Model 2.4
Faculty member + student

Course syllabusforNetworks Protocols (NET 323D)

1. Faculty memberinformation:

Name of faculty member responsible for the course


Office Hours

Sun( 12:00 – 2:00) – Tue ( 12:00 – 2:00) – Thu ( 12:00 – 2:00)

Office Number



2- Courseoverviewand general information:
College / Department

College of Computer and Information Sciences, Networks Department


Networks Protocols(NET 323D)

Number of credit hours


Programorprogramsthat offerthis course

Bachelor in Networking


Level5 - 3thYear

Prerequisites for this course (if any)

NET 221D

Currentrequirementsfor thiscourse (ifany)


Site(to be givenif notinside themain building of theinstitution)

Main Campus

3- Objectives of the course:

  1. Understand the network protocols and standards used by various entities in an end-to-end Internet connection.
  2. Understand routing protocols.
  3. Understand the mechanism for Process-to-Process delivery using TCP and UDP


Assessment methods / Intended learning outcomes / Activity / Topic / Date / Week
Knowing what they will take during the semester / Discuses with the student course objectives / Course Description and Syllabus / 8/11/1436
23/8/2015 / 1
Homework / what is the protocol and TCP/IP layer / Discuses
Worksheet / Introduction Protocols and Layers / 15/11/1436
30/8/2015 / 2
Summary a research paper / Understand the addressing / Discuses
Worksheet / Classfull addressing, classless addressing, and Subnetting / 22/11/1436
6/9 /2015 / 3-4
Lab assignment / Describes the delivery, forwarding, and routing of IP packets to their final
destinations. / Discuses
Worksheet / Routing protocols: RIP, OSPF, and BGP / 21/12/1436
27/9/2015 / 5-6
Mid#1 / Understand the main functions of ARP and RARP / Discuses
Worksheet / Address resolution ARP and RARP / 12/1/1437
11/10/2015 / 7-8
Homework / Understand the main functionality of IP / Discussion
Worksheet / IP protocol (IP) / 26/1/1437
25/10/2015 / 9-10
Mid#2 / Know the main functions of UDP / Discuses
Worksheet / User Datagram Protocol (UDP) / 11/2/1437
8/11/2015 / 11-12
Project / Know the main functions of TCP / Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) / 25/2/1437
22/11/2015 / 13-14

5. Books and references:

  • "TCP/IP guide ", by Charles M.Kozierok, McGraw Hill, 2005or the Latest Edition
  • “Data Communication and Networking", byBehrouzAForouzan, McGraw Hill, 2006 or the Latest Edition.
  • "Computer Networks", byTanenbaum, Prentice-Hall, The Latest Edition.

6. Assessment methods and the division of grades:

Day/ Date / Percentage fromoverallgrade / Grade / AssessmentWeek / Assessmentmethod
(Write an essay-test-a collective project-a final test...)
Thursday – 1/10/2015 / 2.5% / 2.5 / 5 / Quiz # 1
5/11/2015 / 2.5% / 2.5 / 10 / Quiz # 2
22/10/2015 / 15% / 15 / 8 / Midterm # 1
Thursday –19/11/2015 / 15% / 15 / 12 / Midterm # 2
TBA / 10% / 10 / 3, 5, 8, 10,12 / Lab assignments
- / 5% / 5 / Weekly / Lab work
TBA / 10% / 10 / 13 , 14 / Final lab
- / 40% / 40 / - / Final Exam

7. Instructions (if any):

  • In case of any changes to the above schedule, you will be informed.
  • No late submissions at all.
  • Copying from another student will result in a ZERO mark for all involved students.
  • A make-up midterm will be permitted for students with an approved sick leave which should be submitted no later than one week after the midterm

Attendance and Absence Policy:

عدد ساعات الاتصال للمقرر / الإنذار الأول 10% / الإنذار الثاني 20% / الإنذار الثالث 25%
أربع ساعات أسبوعياً / 6 أو أكثر / 12 أو أكثر / 15 أو أكثر
1 / عمادة ضمان الجودة والاعتماد الأكاديمي 1435هـ م. البابطين