XX,November 2017


XX VIEW Club urges community to support The Smith Family’s Christmas Appeal

With the festive season fast approaching,XX VIEW Club is urging the community to share their Christmas with a child in need bysupporting The Smith Family’s Christmas Appeal.

VIEW stands for the Voice, Interests and Education of Women. It is one of Australia’s leading women’s volunteer organisations and supports the work of The Smith Familychildren’s education charity throughout the year.

The Smith Family’s annual Christmas Appeal needs to raise $3.7 million to provide essential learning support programs for nearly 9,000 children in need in 2018.

President of the [name of region] VIEW Club said: “Right now there are 1.1 million children and young people living in poverty across Australia.

“We know that growing up in poverty can significantly impact on a child’s ability to do well at school.

“For these children, having someone support their education and provide them with learning opportunities can be the greatest gift.

“Across Australia we have 16,000 VIEW members who actively fundraise and volunteer for The Smith Family. Many of us have seen firsthand how the charity’s long-term educational support is transforming the lives of children and setting them on a pathway out of poverty.

“This Christmas we are asking the XX community to dig deep and share their Christmas giving with a child in need by donating to The Smith Family’s Christmas Appeal.”

The Smith Family CEO Dr Lisa O’Brien said: “We’re incredibly grateful for VIEW’s support of our Christmas Appeal to ensure these children don’t miss out at school next year.”

To donate, visit our website: thesmithfamily.com.au or call 1800 024 069.


Media Enquiries: XX

VIEW: Founded by the General Secretary of The Smith Family, George Forbes, in 1960 to support the charitable work of The Smith Family, VIEWstands for the Voice, Interests and Education of Women. It is one of Australia’s leading women’s volunteer organisations and support networksand empowers women to have their voices heard on issues of importance for the future wellbeing of Australian society.

About The Smith Family:The Smith Family is a children’s education charity that helps disadvantaged young Australians to succeed at school, so they can create better futures for themselves. For more information about The Smith Family, visit thesmithfamily.com.au

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