January 25, 2011

Present: Director Tony Cicerelli, Director Richard Martin, Fire Chief Jeff Dorhauer, Deputy Chief Terry Paul, Fire Marshal Ed Nicholson, Captain Michael Bohrn, Engineer Mike Oakes, Firefighter Brad Smith, Firefighter Nate Coppock, Attorney Jon Kaltenbronn

Director Cicerelli called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.

Consent Agenda:

Director Martin made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Approved. Motion passed.

Old Business:

There was no Old Business discussed.

New Business:

Deputy Chief Paul requested approval to send one person to Winter Fire School. This was budgeted for four people but only one will be attending. He also requested approval for three people to attend the Fire Department Instructors Conference. The Board questioned lodging expense and requested more lead time in the future to consider and prepare for this expense. Director Martin made a motion to approve the travel/training requests. Approved. Motion passed.

Chief Dorhauer presented year-end statistics as contained in the Board packets.

Chief Dorhauer announced that MODOT bids are still open and requested approval to purchase a 2011 Ford Escape 4 x 4 at a cost of $20,489.00, stating this purchase is within the budget approved by the Board for 2011. Director Martin made a motion to approve the purchase of the 2011 Ford Escape to replace the current Fire Marshall vehicle. Approved. Motion passed.

Chief Dorhauer requested Board approval of the 2010 Final Budget adjustments and the 2011 resulting Budget changes. Director Martin made a motion to approve the 2010 and 2011 Budget adjustments. Approved. Motion passed.

There was a discussion of the projected Front Office remodel. The Board requested that suggestions be brought forward and this project be put on hold in order to research various options. There was also discussion of improvements to the parking area. This item was also postponed for further research.

Osage Beach Fire Protection District

Meeting Minutes

January 25, 2011

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Deputy Chief Paul’s Report was accepted as presented.

The Captain’s Report was accepted as presented by Captain Blankenbeker.

Fire Marshal Nicholson’s Report was accepted as presented. Chief Nicholson also reported that Ameren will host and pay for a Dock Wiring Seminar to be held in April.

There were no further reports.

Roll call vote to adjourn to Executive Session at 4:40 p.m.: Director Cicerelli – yes; Director Martin – yes.

Regular Meeting reconvened at 5:00 p.m.

Director Cicerelli reported from Executive Session a revision to the attorney contract with Jon Kaltenbronn. A check will be issued when the contract is executed.

Director Cicerelli announced the drafting of a letter to Captain Michael Bohrn pursuant to setting up meetings to begin negotiation of the contract with Local 3987 which expires the end of 2011.

Meeting adjourned at 5:04 p.m.

Next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors is Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. for the purpose of executing payments for Station 2 construction.

Approved by:


Date: ______

Prepared by: Judy M. de Kanter