[Lancaster University Library classmarks in brackets]

Film Studies

Boggs, Joseph M, The Art of Watching Films, Palo Alto: Mayfield Publishing, 1985 (2nd edition). [YXPC]

Cook, Pam & Bernink, Mieke (Eds), The Cinema Book. 2nd edition. British Film Institute, 1999. [+YXP.7]

Corrigan, Timothy, A short guide to writing about film. - 2nd ed. New York: Harper Collins, 1994. [YXP9]

Dick, Bernard, Anatomy of Film. Boston, Mass: Bedford/St Martins, 2002. [YXPB<D>]
Giannetti, Louis, Understanding Movies. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1993, 6th edition. [YXP]

Izod, John, Reading the screen: an introduction to film studies. Longman/York Press, 1984. [YXP]

Lacey, Nick, Introduction to Film. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.

Monaco, James, How to read a film: the art, technology, language, history and theory of film and media. - Rev. ed. New York: Oxford U.P., 1981. [YXPB]

Nelmes, Jill, ed., An introduction to film studies. - 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 1999. [YXP8]

Phillips, William H, Film. An Introduction. Boston MA: Bedford/St Martin’s, 1999 [YXP]

Film Theory/critical theory

Andrew, J Dudley, The Major Film Theories. An Introduction, Oxford University Press, 1076. [YXPC.A]

Braudy, Leo & Cohen, Marshall (eds), Film theory and criticism :introductory readings. Oxford University Press,1999. [YXP7 <B>]

Lapsley, Robert & Westlake, Michael, Film Theory: an introduction. Manchester University Press, 1988. [YXPH.L]

Tim Woods, Beginning Postmodernism. Manchester University Press, 1999. [YUB.W]

French cinema

Armes, Roy, French Cinema. Oxford: OUP, 1985. [YXP3f.R]

Austin, Guy, Contemporary French Cinema. An Introduction. Manchester University Press, 1996. [YXP3f.R]

Bessy, Maurice. Histoire du cinéma français : encyclopédie des films. Paris : Pygmalion, c1994-1996. 7 vols. [YXP3f <B>]

Beylie, Claude, Une histoire du cinéma français. Paris: Larousse, 2000. [YXP3f.B]

Biggs, Melissa E., French films, 1945-1993 : a critical filmography of the 400 most important releases. Jefferson, N.C.; London : McFarland, 1996. [YXP12f <B>]

Ezra, Elizabeth & Harris, Sue (eds), France in Focus. Film and National Identity. Oxford: Berg, 2000. [YXP3f.E]

Forbes, Jill, The Cinema in France: After the New Wave. London:BFI/ McMillan, 1992.[YXP3f.Y]

Ford, Charles, Histoire du cinéma français contemporain. Paris: Ed France-Empire, 1977.

Frodon, Jean-Michel, L’Age moderne du cinéma français, de la Nouvelle Vague à nos jours. Paris: Flammarion, 1995.[YXP3f.W]

Guy, Jean-Michel, La Culture cinématographique des français. Paris: Documentation Française, 2000. [YXPH]

Hayward, Susan & Vincendeau, Ginette, eds., French Film: Texts and Contexts. London: Routledge, 1990.[YXP3f]

Hughes, Alex and James S. Williams (eds), Gender and French Cinema. Oxford/New York: Berg, 2001. [YXP3f]

Jeancolas, Jean-Pierre, Le Cinéma des Français. Paris: Stock, 1979.[YXP3f.W]

Marie, Michel. The French new wave:an artistic school, translated by Richard Neupert. Oxford:Blackwell,2003. [YXP3f.W]

Mazdon, Lucy (ed.), France on Film: reflections on Popular French Cinema. London: Wallflower Press, 2001. [YXP3f.Y]

Noguez, Dominique, Trente ans de cinéma expérimental en France, 1950-1980. Paris: ARCEF, 1982.

Passek, Jean-Loup, ed., Dictionnaire du cinéma français. Paris: Larousse, 1987. [YXP1]

Powrie, Phil, French Cinema in the 198s: nostalgia and the crisis of masculinity. Oxford: Clarendon, 1997. [YXP3f.Y]

Powrie, Phil, (ed.), French Cinema in the 1990s. Oxford University Press, 1999. [YXP3f.Y]

Powrie, Phil & Reader, Keith. French cinema: a student’s guide.Edward Arnold,2002. [YXP3f.Y]

Prédal, René, Le Cinéma français contemporain. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1984.[YXP3F.Y]

Prédal, René, Cinquante ans du cinéma français. Paris: Nathan, 1996.

Sadoul, Georges, Le Cinéma Français, 1890/1962. Paris: Flammarion, 1962.[YXP3f]

Sherzer, Dina, Cinema, colonialism , postcolonialism : perspectives from the French and Francophone world. Austin, Tex.:Univ. of Texas Press,1996. [YXP3f]

Vincendeau, Ginette. The companion to French cinema.Cassell,1996.

Vincendeau, Ginette, Stars and Stardom in French Cinema. London & New York: Continuum, 2000. [YXTB.V]

Williams, Alan Larson, The Republic of Images. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1992. [YXP3f]

Nouvelle Vague

Cahiers du Cinéma, no 138, Dec. 1962 [YXP63]

Douchet, Jean, Nouvelle Vague. Paris: Cinématique Française/Hazan, 1998. [oversize book YXP3fW]

Douin, Jean-Luc, La Nouvelle Vague vingt-cinq ans après. Paris: Cerf, coll. 7e art, 1983.

Marie, Michel, La Nouvelle Vague. Paris: Nathan, 1997.[YXP3f.W]

Monaco, James, The New Wave. Oxford: OUP, 1976.

Neupert, Richard, A History of the French New Wave Cinema, Madison, Wisonsin, 2002. [YXP3f.W]

Film / history / documentary

Barta, Tony ed., Screening the past: film and the representation of history. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1998. [YXQH]

Corner, John, The Art of Record, Manchester University Press, 1997. [YXPM]

Corseuil, Anelise Reich, ed. Film, literature, and history. Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, 1997. [YXP7]

Ferro, Marc, Cinéma et histoire. Paris: Denoel, 1977. [YXPM]

Flittermann-Lewis, Sandy, ‘Documenting the ineffable. Terror and memory in Alain Resnais’ Night and Fog’, in B. K Grant & J Sloniowski (eds), Documenting the Documentary, Wayne State University Press, 1998, pp. 204-222. [YXPM]

Foucault, Cahiers du cinema, nos 252-1 July 1974, pp. 42-47. [YX6]

Grindon, Leger, Shadows on the past : studies in the historical fiction film. Philadelphia : Temple U.P., 1994 - Culture and the moving image. [YXQH]

Guibbert, Pierre & Oms, Marcel, L’Histoire de France au cinéma. Paris: CinémAction, 1993. [YXP3f.G]

Insdorf, Annette, Indelible Shadows. Film and the Holocaust Cambridge UP, 1989. [YXPK]

Morris, Alan, Collaboration and resistance reviewed :writers and the mode rétro in Post-Gaullist France. New York: Berg, 1992. [XTSA<M>]

Nichols, Bill, Representing reality: issues and concepts in documentary. Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana U.P., 1991. [YXPM]

Rosenstone, Robert A. Visions of the past: the challenge of film to our idea of history. Harvard U.P., 1995. - 271p. [YXPM]

Sorlin, Pierre. The film in history : restaging the past. Oxford: Blackwell, 1980. [YXPM]

Jean-Jacques Beineix

Powrie, Phil, Jean-Jacques Beineix. Manchester University Press, 2001. [YXP4.B35]

Luc Besson

Hayward, Susan. Luc Besson. Manchester University Press, 1998. [YXP4.B45]

Jean-Luc Godard

Bergala, Alain. Nul mieux que Godard. Paris : Cahiers du cinema, 1999. [YXP4.G6]

Cameron, Ian. The films of Jean-Luc Godard. London : Studio Vista, 1969. [YXP4.G6}

Collet, Jean. Jean Luc Godard. Paris : Seghers, 1963. [YXP4.G65]

Godard, Jean-Luc. Breathless / New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers U.P., 1987. [YXP4.G6]

Godard, Jean-Luc. Jean-Luc Godard / Paris : Cahiers du Cinema, 1985. [YXP4.G6]

Goodwin, Michael. Double feature : movies and politics / New York : Outerbridge, 1972. [YXPK <G>]

Loshitzky, Yosefa. The radical faces of Godard and Bertolucci. Detroit, Mich. : Wayne State U.P., 1995. [YXP4.G6 <L>]

Maccabe, Colin. Godard : images, sounds, politics. Macmillan, 1980. [YXP4.G6 <M>]

Roud, Richard. Jean-Luc Godard. Thames & Hudson, 1970. [YXP4.G6 <R>]

Temple, Michael. The cinema alone : essays on the work of Jean-Luc Godard, 1985-2000 / Amsterdam U.P., 2000. [YXP4.G6 <T>]

Louis Malle

Chapier, Henry. Louis Malle. Paris : Seghers, 1964. [YXP4.M25]

Malle, Louis. Lacombe Lucien / Paris : Gallimard, 1974.

Malle, Louis. Malle on Malle / London : Faber, 1993

Alain Resnais

Armes, Roy, The Films of Alain Robbe-Grillet. Amsterdam: John Benjamins BV, 1981.[YXP3f.Y]

Kreidl, John F., Alain Resnais. Twayne Publishers, 1977. [YXP4.R4]

Leutrat, Jean-Louis, L'année dernière à Marienbad / trans. by Paul Hammond. London : British Film Institute, 2000. [YXPA.A6]

Monaco, James, Alain Resnais. Secker & Warburg, 1978.[YXP4.R4]

Robbe-Grillet, Alain, L'Année dernière à Marienbad. Ciné-Roman. Editions de Minuit, 1961. [YXPA.A6]

François Truffaut

Gillain, Anne. François Truffaut : le secret perdu / Paris : Hatier, 1991.

Gillain, Anne. Les 400 coups: François Truffaut. Paris : Nathan, 1991.

Holmes, Diana & Ingram, Robert. François Truffaut. Manchester University Press, 1998. [YXP4.B45]

Insdorf, Annette. François Truffaut. Cambridge U.P., 1994.

Le Berre, Caroline. François Truffaut. Paris : Cahiers du Cinéma, 1993.

Neuhoff, Eric. Lettre ouverte à François Truffaut. Paris : Albin Michel, 1987.

Petrie, Graham. The cinema of François Truffaut. A.S. Barnes, 1970.

Truffaut, François. Aline Desjardins s'entretient avec François Truffaut / Paris : Ramsay, 1988.

Truffaut, François. Le cinéma selon François Truffaut / Paris : Flammarion, 1988.

François Truffaut et la série noire. Paris : Avant-Scène, 1987.

Last revised 18/5/05