Project Bulletin #6

May 2017

North East Community Hub

Site: 2 Centre Way, Balwyn North

Estimated cost: $17.2 million

Sod-turning event in March: Mr and Mrs Graham and Gwenda Foard, North Balwyn RSL Sub-Branch, North East Community Hub community ambassadors and Greythorn traders, with Mayor of Boroondara, Cr Phillip Healey, the Hon. Josh Frydenberg MP, the Ward Councillor, Cr Jim Parke and Cr Cynthia Watson.

Project overview:

The City of Boroondara is building a $17.2 million new community hub in the City's north-east.

When it opens midway through 2018, the North East Community Hub will include a neighbourhood house, library lounge, expanded Maternal and Child Health Centre and Greythorn Early Childhood Centre, the North Balwyn RSL and its memorabilia, and consultation rooms for allied health services.

We gratefully acknowledge the Australian Government’s $3.2 million contribution towards this project through the National Stronger Regions Fund.

What’s been happening?

Construction has well and truly begun and a sod-turning event was held in March to celebrate this significant milestone.

At the sod-turning on Monday 6 March, Mr and Mrs Graham and Gwenda Foard, North Balwyn RSL Sub-Branch, the project’s community ambassadors and local traders joined the Mayor of

Boroondara, Cr Phillip Healey, the Ward Councillor, Cr Jim Parke (Bellevue Ward), Cr Cynthia Watson (Maranoa Ward) and Federal Member for Kooyong, the Hon. Josh Frydenberg.

When engagement began on this project in 2013, Council established a group of community ambassadors to champion the project locally and provide input to the project.

On the day, Cr Healey thanked the Hon. Josh Frydenberg for the Australian Government’s generous contribution to the project, and emphasised Council’s commitment to strengthening the local community by developing a user-friendly hub that provides programs for people of all ages, with a focus on health and wellbeing.

Construction update

In early 2017, the construction site was cleared to allow for the relocation of the sewer and main drain, which previously ran through the middle of the site. Excavation works have now begun on a basement car park, and piling and structural works for the retention walls.

Landscaping works

As part of this project, the eastern end of Centre Way will become one-way, allowing a pedestrian and vehicle-friendly link between the hub and the Greythorn Shopping Centre. Landscaping will make the streetscape more attractive for local residents and people who use the Hub and shops.

The North East Community Hub project also involves the creation of a new open space on the corner of Centre Way and Trentwood Avenue. It is envisaged that this will be an attractive open community space, and it will also host the North Balwyn RSL remembrance ceremonies.

Temporary service arrangements

During construction, the Greythorn Early Childhood Centre is operating at 230 Balwyn Rd, Balwyn North, two kilometres from its new permanent location in the hub. Families who use the Greythorn Maternal and Child Health Service (MCH) can visit the Greythorn nurse at Balwyn, Balwyn North or Minifie Park Maternal and Child Health centres. The hours at each of these centres have been increased to cater for all families. For MCH appointments, phone 9278 4606.

Project timelines

·  January 2017 to mid-2018 – construction.

Keep informed:

·  Sign up for project updates at

·  Information on community services – Fiona Read, Planner, Community Strengthening, 9278 4438 or

·  Construction – Joe Capomolla, Coordinator Special Projects, 9278 4586 or