Sioux City Community School District

Teacher-Librarian Evaluation

Performance Review Form

A Document for Professional Growth

Employee Name (Printor Type)Evaluator Name (Printor Type)

BuildingLocationDate of Evaluation

Current Position


TheSiouxCityCommunitySchoolDistrictexiststodevelopandgraduatestudentswhohavethe knowledge,skills,andcompetenciestoleadproductivelivesinsociety.




Evaluationisacollaborativeprocessfortheenhancementofinstruction,resultinginemployee growthandrejuvenation,andmeasurablestudentgrowth.


Theprofessionalgrowthofouremployeesiscriticaltothecontinuousimprovementofstudent learningandpositivebuildingclimate.Inthiscontext,theevaluationsystemfortheSiouxCity

CommunitySchoolDistrictwilldemonstratethemission,expectations,andbeliefsofour organization.

Thepurposeofevaluationistosupportandretainhighlyqualifiedemployeeswhopromote learningforallstudents.Tothisend,evaluationisaprocessthat:

1. Drivesprofessionalgrowthanddevelopment;improvesinstructionandlearningforall students;enhancesinterpersonalrelationships;andcreatesandsupportsaculturefor learning.

2. Identifiesandreinforcesthestrengthsofeachemployee.

3. Providesaprocessofidentifyingareasforimprovedandenhancedemployeeeffectiveness.

4. Stimulatesconstructivecommunicationandfeedbackbetweenevaluatorandemployee.

5. Servesasavehicleformakingrecommendationsrelativetoemploymentand/orlicensure.




a. Provides evidence of student learning to students, families, and staff.e. Creates an environment of mutual respect, rapport, and fairness.

b. Implements strategies supporting student, building, and districtgoals.f. Participates inand contributes to a school culture that focuses

c. Uses studentperformance data as a guide for decision-making. on improved student learning.

d. Accepts anddemonstrates responsibility for creating a culture thatg. Communicates with students, families,colleagues, and supports the learning of every student. communitieseffectively and accurately.


Note: PleaseplaceanXonthe line located below eachTeachingStandardthatbest fits your answerfromBasic–Distinguished or checkthebox ifunacceptable.

Provides Timely Feedbackto Students(a)

U / Feedback is not / B / Timelinessof / P / Feedback to students is / D / Feedback is consistently
provided to students in
a timely manner. / feedback is
inconsistent. / consistently provided in a
timely manner. / provided in a timely manner.
Students make prompt useof the feedback in their learning.



Communicates InformationAbout Student Progressand Learning With Families (a, *Also,5b)

U / Teacher librarian / B / Teacher librarian’s / P / Teacher librarian / D / Teacher librarian frequently
provides minimal
information to family, or does not respond, or responds insensitively to parental or guardian’s concerns about students. / communication with
families is of limited value and/or teacher librarian’s responses to parental concerns are minimal. / communicates with parents
about the library media program on aregular basis and is available as needed to respond to family concerns. / provides information to parents.
Teacher librarian listens effectively to parentconcerns and responds to parent communication withgreat sensitivity.



Selects Instructional GoalsandUses PerformanceData in SelectionandReviewofGoals (c)

U / Teacher librarian’s / B / Teacher librarian’s / P / Teacher librarian’s goals / D / Not only are the goals valuable,
goals are not valuable
and represent low expectationsor no conceptual under- standing for students. Goals do notreflect important learning. / goals are moderately
valuable in either their expectationsor conceptual under- standing for students and in importance of learning. / are valuable in their level of
expectations,conceptual understanding, and importance of learning. / but the teacher librarian can also
clearly articulate how goals establish highexpectations and relate to curriculum frameworks and standards.



Establishes aCulture for Learning: Student PrideinWork(f)

U / Students / B / Students minimally / P / Students understand the / D / Students take obvious pride in
demonstrate little or no
pride in theirwork. They seem to be motivated by the
desire to complete a
taskrather than do high-quality work. / understand the
responsibilityto “do goodwork” but invest little of their energy in
the quality of the work. / teacher librarian’s insistence
on work of high quality and demonstrate pride in that work. / their work and initiate improvements
in it. For example, students revise drafts on their own initiative, help peers and ensure that high-quality
work is displayed.



EstablishesaCultureof Learning (b, d, *Also, 5d)

U / Instructional goals / B / Instructional goals / P / Instructional goals and / D / Through planning of learning
and activities,
interactions, and the classroom environmentconvey low expectations for student achievement. / and activities,
interactions, and the classroom environment convey inconsistent expectationsfor student achievement. / activities,interactions,and
the classroom environment convey high expectationsfor student achievement. / activities, interactions, and the
classroom environment, both students and the teacher librarian maintain highexpectations for the learning of allstudents.



Enhances School/District CurricularGoalsthrough Collaboration with Colleagues (g,*Also,7b)

U / Teacher librarian / B / Teacher librarian / P / Teacher librarian / D / Teacher librarian actively seeks
makes no effort to
share knowledge of or contribute to curricular units withclassroom
teachers/staff. / gathers library/
information resources for classroomteachers/ staff to use but does
not “actively”participate
in anycross-curricular teaching. / collaborateswith some
classroom teachers/ staff on school/district curricular units that integratethe use of
information literacy skills in
student learning. / out opportunities to collaborate with
a wide variety of grade level teachers, administrators, and other teacher librarians to createschool/
district curriculum-based lessons,
which promote the use of information literacy skills instudent learning



Communicates ClearlyandAccurately: Oral andWritten Language(g)

U / Teacher librarian’s / B / Teacher librarian’s / P / Teacher librarian’s spoken / D / Teacher librarian’s spoken and
spoken language is
inaudible, and/or written language is illegible.Spoken or
written language may
contain many grammaticaland syntactic errors. Vocabulary may be inappropriate,vague, or used incorrectly, leaving students confused. / spoken language is
audible, andwritten language is legible. Both spokenand
written are used
correctly.Vocabularyis generally correct but limited and/oris not appropriate to students’ ages or backgrounds. / and written language isclear
and correct. Vocabulary is appropriate to students’ age and interests. / written language iscorrectand
expressive,withwell-chosen vocabulary that enriches the lesson, and stretches the students’



UsesQuestionsandDiscussionStrategies:Generates Student Mutually Respectful Participation(e)

U / Only a fewstudents / B / Teacher librarian / P / Teacher librarian / D / Teacher librarian provides
participate inthe
discussion. / attempts to engage all
students in the discussion, but with only limited success. / successfully engages all
students in mutually respectful discussions. / opportunity for students themselves
to ensure thatall voices areheard in the discussion.





a. Understands and uses keyconcepts, underlying themes, relationships,c. Relates ideasand information within and across content areas. and different perspectives related to the content area. d. Understandsand uses instructional strategiesthat are appropriate

b. Uses knowledge of student development to make learning experiencesto the content area.

in the content area meaningful and accessible for every student.

Note: PleaseplaceanXonthe line located below eachTeachingStandardthatbest fits your answerfromBasic–Distinguished or checkthebox ifunacceptable.


U / Teacher librarian / B / Teacher librarian / P / Teacher librarian displays / D / Teacher librarian displays
and/ordoes not correct the content errors students make. / displays basic content
knowledgebut does not articulateconnections with other parts of the curriculum. / solidcontent knowledge and
makesconnections between the content and other parts of the curriculum. / extensive content knowledge, with
evidence of continuing pursuit of such knowledge and makes connections between thecontent and other parts of the curriculum.



Demonstrating Knowledgeof Students(b)

U / Teacher librarian / B / Teacher librarian / P / Teacher librarian displays / D / Teacher librarian displays
displays little
knowledge ofstudents’ skills and knowledge and does not indicate that such knowledge is valuable. / recognizes the value of
understanding students’
skills and knowledge but only displays this knowledge for the class
as a whole. / knowledge ofstudents’ skills
and knowledge for groups of students and recognizes the value of this knowledge. / knowledge ofstudents’ skills and
knowledge for students, including thosewith special needs.




U / Teacher librarian / B / Teacher librarian / P / Pedagogical practices / D / Teacher librarian displays
displays little
understanding of pedagogical issues involved in student
learning of the content. / displays basic
pedagogicalknowledge but does not anticipate student
misconceptions. / reflectcurrentresearch on
best practicewithin the discipline but without anticipating student
misconceptions. / continuingsearch for best practice
and anticipates student misconceptions.



DemonstratesSkill in Collection Development(a, c)

U / Teacher librarian / B / Teacher librarian / P / Teacher librarian / D / Teacher librarian worksdiligently
has limitedsuccess
withmatchingthe library collection to the needs of users and the schoolcurriculum. Responses torequests are not givenin a
timely manner. / makes a genuine effort
to match the library collectionwith user and curriculum needs. Budgets arespent in a timely manner, using a few selection tools and guidelines. / continually workssuccessfully
to match the library collection to userneeds, the school curriculum, and other instructional needs.Teacher librarianspends monies wisely, usinga variety of evaluation tools and recommendations. / on matching the library collection to
the needs of users and theschool curriculum.Budgets arespent wisely, usinga variety of evaluation tools.Teacher librarian actively seeks input and recommendations from students and staff.

List collectiondevelopment toolsused:



DemonstratesKnowledgeofContentandPedagogy: Knowledgeof PrerequisiteRelationships(a,c)

U / Teacher librarian / B / Teacher librarian / P / Teacher librarian’s plans / D / Teacher librarian actively builds
displays little
understanding of prerequisite knowledge important for student learning of the content. / indicatessome
awareness of prerequisite learning, although reflects knowledge that may be incomplete or inaccurate. / and practices reflect
understanding of prerequisite relationshipsbetween topics and concepts. / on knowledge of prerequisite
relationshipswhen describing instruction orseeking causes for student misunderstanding.



EngagesStudents inLearning(d)

U / Content is / B / Content is / P / Content isappropriate and / D / Content isappropriate and links
unclear, or teacher librarian usespoor examples or
analogies. / inconsistent in quality:
some is doneskillfully, with good examples; other portionsare
difficult to follow. / links wellwithstudents’
knowledgeand experience. / well withstudents’ knowledge and
experience.Studentscontribute to the content.





a. Uses studentachievement data, local standards, and the districtd. Selectsstrategies to engage all studentsin learning. curriculum inplanning for instruction. e. Uses available resources including technologies, in the

b. Sets and communicates highexpectations forsocial, behavioral,developmentand sequencingof instruction.

and academic success of all students.

c. Uses student’s developmental needs, backgrounds, and interests in planning for instruction.

Note: PleaseplaceanXonthe line located below eachTeachingStandardthatbest fits your answerfromBasic–Distinguished or checkthebox ifunacceptable.

Assesses Student Learning:Assessment Used forPlanning(a)

U / The assessment / B / Teacher librarian / P / Teacher librarian uses / D / Students are self-directed in the
results affect planning
for the students only minimally. / uses assessment
results to plan for
library mediainstruction for the whole class. / assessment results to plan
library mediainstruction for individuals orsmall groupsof students, aswell as large
group instruction. / use of librarymedia resources.



Communicates Directionsand Procedures ClearlyandAccurately(b)

U / Teacher librarian / B / Teacher librarian’s / P / Teacher librarian’s / D / Teacher librarian’s directions and
directions and
proceduresare confusing to students. / directions and
proceduresare clarified after initial student confusion, or they are excessively detailed. / directions and proceduresare
clear to students andcontain an appropriate level of detail. / procedures are clear to students
and anticipate possible student misunderstanding.



Selects Instructional GoalsSuitable forDiverse Students (c)

U / Goals are not / B / Most of thegoals are / P / Goals takeintoaccountthe / D / Goals takeintoaccountthe
suitable for the class. / suitable for most
students in the class. / varying learning needs of
individual students or groups. / varying learning needs of individual
students or groups. Students initiate the choice, adaptation, orcreation
of materials to enhance their success.



Selects Instructional Goalsfor Interdisciplinary Learning(d)

U / Goals reflect only / B / Goals reflectseveral / P / Goals reflectseveral / D / Goals reflectstudentinitiativein
one type of learning
and one discipline or strand. / types of learning* but
show no effort at coordinationor integration. / different types of learning*
and various opportunities for integration. / establishing important learning*.

(*Content skills, problemsolving,higher level thinking skills, Bloom’s taxonomy, etc.)



DemonstratesKnowledgeofDevelopmental Characteristicsof Students(c)

U / Teacher librarian / B / Teacher librarian / P / Teacher librarian displays / D / Teacher librarian displays
displays minimal
knowledge of developmental characteristics ofthe age group. / displays generally
accurate knowledge of developmental characteristics ofthe age group. / thorough understanding of
typical developmental characteristics of the age group aswellas exceptions of general patterns. / knowledge oftypical developmental
characteristics of the age group, exceptions tothe patterns, and the extent to which each student follows the patterns.



DesignsCoherent Instruction: Aligns Learning Activities to MeetBenchmarksandStandards (a)

U / Learning activities / B / Only someof the / P / Most of the learning / D / Learning activities are highly
are notsuitable to
students or instructional goals. They do not follow an
organized progression
and do not reflect recent professional research. / learning activities are
suitable to students or instructional goals. Progression of activities
in the unit is uneven,
and only some activities reflect recent professionalresearch. / activities are suitable to
students and instructional goals.Progression of activities in the unit is fairly
even, and most activities
reflect recent professional research. / relevant to students and
instructional goals.They progress coherently, producing a unified whole and reflecting recent



DemonstratesKnowledgeand UseofResources (e)

U / Teacher librarian is / B / Teacher librarian / P / Teacher librarian seeksout / D / Teacher librarian seeksout
unaware of school or
district library media resources* available either for teaching or
for studentswho need
them. / displays knowledge
of school or district library media resources* available
either for teaching or
for studentswho need them. / resources forteaching in
professionalorganizations and in the community. Teacher librarian is awareof
available forstudents who need them, inthe school, the district, and the larger community. / resources forteaching, or in
professionalorganizations and in the community, and shares awareness of librarymediaresources*with
students, families, andcolleagues.

(*Books,onlinedatabases,Internet, etc.)





a. Alignsclassroom instruction with local standardsand districtcurriculum.d. Engages students in varied experiences that meet diverse needs b. Uses research-based instructional strategies that addressthe full range and promotesocial, emotional, and academicgrowth.

of cognitivelevels.e. Connectsstudents’ prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests

c. Demonstrates flexibility and responsivenessinadjusting instruction tointo the instructional process.

meet student needs.f. Uses availableresources, including technologies, in the delivery of instruction.

Note: PleaseplaceanXonthe line located below eachTeachingStandardthatbest fits your answerfromBasic–Distinguished or checkthebox ifunacceptable.


U / Interactionbetween / B / Teacher librarian’s / P / Most of the teacher / D / Teacher librarian’s questions are
teacher librarian and
students is predominantly recitationstyle.
Teacher librarian’s
questions are
generally at low level*. / questions area
combinationof low and high level*, but do not invite student
librarian makes some attempt to engage students in atrue discussion. / librarian’s questions are of
high level*.Classroom interaction represents true discussion with teacher
librarian facilitation. / uniformly of high level* and
encouragestudents to formulate questions for discussion.

(*In accordance with Bloom’s Taxonomy)



Assesses Student Learning:Congruence with Instructional Goals (a)

U / Content and / B / Some of the / P / All ofthe instructional goals / D / The proposed approach to
methods of
assessmentlack consistencywith instructional goals. / instructional goals are
assessed through the proposed lesson plan, but many arenot. / are nominallyassessed
through the proposed lesson plan, but the approach is moresuitableto some goals than to others. / assessment within the lesson plan
iscompletelyconsistentwith the instructional goals, both incontent and process.



DemonstratesFlexibility,Responsiveness,and Persistence (b, c)

U / When a student has / B / Teacher librarian / P / Teacher librarian persists / D / Teacher librarian persists in
difficulty learning; the
teacher librarian either gives up or blames the student or the environment for the student’s lack of success. / understands
responsibility for the success of allstudents but has only a limited repertoire of instructional strategies to use. / in seeking approaches for all
students possessing a moderate repertoire of strategies.Teacher librarian may solicit additional resources. / seeking effective approaches for
students whoneed help, using an extensive repertoire of strategies and solicitingadditional resources.



DesignsCoherent Instructional Grouping of Students(c)

U / Instructional groups / B / Instructional groups / P / Instructional groups are / D / Instructional groups aresuitable
do not support the
instructional goals and/or do notoffer any variety in the learning
experience. / are inconsistent in
suitability to the instructional goals and offer minimalvariety in
learning experiences. / suitable to the instructional
goals and/or the learning needs of students. / to the instructional goals and/or to
the learning needs of students. There is evidence of student choice in selecting different instructional



Accommodates StudentsQuestions or Interest(e)

U / Teacher librarian / B / Teacher librarian / P / Teacher librarian responds / D / Teacher librarian seizes
often ignoresor
brushesaside students’ questions or interests. / attempts to
accommodate students’ questions or interests. The effects on the students’ understanding of a lesson are unclear. / productively to the students’
questions or interests. / opportunities to enhance learning,
buildingon spontaneous events without jeopardizing the lesson plan and the learning goals.



EngagesStudents inLearningUsingAppropriateStructureand Pacing(c)

U / The lessonhas no / B / The lessonhas a / P / The lessonhas aclearly / D / The lesson’s structure ishighly
clearly defined
structure, and/or the pacing of the lesson is too slow or rushed, or
both. / recognizablestructure,
although it is not uniformly maintained throughout the lesson.
Pacing of thelesson is
inconsistent. / definedstructure around
which the activities are organized.Pacing of the lessonis consistent. / coherent, allowing forreflection and
closure as appropriate.Pacing of the lesson is appropriate for students withmultiple learning




U / Activities and / B / Some activities and / P / Most activities and / D / All students arecognitively
inappropriatefor students in terms of their age or
Students arenot cognitively engaged. / assignmentsare
appropriate to students, and they arecognitively engaged. / assignmentsare appropriate
to students.Almost all students are cognitively engaged in them. / engaged in the activities and
assignmentsin their exploration of content.Students initiateor adapt activities and projects to enhance
