Name Class



Listening (Test CD, Track 08)

1 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zdecyduj, czy zdania są zgodne z jego treścią (T – true), czy nie (F – false), czy informacja nie została podana (NM – not mentioned).

1 Helen’s parents have stopped watching TV for a year. / T/F/NM
2 Helen’s baby sister has never
watched TV. / T/F/NM
3 Helen usually spends three or four
hours every evening watching TV. / T/F/NM
4 Not watching TV got harder and harder for Helen. / T/F/NM
5 The family did an outdoor activity. / T/F/NM
6 Helen prefers having meals at the table to having meals in front of the TV. / T/F/NM



2 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto sześć zdań. Uzupełnij luki (1–6) zdaniami (A–G). Jedno zdanie nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

Say What You Mean

Are you a good speaker? (1) __ I’m talking about your own. Can you express yourself well? Can you put your thoughts into words clearly? (2) __ Do you use a lot of different vocabulary when you speak? Teachers at school concentrate on helping students to write clearly, but some experts think that they need to give more time to speaking too.

(3) __ They often say that young people use too many slang expressions and repeat simple words again and again. (4) __ Language doesn’t stand still. It is always changing and every generation of teenagers invents new expressions that eventually become part of our language. Sometimes, however, people use the same phrases over and over again because they don’t practise speaking at school. (5) __ Today, teachers want to give more lessons where students learn how to give talks, summarise a situation and say things in different ways. All of these speaking skills are more useful for students when they get a job in the future. (6)__ Teachers often want students to do things in a foreign language that they can’t do in their own. That has to be wrong, hasn’t it!

A The first idea is not true.

B Students learn new vocabulary and study grammar rules, but this is usually done to strengthen their writing skills.

C Older people often don’t understand what young people are saying.

D As well as this, practising how to speak your own language well will help a lot when you learn another language.

E I’m not talking about speaking a foreign language.

F Adults of every generation think that teenagers don’t express themselves well.

G Can you give a presentation that other people can understand easily?


Use of English

3 Uzupełnij minidialogi, wybierając brakującą wypowiedź jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 X: Shall we go to McDonald’s?

Y: __

X: Me neither, actually.

A Good idea.

B I like fast food a lot.

C But I’m not very fond of fast food.

2 X: I really like Robert de Niro.

Y: __

X: It was really good.

A What is your favourite film?

B What do you think of his last film?

C What about you?

3 X: What about the quality of the video for theproject?

Y: __

X: Great. I’m really glad it’s OK.

A It’s not as good as we want it to be.

B It’s worse than I thought.

C It’s good enough.

4 X: Sorry but I’m really busy this afternoon.

Y: __

X: I’m collecting money for the poor.

A What are you doing?

B What did you do?

C What do you do?

5 X: Why were you late for the exam?

Y: __

A My mum was taking the wrong turn and we were getting lost.

B My mum took the wrong turn and we got lost.

C My mum was taking the wrong turn and we got lost.



4 Uzupełnij dialog podanymi czasownikami w odpowiedniej formie.

A: Hi Lucy! Why (1) ______(you wait) here? The bus (2) ______(leave) five minutes ago.

B: I (3) ______(not wait) for the bus. My mum (4) ______(phone) me while I(5)______(return) a book at thelibrary. She wants (6) ______(meet) me here. What (7) ______(you do) here anyway?

A: I (8) ______(look) for Tom. We (9)______(play) tennis every Wednesday at this time but he isn’t at the court.

B: I think I (10) ______(see) him in the art room. He (11) ______(help) Mr Knox tidy up.

A: Thanks Lucy. Look! Here’s your mum.


5 Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie zdań.

1 Did you read/Have you read that book I lent you yet?

2 I have finished/finished doing my homework and now I can go out.

3 John, can you repeat what I just said/’ve just said.

4 Why is your bag lying/does your bag lie in the middle of the room? Could you put it somewhere else, please?

5 The ball hit/was hitting me in the face when
I was playing/played volleyball.



6 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi słowami wodpowiedniej formie.

1 There was a lot of ______(CORRECT) information in the news report, so people complained about it to the TV station.

2 After a long ______(DISCUSS), they decided to buy the blue paint.

3 Firemen carry a lot of ______(EQUIP)
on their fire engines.

4 I can’t see any ______(DIFFER) between the two jackets.

5 A dangerous ______(MURDER) has been arrested this week.


7 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami.

1 Some people prefer being ______and not married, because they can do what they want.

2 It can be good to be a(n)______child, because small families can afford more things.

3 I once read an unofficial ______of Harry Potter from English to Portuguese. It was absolute rubbish!

4 My nephew is a ______. He was only born a month ago.

5 ______is the period between childhood and being an adult.
