Fire Hall, 408 N. Benton Drive

Tuesday, April 12, 2011



9:30 AM

1.  Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Campbell called the meeting to order at 9:30am. Members present: Brad Gunderson, Jared Gapinski, and Paul Weber. Members absent: Dave Saunders. Others present: Brian Koester, Benton County Assessor, Steve Behrenbrinker, Benton County Assessor, Tim Jacobs, Staff Appraiser, Ross Olson, City Administrator, and Dana Furman, Administrative Services Coordinator.

2.  Board of Appeal and Equalization

Brian Koester stated that property evaluations need to be analyzed yearly per State statute. He noted that the time period being discussed today is October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010. Koester explained that every year the County monitors what property is being sold for; if the median of that market falls between 90-105% nothing needs to be done, but if the numbers that come back are not in this range an increase or decrease in values needs to be done to get back to that ratio.

C&J Farm and Ranch, Ltd, Parcels (19.04070.00 and 19.04073.00)

Cy Reinhart said with the economy and the competition around there is no way that this land would sell for the prices in which the County is saying that the property is worth.

Steve Behrenbrinker requested that Reinhart come back with a specific request (listing price). Koester noted that currently the County is recommending no change, but with further information this recommendation could change before the Benton County Board’s review.

Reinhart said that he is requesting a value rating of $5,000 less than what is currently proposed.

Kay/Bern Properties (19.03911.00 & 19.03910.00)
Bob Sexton requested that the property be valued at $2.9 million for the building and the bare lot.

Koester stated that he does not currently have any data to support Sexton’s recommendation. He suggested that the Council make no change at this time, but if Mr. Sexton was able to provide documentation that would support his proposed value then that could be shared with the County Board of Appeal and Equalization.

Arthur Daniels (Parcels 19.04322.00, 19.032790.00, 19.04314.00, and 19.04317)

Koester said that currently there is no recommended change regarding these parcels, but staff will review and look at the cost of the retaining wall in regards to the one parcel before the County Board meeting.

Kurt and Julie Schimnich (Parcel 19.00305.00)

Koester noted that this property is currently being taxed as a residential non-homestead duplex. He explained that the recommendation is not for a change in value, but rather that a change in classification takes place. The change would bring the property from a residential non-homestead 4 or more to a residential 1-3 non-homestead property.

Councilperson Gunderson noted that the Schimnich’s will be requesting a variance for five units, but the Land Use Committee is recommending 4 units.

Koester said that the current recommended change of class is for the current status.

RWSRP, LLC (Parcel 19.04799.00)

Koester noted that there was an error in the table that needs to be corrected. The new value recommendation for this parcel is $517,700.

Gwen Bird Properties (Parcel 19.02084.00)

Koester stated that currently this property is valued at $684,000. He is recommending a value of $32,000 per unit, which will bring the recommended overall value down to $576,000.

Mississippi Ten, LLC (Parcels 19.03110.00 & 19.031111.00)

Koester advised the Council that County staff would like to review these parcels prior to the County Board of Review meeting. He stated at the moment no change is being recommended.

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Weber and seconded by Councilperson Gapinski to adopt the Benton County Assessor’s recommendations as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

3.  Adjournment

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Gapinski and seconded by Councilperson Weber to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Campbell adjourned the meeting at 10:14 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dana Furman

Administrative Services Coordinator

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