prose. Notes, drawings, diagrams, etc. are often creative ways of expressing ideas but they need to be readily understandable to the reader. This is not a private journal. You are expected to cite literature but may do so in any way that gives the reader understanding of which piece of writing you are referring to.

Number: During the placement you are expected to offer at least 5 entries for response and evaluation, at intervals during the field placement. It is helpful to agree on due dates for each entry at the beginning of the placement. You may wish to use the form at the bottom of this paper.

Length: 15 pages minimum. For your own use, you may wish to make many and/or lengthy entries. If it is much longer than 15 - 20 pages, then please select the entries for evaluation.

Evaluator: The student may select whether the field supervisor and/or the faculty liaison will be the reader/evaluator. In exceptional circumstances, the field supervisor may decide not to participate. The field supervisor should refer to the reflective journal assignment being Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory in their final written evaluation of the student's learning (unless the field supervisor has not been the evaluator).