CIED 7603

P-12 Practicum Learning Module Plan (PPLM Plan)

1.0Develop Project Proposal

I will conduct a 2-3 week Pre-Algebra module on a class of five 7th graders. These students attend WildwoodChristianAcademy in Marble Hill, GA. The teacher agreeing to this project is Mrs. Leslie Head. The Head of School, Lyn Cates, and owner of the school, Larry Ruff, has agreed to allow me to use these students to participate in my project. Mrs. Head asked me to cover Chapter 2, Number Theory and Algebraic Reasoning, starting with section 4 on Prime Factorization. Most likely this will take the entire 2-3 weeks. However, in the case that we complete it early, she has agreed to let me continue on to Chapter 3. I plan to use a wiki on PBWorks for all information pertaining to the module. I will use WiZiQ to conduct 2-3 live classroom meetings and online quizzes. The pre-test and mid-chapter quiz will be conducted via a Survey Monkey survey. However, the end-of-chapter test will be on paper and administered by Mrs. Head via her request. DimDim will be available if a student needs to meet me individually. The students will complete their work for me while in their normal class which meets each day from 12:15-1:00pm. I will hold live classroom meetings during this time. My module will be designed for the students to submit any necessary work for me during their normal class time in the case they do not have access to internet from home. School email is being created for these five students so as to respect privacy.

1.1Describe Audience

I will conduct a 2-3 week Pre-Algebra module on a class of five 7th graders. These students attend WildwoodChristianAcademy in Marble Hill, GA. Teacher has expressed to me that these students are very tech savvy and advanced overall. This small group of students is self-motivated. There are no special needs for this group of students. However, the teacher has expressed that the girls tend to be more analytical and take their time while the boys in the class are much faster and tech-savvy. I will keep this in mind while designing each lesson by providing extra credit online gaming options. This will entice the faster learners to learn more without the boredom of routine work. Videos will be available to those students who need extra help while completing their assignments.

1.2List Project Goals

  • Cover Chapter 2, Number Theory and Algebraic Reasoning, starting with section 4 on Prime Factorization.
  • Complete 1 quiz and 1 chapter test
  • Complete 1 pre-test
  • Complete 1 post-test (end-of-chapter test)
  • Introduce students and administration to an effective way to teach and learn online

1.2.1Conduct Needs Assessment Determine Actual Cognitive/Affective/Motor Skill Level

  • Conduct a pre-test and survey via in person to determine level of cognitive/affective/motor skill
  • This test will includes questions relating to the material the module will cover, as well as survey-type questions regarding their experience with online education and technology Compare Actual to Optimal Levels

I found from the pre-test that students are definitely ready for the material I will cover. They know some of it, but not all of it. They know the basic computer skills required for the successful completion of the module. Select Goals within Scope of Instructional Design

  • All of the goals listed above should be achieved within the time constraints
  • Resources are available (school is currently assigning these 5 students email addresses to accommodate my requirements)
  • Computer lab will be available to them for the entire 3-week period during their regular class time
  • Teacher has agreed to monitor students while in computer lab and assist in any technology help they may need in person Refine Goals

Only one student expressed that she didn’t feel comfortable attaching documents to an email. I sent her an email privately giving her instructions on how to do so. I also reassured her that she can contact me if she has trouble in any way. It seems that my goals do not particularly need to be refined, as the students are ready for the subjects that will be covered.

2.1 Analyze Learners

2.1.1 Analyze General Characteristics

These 5 students come from the same socioeconomic level. There are no cultural differences that should affect the outcome of the module. The ages and grade level are the same.

2.1.2 Analyze Specific Entry Competencies

After speaking with the teacher, these students will all be on the same track. Since this is a regular classroom, they are on the same schedule.

2.1.3 Analyze Learning Styles

These students attend a private school. I have substituted at this school and taught these actual students on several occasions. They are very self-motivated and love to work on an individual basis. They are well disciplined and adapt to most any assignment given. From what the teacher has told me, they are very excited to try this new challenge. Since they are in a private-school environment, they haven’t been exposed to some of the technologies that public schools have access to. Given this, they look forward to a new experience learning math. Because this is a small group, they are very close and work well with each other.

There are three girls and two boys in this group. The teacher expressed they learn fine in either the computer lab setting or the classroom.

2.2 State Standards and Objectives

2.2.1 State Standards Identify NETS for Students (NETS-S)

  • NETS-S-1, a, b, c and d
  • NETS-S-2, a, b and d
  • NETS-S-3, a, b, c and d
  • NETS-S-4, a, b, c and d
  • NETS-S-5, a, b, c and d
  • NETS-S-6, a, b, c and d Identify appropriate GPS (or QCC)

  • M7A1. Students will represent and evaluate quantities using algebraic expressions.
  • M7A2. Students will understand and apply linear equations in one variable.
  • M7D1. Students will pose questions, collect data, represent and analyze the data, and interpret results.
  • M7P1. Students will solve problems (using appropriate technology).
  • M7P2. Students will reason and evaluate mathematical arguments.
  • M7P3. Students will communicate mathematically.
  • M7P4. Students will make connections among mathematical ideas and to other disciplines.
  • M7P5. Students will represent mathematics in multiple ways.

2.2.2 State Objectives

The seventh grade Pre-Algebra students will be able to:

  • Complete the prime factorization of a given integer.
  • Find the greatest common factor between two or more integers.
  • Find the least common multiple between two or more integers.
  • Evaluate an algebraic expression for a given variable.
  • Translate words into math.
  • Combine like terms in an algebraic expression
  • Determine whether a given number is a solution to an equation.
  • Solve equations by addition or subtraction with one variable.
  • Solve equations by multiplying or dividing with one variable.
  • Apply concepts learned to real-world applications through problem solving.
  • Complete and submit assignments to instructor during class-time if no access to internet is provided at home.

2.3 Select Strategies, Technology, Media, and Materials

I plan to use online references such as Teacher Tube for some video lessons. Other references non-video based will be provided in the wiki, such as Purple Math and others. All information students need will be provided in the class wiki I am creating. Students are each assigned access to the wiki and will be required to comment on weekly postings. Self-assessment quizzes will be completed through WiZiQ. One graded quiz and one end-of-chapter test will be administered by the teacher, Mrs. Head, per her request. I plan to meet online live with the class at least once per week on WiZiQ.

2.4 Utilize Technology, Media and Materials

Materials will be posted to the class wiki

Learners are being prepared by teacher

Parents are going to be informed of the plan on Parent night next week

Learners will be provided complete explanation of how the module will be conducted on September 14th. I will attend the school to let them know what to expect.

2.5 Require Learner Participation

Observable - Learners will be required to submit selected book problems by ending of each week. A mid-chapter quiz and an end of the chapter test will be administered via paper and submitted to me for grading. Both will be proctored by the teacher. Discussion questions will be posted on the wiki for students to comment on. At least once during the module I plan to meet live and involve each student in online problem practice, most likely right before the chapter test. Self-assessment quizzes will be available to students daily for each section on WiZiQ. These will be non-graded, but viewable to me.

Unobservable – Online gaming will be provided on certain sections for students to practice. Also, even problems will be assigned to encourage students to check their own answers as they go. These will not be submitted to me.

2.6 Evaluate and Revise

Pre and post tests will be given. During the module, I will be assessing as they submit assignments, post on wiki, and take the mid-chapter quiz. Notes will be taken on how well the module is going and if any adjustments need to be made before the ending of the period.

2.6.1 Assessing Learner Achievement

This section will be completed during the learning module.

 Pre-Assessment

Pre-test will be given to determine exactly where focus needs to be during the module. It will consist of 10 subject matter questions and 5 questions regarding their technology experience and comfort level. This will help me make any adjustments necessary to accommodate the students who do not feel comfortable with the online environment.

 Post Assessment

The post-test will be much more detailed than the pre-test. The teacher has asked to work with me on the post-test, which will be the end-of-chapter test. I plan to include 5 survey-type questions on how they feel the module went and if they would have liked to see anything done differently.

 Impact on P-12 Learning Data

 Recording Learner Data

To be completed during the module.

 Impact on P-12 Learning Report

To be completed during/after module.

2.6.2 Evaluating and Revising Strategies, Technology, and Media

To be completed during/after module.