National Public Health Service for Wales / Minutes 15/06/05


15th June 2005

NPHS HQ, Unit 1, Parc Nantgarw

Present:Dr Cerilan Rogers (Chair)

Dr Sandra Payne (by tele conference)

Dr Paul Tromans

Mr Mark Dickinson

Dr Tony Howard

Dr William Ritchie

Professor Ronan Lyons

Mrs Tamira Rolls

Mrs Amanda Evans

Mr Chris Lines

Mr Alun Lloyd

Dr Peter Stevenson (LPHD Rep) (by tele conference)

In Attendance:Dr Leonie Richards, SpR

Mrs Emma Morgan (Minutes)

1 / Apologies for absence: Miss Georgina Burns, Mr Ian Sharp.
2 / Minutes of previous meeting (17/05/05):
The minutes of the previous meeting were formally approved by SMT with one amendment:
4.8) NPHS Informatics Work Programme – RH agreed video conferencing would be made a priority for the service.
The minutes would be made public on the NPHS website. / RH
3 / Matters arising17/05/05: of WG6 Professional Supervision and Leadership, Training and Development for Health Promotion (SMT 02-05 CW1 V13)
The final report would be received at SMT in September. Notes of a meeting held on 19th May 2005 were received for information.
3.4.4Community Violence and Public Health – A potentialframework for LHBs (SMT 02-05 PT)
An All Wales Workshop had been arranged to take place on 21st July 2005. Professor Jonathan Shepherd had agreed to attend as Principal Speaker.
There has been an increase in the number of conferences and events being organised by the NPHS, by staff with limited experience of organising these types of events. CL agreed to prepare guidance notes on event organisation, which would include a synopsis of lessons to be learnt and how to evaluate the event.
3.4.2Healthcare Epidemiology and the role for the NPHS (SMT 03-05 RL1 V1)
CR would be meeting with John Sweeney and colleagues to discuss moving forward the function of primary care. AL suggested that Karen Fitzgerald could attend this meeting to link in with the Trust on relevant prescribing.
7.2Postgraduate Training Budget (SMT 03-05 WR1 V1)
AE had collected the applications of those staff who had indicated postgraduate courses as needs in their professional development plans. AE would be meeting with WR/LH on 14th July to discuss the criteria for support. Director’s action will be taken on the final outcome, as the deadline for a number of applications is the end of July.
4.3Report on Mock Assessment of Welsh Risk Management Standards (SMT 04-05 MD2 V1) for information
Still awaiting letter confirming that Standard 19: Community Services would not apply to NPHS.
4.4Communications Action Plan 2005/06 (SMT 04-05 CL1 V3) for approval
The job description for the ‘content managers’ role had been drawn up and would be circulated to Team Leaders within the next few days.
8.1Velindre NHS Trust Counter Fraud & Corruption Policy (SMT 04-05 CR2 V1) for consultation
CL had raised issues with Angela Bright about the communication of the policy.
4.4.1Research Governance:Stocktake
RL had not received a copy of the questionnaire. EM to provide Daniel Thomas with RL’s email address at the University.
4.4.6Guidelines and good practice in using the NPHS Email system (SMT 05-05 CL1 V3)
The guidelines were amended as per the minutes.
There had been significant problems with the roll out of the new email system. MD agreed to follow this up.
8.On line Application Form (SMT 05-05 CR7)
AE confirmed applicants would be able to apply on-line, although if selected for interview, an application form would require a formal signature.
11.2Influenza Pandemic Contingency Plan (SMT 05-05 TH1 V1)
SP would be meeting with RS on 28th June to take forward Emergency Planning. / CL
4 / Developments/Teams
4.1Comparing Public Health Policy: Lessons from Brittany and Wales (SMT 06-05 SP1 V1)
A report of a visit of Public Health professionals from Wales to Brittany in October 2004 was received. The SMT were asked to consider the report and decide whether a link with the ENSP should be developed and what role the NPHS could take.
A further visit by colleagues from Brittany to Wrexham was being organised, to take place in autumn 2005, with the emphasis on mental health services and health promotion. Leonie Richards would be invited to present on the work she is undertaking on Forensic Needs Assessment.
TH asked if there was potential for the ICDS to link with ENSP in relation to infectious diseases and, in particular, sexual health. SP agreed and would discuss the possibilities of a future meeting.
SP/PS agreed to draft an outline programme for the two day event, for circulation to colleagues.
Budgetary requirements would be discussed outside of the meeting. / LR
4.2Report of WG8 Review of the relationship between the NPHS and Public Health Improvement Projects (SMT 06-05 SP2 V9)
As part of the Review of Local Public Health Teams in 2003/04, one of the recommendations for further work was to look at the relationship of the NPHS with projects of health improvement funded through a variety of sources. A Working Group had been established and had produced an interim report for consideration by the SMT, for further work to be undertaken.
The SMT agreed to forward their comments to SP who would report back to the SMT in July.
Thanks were expressed to Chris West for producing the report.
Reports on Professional Supervision and Resources would be received at the SMT meeting in September. / SMT
4.3A Profile of Long Term and Chronic Conditions in Wales – update and future directions (SMT 06-05 PT1 V1)
This profile has been produced as a first step in the development of background information on chronic conditions in Wales. The work, commissioned by WAG, helps assess the current prevalence of chronic conditions in Wales and inform future policy and services. The SMT were asked to approve the profile, before submission to WAG for their approval, and final production as a joint publication.
Discussions would take place with WAG regarding an appropriate launch of the Profile and distribution.
A couple of suggestions were noted:
  • a brief would be produced, as per other profiles.
  • the executive summary would include a prominent recommendation to improve the quality of data from QOF, GPMD, and OPD
Thanks were expressed to Tracey Deacon, Helen Howson and the team for producing this profile. / PT
5 / Human Resources:
5.1A4C update
AE reported 126 job descriptions had still not been submitted to the Trust. A deadline date of 23rd June had been set.
A memo would be issued to LPHDs and senior staff in the Local Public Health Teams later this week, informing them that a small group, including local public health team core staff, will meet to review the national profiles. Following this, recommendations will be made on enhancing the generic versions. Once completed, core job descriptions for roles A,B,C will be reviewed for A4C job matching purposes. / CR/AE
5.2 Trust Appraisal and Continuous Development Policy (SMT 06-05 AE1)
The SMT were asked to comment on the Trust Appraisal and Continuous Development Policy before submission to the Trust Executive Board on 13th July. The majority of the SMT had not undertaken training in the KSF process as yet, therefore, it would be difficult to comment on the Policy.
A copy of the Policy would be sent to Lyn Harris for comment, in line with her work in taking forward DATE. / AE
6 / Finance:
6.1 Financial Position Report (Month 2)
TR reported on the month 2 position of the NPHS which was £800 underspent (i.e. breakeven). It wasclarified that anysavings as a result of vacant posts had goneagainst the staff turnover target budget and, consequently, there would be no variance as a result.
TR reported that the funding for the A4C was still not finalised for 2005/06, but should be within the next few weeks. The funding would be a trust wide amount and would be divided up between the divisions using the DOH / WAG A4C funding model, which would givefunding per staff type as well as funding per division.Funding would be split for pay assimilation and funding for increased staff required, as a result of extra holidays and fewer hours (in some cases).
7 / Documents Received (for information):
  • WHC(05)035: Hospital Discharge Planning Guidance
  • WHC(05)036: Confidential Registration within A&E Departments
  • WHC(05)039: GP Cost Rent Scheme – Prescribed Percentages
  • WHC(05)041: Quarterly list of Welsh Health Circulars – Jan-Mar 2005
  • WHC(05)042: Recruitment and retention of General Practitioners
  • WHC(05)043: WHC Locum Payments during sickness, maternity, paternity, adoption and study leave 31
  • WHC(05)044: New GMS Contract: Extended IM&T Guidance 2005-06
  • WHC(05)047: Guidance for developing GP with special interest services in Wales
  • WHC(05)048: Policy Implementation Guidance on the development of crisis resolution/home treatment (CR/HT) services in Wales
  • WHC(05)049: Healthcare Standards for Wales
  • WHC(05)050: The Scope of Information Management & Technology initiatives in NHS Wales and clarity regarding responsibilities
  • Concordat between Bodies inspecting, regulating and auditing health and social care in Wales
  • CMO (05)1: Tissues and Cells vCJD precautions
  • Health Matters in Blaenau Gwent Issue 10 May 2005
  • Response of the Welsh Assembly Government to the Third Annual Report of the Children’s Commissioner for Wales 2003-04
  • Air Pollution in Wales 2003 – A report of the Welsh Air Quality Forum
  • Sustainable Health Action Research Programme (SHARP) Newsletter 5
  • Newyddion June 2005 – The official newsletter from HPW
  • National Occupational Standards for the Practice of Public Health and the Wales Centre for Health Public Health Skills Audit
  • Institute of Rural Health: The Rural Link – May 2005

8 / ICDS
8.1Health Protection MoU
Following correspondence with Geoff Lang at Wrexham LHB, TH asked what would be the appropriate mechanism for disseminating the MoU to LHBs around Wales. MD agreed to speak to Geoff Lang regarding the preferred route for dissemination. / MD
9 / Any other business:
SP asked for clarity on the role of the LPHD in terms of FOI requests received via the LHBs, as this did not form part of the LPHD’s remit. It was clear there was not a standard approach within the LHBs and it was agreed to produce a general guidance note for LPHDs. / CL
10 / Date and time of next meeting:-
Wednesday 13th July 2005, at 10.30am, to be held in the Meeting Room, NPHS HQ, Parc Nantgarw
Version: 2 / Date: 21/06/05 / Status: Approved at SMT 13/07/05 for publication
Author: CR / EM / Page: 1