MicroVib II Sample Screens

Live Balance (polar) Plot
·  Live display of vibration due to imbalance
·  Graphically depicts balance move lines
·  Overlays previous runs and history
·  Easy to read RPM, Magnitude and Phase
·  Shows current task, group and inputs
·  Live battery level indicator /
Solution And Verification Display
·  Displays current Vibration level
·  Provides suggested adjustments (solution)
·  Single or Split adjustments
·  Shows current task, group and inputs
·  Live battery level indicator /
Balance History Display
·  View Plot screen shows polar plot
·  Single key press computes move line check
·  View List shows all balance history runs
·  Run detail box shows Date, Time and Changes
·  Shows current task, group and inputs
·  Live battery level indicator /
Tach Ratio Display
·  Display of Tach Speed in percent
·  Display of Input and 100% speeds
·  Shows current task, group and inputs
·  Live Battery Level Indicator /
Strobe Tracking Display
·  Displays blade height from strobe tracking
·  Displays peak-to-peak track and rotor RPM
·  Shows current task, group and inputs
·  Live battery level indicator /
Optical Tracking Display
·  Displays blade height from optical tracker
·  Displays peak-to-peak track and rotor RPM
·  Displays blade lead / lag from optical tracker
·  Shows current task, group and inputs
·  Live battery level indicator /
Spectrum Display Plots
·  Graphic display of FFT Spectrum
·  Normal, Peak Locate, Harmonic and Move Harmonic Cursor modes
·  RMS, Peak, Peak to Peak, Average and dB display units
·  Linear and Log displays
·  Shows current task, group and inputs
·  Live Battery Level Indicator /

Waveform Display Plot
·  Graphic display of Time Waveform
·  Normal and Delta Cursor modes
·  Shows current task, group and inputs
·  Live Battery Level Indicator /
Scan Mode Display Plots
·  Overall Scan
·  True Peak Hold
·  True RMS Scan /