Vote November 6! These are your Republican candidates, all pledged to work hard to restore and protect freedom and prosperity in Arizona and America. It’s your government. Find out more and get involved.

President/VP: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan / U.S. Senate: Jeff Flake / U.S. House: Vernon Parker
Get signs and bumper stickers
America's Comeback Team
More jobs, more take-home pay
Simpler, smarter government
Cut spending and lower our debt
Won't apologize for America
Will save Medicare
Will stop Obamacare / /

Representing AZ since 2001
Conservative Reform Leader
Cut spending, taxes, and debt
Drove the ban on earmarks
Will close the border
Will repeal Obamacare / /

Streamlined government and cut spending 30% as PV Mayor
Worked in both Bush admins
Strong 2nd Amendment rights
Tax relief for working families
Will repeal Obamacare
State Senate: John McComish / State Representative: Bob Robson / State Representative: Jeff Dial

Proven legislative leadership
Rein in spending, taxes, and unnecessary regulations
Attract/develop high-tech jobs
Job creation through business-friendly legislation / / Vote for Bob and Jeff

Long time business owner
Create private sector jobs
Reduce the tax burden
Enhance education infrastructure / / Vote for Bob and Jeff

U.S. Army Reserve veteran
Sponsored Arizona Jobs Bill
Stimulate Arizona’s economy
Enhance education standards
Corp. Commission: Susan Bitter Smith / Corp. Commission: Bob Burns / Corp. Commission: Bob Stump
/ Vote for Susan, Bob, and Bob

Served on CAP Water Board
Former City Councilwoman
Protecting ratepayers
Affordable, reliable utilities
Opposes Obama energy policy / / Vote for Susan, Bob, and Bob

Served in AZ House & Senate
Small business owner
Protecting ratepayers
Affordable, reliable utilities
Opposes Obama energy policy / / Vote for Susan, Bob, and Bob

Incumbent/Fmr AZ House Rep
Champion for the taxpayer
Protecting ratepayers
Affordable, reliable utilities
Opposes Obama energy policy
Maricopa County Supervisor: Denny Barney / Maricopa County Assessor: Keith Russell / Maricopa County Attorney: Bill Montgomery
Financial clarity
Higher standards, greater accountability & transparency
More efficient government
Create jobs, foster business relocation to our county/state / /
Small business owner
3rd generation native Arizonan
Arizona real estate 35+ years
Real estate valuation 25+ yrs
Improved accountability
Improved transparency / /

Tough on crime
Protecting Victims' rights
Defending our children
Defending our values
Unimpeachable integrity
Maricopa County Recorder: Helen Purcell / Maricopa County Sheriff: Joe Arpaio / Maricopa County Treasurer: Charles Hoskins
/ 602-252-3689
Years of service with integrity
Increased voter participation
through technology
First Recording Kiosks in US
Leading edge of Recorder technology, Internet usage, and digital documentation / /
Enforces all our laws while saving taxpayers money
Reduced recidivism with inmate drug/alcohol treatment/education programs
Started America's only jailhouse high school
Illegal immigration is a crime / /

Air Force combat veteran
Years of service with integrity
Accountable to the people
Cut costs with tech innovations
Saved taxpayers $1 million in school debt funding in FY2011
Saved $50mn interest earnings

Paid for by the Legislative District 18 Republican Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. The Legislative District 18 Republican Committee, or LD18 GOP

(Committee ID: 201200588) is an Arizona political organization formally affiliated with the Arizona Republican Party as its district committee organized pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-823.

Recommendations on the Ballot Propositions
A committee of LD18 Precinct Committeemen has prepared the following recommendations on the ballot initiatives. More information, including full text of each proposition and arguments for/against each, is available online at election/2012/general/BallotMeasurePage.htm
The Crime Victims Protection Act of 2012 amends the Constitution so that crime victims and their families could not be sued by, and have to pay damages to, someone who was harmed while attempting to victimize them; e.g., a burglar who slips and breaks his leg in your home while attempting to steal your TV. This proposition will protect crime victims from being sued by felons. / PROPOSITION 115 (YOU DECIDE)
For more information, see:
PRO: Prop 115 would reduce the influence of the State Bar in judge appointments, increase the pool of candidates for each appointment, and – most critically – require publishing judges' orders so voters can make informed decisions on retention.
CON: Prop 115 increases the power of the Governor and could make appointments even more political than they are. The term increase is meaningless, as our current system virtually ensures that judges are appointed for life.
The Small Business Job Creation Act would increase the tax exemption of business property purchased each year, starting in 2013, from $68,000 to $2.4 million. This tremendous expansion in tax exemptions will incentivize small businesses to expand, invest in new equipment, and hire more workers. This is expected to spur economic growth across the state. / PROPOSITION 117 (NO)
This complicated proposal makes it look like property taxes would be capped at no more than 5% per year for assessment purposes; however, its main proponent, the Arizona Tax Research Association (ATRA), acknowledges that this will NOT reduce property taxes. This will end up shifting taxes to residential property from commercial property, according to your County Treasurer and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
This proposition will allow the state to spend 2.5% of the principal of the state trust fund every year for the next 8 years, then return to the old formula. The state land trust produces revenue for various public institutions including schools, colleges, and prisons. According to State Treasurer Doug Ducey, the new formula would provide more stable revenues to all beneficiaries of the fund. / PROPOSITION 119 (YES) – See
This Proposition amends the Arizona Constitution to allow state trust land exchanges that would provide a buffer for military installations. Would also allow exchanges to convert the land to public use or if the swap would improve land management, to help sell or lease trust lands. The Arizona Supreme Court determined in 1990 that until the Constitution is amended, the state can no longer engage in land exchanges.
This is NOT a "secession" or "nullification" initiative as opponents pretend. It is a re-establishment of land rights. The U.S. government controls 42% of Arizona's land. The State Sovereignty Proposition amends the Arizona Constitution to declare that the state has complete control over its land, air, water, wildlife and natural resources. Tribal reservations and lands specifically ceded to the federal government within Arizona (e.g., national parks) are exempt. / PROPOSITION 121 (NO) – See
As demonstrated by outcomes in every state that has "Top Two Open Primaries," this initiative will do exactly the opposite of what its pushers promise. "Open primaries" depress voter turnout, make the playing field less level for all voters and candidates, and increase the influence of out-of-state money in elections. And the promise of abolishing taxpayer-funded partisan primaries? Taxpayers will still fund the so-called open primaries. They just won't be called "partisan primaries" anymore.
Remember the "temporary" sales tax that passed in a special election in 2010? This so-called "Quality Education and Jobs Act" just makes that tax permanent. Proposition 204 is not an education reform bill; it's a special interest lobbyist's dream come true, paid for out of your pocket. Even teachers don't like it! The initiative commits our state to spend a billion dollars a year on twelve different special interest areas (including health care and light rail!) with NO oversight, NO actual reform, and NO guaranteed dollars in the classroom. And because it amends the State Constitution, Proposition 204 makes it impossible for the legislature ever to reduce the tax or cut the billion-dollar boondoggle. Proposition 118 provides a better way to fund education and public safety without raiding your wallet. In contrast, Proposition 204 is just another job-killing tax hike – one of the most egregious ever, making retail business more expensive in the state with the second highest sales tax in America.
On the Judges Up for Retention
Judges are appointed by the Governor, but you get to decide on retention -- whether they will keep their jobs or face a recall election.
You will be voting on the following judges:
·  Supreme Court: John Pelander
·  Appeals Court, District 1: Margaret Downie, Donn Kessler, Patricia Norris, Maurice Portley, Peter Swann
·  Maricopa County Superior Court: Many judges! Please see the first Web link below if you'd like to research them individually.
We recommend a NO vote on Supreme Court Justice John Pelander. In the face of overwhelming evidence of fraudulent signatures collected for Proposition 121 including thousands submitted by a convicted forger, and outright admission by its proponents that they made no effort to verify the signatures they submitted (and even notarized petitions that were not signed by their circulators!), Justice Pelander still joined in the decision denying time for full presentation of the evidence (the total time allowed was two hours) and placing the initiative on the ballot – despite the Maricopa County Recorder's finding that 33% of the initiative's signatures were invalid.
We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that ALL of your Appeals Court Justices currently up for retention were appointed by Janet Napolitano.
Do you wish you had more information to make your decisions on judge retention? If so, you may want to vote YES on Proposition 115.
More information on the judges, including biographies and decisions, is available at the following Web sites:,_Arizona