- Please briefly explain what activity has taken place since the interim report.
- Who else has been involved in your project?
- What has been achieved from the project?
- How has your organisation changed as a result of the work? How have you measured this?
- How have outcomes improved for your beneficiaries as a result of the work? How have you measured this?
- What has worked well and/or what successes have you had?
- Have there been any problems or difficulties in delivering the project? If so, how have you overcome these?
- How has the work you have done been innovative?
- How has the work you have done helped address the city priorities, as identified in your original application?
- Please provide a brief breakdown of costs incurred (e.g. staff costs, volunteer costs, operational/activity costs, office/overheads/premises costs, capital costs, publicity costs, other). Please attach full details in a spreadsheet if easier.
- Please tell us how the activity has helped your organisation to be sustainable in the future.
- Please briefly explain the plan for continuing the changes funded through the Innovation Fund. If activities will not continue, please explain why.
- Is there any other information you would like to tell us regarding the project?
Signature of applicant - This form has been completed by:
Email address:
Daytime telephone:
- I can confirm that to the best of my knowledge the information contained in all parts of this form is complete and accurate and I am authorised by the organisation to submit this report.
If you have any photographs, leaflets or press cuttings please enclose copies or e-mail them to quoting the name of your group
Please return this form to the following address by 31st August 2016:
Leeds Community Foundation
First Floor, 51a St Paul’s St. Leeds LS1 2TE.
Registered Charity No: 1096892
Leeds Community Foundation is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England. Registered number: 04443312