Lafayette Recreation Meeting minutes
May 7, 2015 @ Elementary school (start time: 6:15 p.m.)
Present: Launa, Meghan, Matt, John, Adam, Kris, Haley, Beth, Gordie
Absent: None. Kim came late due to fire.
1. Eric Price – Wants to coach 5 & 6th grade boys’ baseball. Not enough boys to fill team, so he has been practicing with no games. Eric wants to install a greater interest in baseball or at least have a local team that can participate in games
- Check with Bethlehem to see if we can share a team
- The recreation department needs to plan ahead on how teams are going to be filled.
- Idea on having a baseball clinic to generate interest in baseball / softball.
- Kris will talk with Bethlehem and area programs on accepting Franconia players if not enough players for next year.
2. Coaches Meeting: Tim Clough and Eric Price in attendance.
- Coach / Pitch team needs helmets
- 5 & 6th grade boys need helmets
- The storage sheds are disorganized. The equipment needs to be organized so that it is easily identifiable / obtainable.
3. Minutes from April Meeting – motion approved (all in favor)
4. Summer Recreation:
- Kris is having a difficult time filling the K-1 position. Going to post it again in hopes to generate applicants.
- First aid training at school on June 16
- Summer Staff training June 18 - June 19
5. Eagle Scout Project update - The Dow association will not authorize the Tennis court project. The project is now exploring the possibility of a Disc Golf course on the Dow.
6. White Mountain Triathlon – June 6 through Franconia. Volunteers needed to assist with various stages along course. $100 paid to recreation department for each volunteer.
7. Old Business:
- Interest in Rock climbing for summer rec program. Kim and Kris will follow up with Rusty at indoor climbing center (Evergreen Sports center).
- Bleachers and dugouts at school need staining / maintenance. Ideas on labor to accomplish this project – Grafton County DOC community relations. Gordie will check with school board at meeting next week for permission / thoughts. Matt will check with DOC on feasibility / how project works.
- Coaches background checks. Kris looking to see if 2 coaches need it done, if they coached in another town over winter. Other town unwilling to release results. Decision made to have a routine check conducted.
- Kris has conducted background checks on all other springtime coaches.
- Water at Dow (water fountain) with proper pressure will be done before the British Soccer camp starts. Kim will supervise / facilitate this project with town resources.
- Special Olympics Torch Run through Franconia – Saturday May 23. Kim will post it on Website.
8. Motion to adjourn – 8:27 pm.