Graduation Pack




All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Once you have purchased “The Graduation Pack,” you have permission to make as many copies as needed for your performance. Making copies of the script, songs, or movie files for any other purpose than the performance, or distributing this material without permission is strictly forbidden.

Preschool graduation is a special time for your students, their families, and your preschool staff. This package has been put together to help you put together a fantastic and memorable graduation ceremony. Preschool graduation is an obvious time to celebrate all the ways that your students have grown throughout the year: physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. Of course, it is also a great time to give praise to God for all the ways that He has been faithfully involved in the learning and development of each child.

This graduation pack has been put together to do both—celebrate your students and praise God.

Below is a suggested way to structure your graduation ceremony. Feel free to adapt and change any or all of the elements to fit your needs and context. May God bless your graduation ceremony!

1. The Graduation March

Playing “Pomp and Circumstance” is traditional for graduations, but you should feel free to choose from a number of appropriate songs. Ordering graduation caps (and perhaps also gowns) will be a nice touch to the entire ceremony.

2. Opening Prayer

God has been faithfully involved in the life of each child. Opening the ceremony with a prayer that thanks and praises God is an appropriate way to begin. The prayer might also ask for continued guidance in each student’s life as they move on to kindergarten and beyond.

3. Words of Welcome to all in attendance

4. The Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag (and/or the Christian Flag)

If you are in the custom of having your children say the Pledge of Allegiance each day, this is a great way to show off what they have learned!

5. Introductions of the Teachers and Staff

6. Songs

“Wonderful World”

“We are Marching”

“Work in Me”

7. Share a few of the highlights

Graduation is a time to show off the highlights of the year. Perhaps you have pieces of artwork or other projects to show off. Maybe you have prepared a slideshow for the year. Perhaps you can have the children highlight aspects of your school’s curriculum (for example, a creative presentation of the alphabet).

8. Hand out Diplomas

Take time to honor each student. Call each student out by name. It is great if the student’s teacher (and teaching assistants) can be involved in this process. Perhaps teachers can take the time to “vote” each student in their class a certain honor (such as “most likely to own their own business” or “most likely to win a beauty contest” etc.). Another idea is asking each student what they want to be when they grow up and announce it as they receive their diploma.

9. Stand for Pictures

10. Refreshments

Wonderful World

I’ve got my ABC’s, I’ve got my 123’s,

I’ve learned to cover up when I sneeze Ha-choo

I’m growing up in God’s world, His wonderful world, Oh yeah!

In God’s world, His wonderful world, I am so glad

He’s given me, a place to be, in His world, His wonderful world

I’ve learned all my shapes, all my colors

When I go to sleep, I hide under the covers (Sound of snore)

I’m growing up in God’s world, His wonderful world, Oh yeah!

In God’s world, His wonderful world, I am so glad

He’s given me, a place to be, in His world, His wonderful world

I’ve got the sky and sea, the sun and rain

I can get around in a car or train (choo choo)

I’m growing up in God’s world, His wonderful world, Oh yeah!

I’m growing up in God’s world, His wonderful world, Oh yeah!

We are Marching

We are marching in the light of God

We are marching in the light of God

We are marching in the light of God

We are marching in the light of God

We are marching, we are marching,

Oh, we are marching in the light of God

We are marching, we are marching

Oh, we are marching in the light of God

We are praying in the light of God

We are praying in the light of God

We are praying in the light of God

We are praying in the light of God

We are praying, we are praying,

Oh, we are praying in the light of God

We are praying, we are praying

Oh, we are praying in the light of God

We are marching in the light of God

We are marching in the light of God

We are marching in the light of God

We are marching in the light of God

We are marching, we are marching,

Oh, we are marching in the light of God

We are marching, we are marching

Oh, we are marching in the light of God

Work in Me

Let love and joy,

Peace and patience,

Kindness and goodness,

Let faithfulness,


And self-control abound in me.

Against such things there is no law,

So let your Spirit work in me, work in me.

Let love and joy,

Peace and patience,

Kindness and goodness,

Let faithfulness,


And self-control abound in me.

Against such things there is no law,

So let your Spirit work in me.

Against such things there is no law,

So let your Spirit work in me, work in me.