Document date: IEP Goals with Objectives/Benchmarks Page of
Must be used for students taking the Idaho Alternate Assessment whose goals are aligned to Idaho Alternate Standards.
Student’s Name: Xander / District ID: / State ID: / Grade: P / Sex: M
Native Lang: ENGLISH / Ethnicity: CAUCASIAN / Birth Date: / Age: 4
District: / School:
Skill Area: Reading
1. Present Level of Performance: According to current classroom data, parent input and oberservation, Xander is able to consistently name 3 colors: red, black and green. He can name all shapes except rectangle, which he does recognize when named. He is able to count objects to 10, but he is unable to identify any numerals. He can extend an ABAB pattern. He sings the alphabet with accuracy, "mnop" being one sound/word. He can consistently find 5 letters (XLOTW). He is able to recognize his name among his classmates' names. Xander shows a need to increase his letter and numeral recognition and needs to be able to name colors to be able to function at age expectations. These skills are critical for children his age to be successful with later skills.
2. General Education Content Standard(s): Idaho eguidelines: Domain 5: Communication, Language, Literacy. Goal 57: Childen demonstrate awarenes of letters and symbols.
36 to 60 month skill: Recognize letters as special symbols to represent spoken language.
3. Annual Goal (target skill and conditions): During typical activities of a school day, Xander will independently name 15 different letters (lower or upper case) in the environment by October 2011.
4. Evaluation Procedure (criteria, procedure, and schedule): 4/5 consecutive school days based on weekly observation and data collection sheet used by staff.
5. Assistive Technology (if needed): None needed
6. How and When Progress Toward Goals Is Reported: Data collection results will be shared with parents with PT conference or progress reports at least quarterly.
7. Objectives/Benchmarks (required if student takes the IAA): / Enter report card dates in the 1st line below.
A. When shown letters in his name in random order, Xander will independently name 6/6 letters by November 2010
Expected Progress: 4/5 consecutuve school days
Target Date: 11/19/10
B. During typical activities of the day, Xander will independently name 12 different letters by March 2011
Expected Progress: 4/5 consecutive school days
Target Date: 3/04/11
Expected Progress:
Target Date:
Expected Progress:
Target Date:
*Progress Codes: / Progress Projection Codes:
1 = Completed
2 = In progress / 3 = Not started
4 = Other: / A = Progress is adequate to meet target dates.
B = Progress is inadequate to meet target date.

*Note: If the student is not progressing according to target dates, parents will be informed.

January 2007 Form 420

Copy to the confidential folder, each service provider, and the parent or adult student.